![]() AcceptanceA Chapter by Velia J. MatthewsChapter Four Acceptance
Opening the small journal, a musky scent filled my nostrils. The paper was thin scritta paper, the pages holding a light-yellow hue due to age. Every page was handwritten in swirls of splotchy ink. The first page lied a passage, it read; “In this journal lies the st'ries of our
kin, only those with the blood of the king may readeth the st'ries yond art did
hold within” As I began to read I couldn’t make sense of
why my father held onto such a book, the handwriting continuously was changing
from one person to the next. There lied stories upon stories of other demons
and the demons in which they had met or defeated, some were gruesome, where
others were simply just ramblings. After hours
of reading, I was nearing the end of the journal. The handwriting had once
again changed, but I recognized this handwriting, it was my fathers. The date
was set back twenty-five years ago, yet the book had already aged the pages as
if they had been there for as long as the others. As I looked at the scrawled
ink that bled across the thin pages, I felt a sense of unease. I knew without a
doubt my father was not human. After all he’s written in this book from the
previous owner, whom I am to assume to be my grandfather. Abruptly, a
loud knock resounded through the house, cautiously I stared at the door, hoping
that whomever it was would leave. But the knocking persisted, wrapping myself
up with the blanket once more, I gently placed the journal back in to the box
hiding it underneath the couch. Opening the door slowly, I peeked out to see
Celeste breathing heavily on my doorsteps, her normally perfect hair was a
complete mess. If it wasn’t for her upset expression I would have laughed at
the sight. “Celeste, what’s wrong?” with this she merely hugged me in
response, she gripped me so fiercely I felt as if she were going to break me. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” As she pulled away from me I
could see there were tears in her sapphire eyes. After much reassuring, I was
able to bring her inside without her fussing over my health. Having made us
both a cup of tea I returned to the living to find a much more cheerful and
composed Celeste. “So, why were you so upset?” I tried not to prod too deeply
into her personal affairs, but I had never seen her so visibly upset before.
With this Celeste simply sighed and slumped her shoulders, she explained that
she had been worried due to me not attending classes, admittedly this was out
of my norm. I quickly thought up a lie of how I had gotten sick, so I had been
bed ridden until the virus was gone, skeptic at first, with much persistence I
was able to convince her of this. I felt terrible for lying to her, but how was
I to explain to her all the things that have happened these past few days. That
somehow there were demonic creatures chasing me, that my father is a demon. Not
just any demon, he’s the prince of the Underworld. How was I to explain to her,
that my world has been turned completely upside down? With the big question of my
“disappearance” taken care of, we had begun to idly discuss the variety of
gossip that occurred at school in my absence. A sudden knock on the door halted
our conversation, leaving Celeste behind in the living room, I headed for the
main hall. Placing my hand on the knob, I had just begun to open the door when
it was forcibly pushed open, the brute shove causing me to stumble backwards.
Standing there were two people I’d hoped to never see again. Abraxus, his green
hair swaying in the light breeze, his grey eyes piercing me behind his glasses.
Then Pazuzu who was the one who had pushed open the door, he was smiling down
at me his brown hair ruffled from the breeze. “I told you
we’d find her here!” Pazuzu exclaimed excitedly, with this he placed a gentle
hand on top of my head ruffling my hair, on instinct I swatted his hand away,
producing a light laugh from Abraxus. “Seems like
we’ve finally found our little mouse, you hurt my feelings running off like
that, y’know.” As he spoke he calmly walked towards me. With ragged breath,
Celeste rushed around the corner to see what the fuss was about. In that instance
Abraxus and Pazuzu’s faces grew malicious, looking over at Celeste I could see
an angry scowl on her face. “Why is one
of them here” Abraxus spat out the words with clear displeasure,
although Pazuzu said nothing his expression showed that he felt the same. “What is
going on here, why are you here in the first place?!” I grew angry at their
clear disrespect towards Celestia who seem surprisingly unbothered by their
hatred. Abraxus turned his cold gaze towards me, a deep scowl on his face. “Do you realize what she is?!” his voice deep as if he were
containing a deep rage. Frightened I began to back away from them. Without
hesitation, Celeste stepped forward. “You have no business here. You should leave before things
escalate.” She spoke calmly but there was something behind her words. With this
Pazuzu stepped forward, placing himself directly at eye level with Celeste, he
smiled. But it wasn’t his normal goofy grin, it was mocking, almost as if she
were his prey. “Why don’t you tell Nora. What you
are. I don’t think she would think too highly of you if she knew what it is you
do.” With his words Celeste clenched her fists, her lips set into a thin line.
Confused, I began to look between the two. What does he mean “who she is”? I pushed
between the two, looking directly into Celeste’s eyes, but she cast her eyes
away from mine. “What does he mean.” I asked her as calmly as I could
manage, but she just shook her head, running her fingers through her long
blonde hair with frustration. “Nora. It doesn’t matter, okay? None of this matter just
forget about it. I should get going.” With these final words Celeste made her
way to the door. “You’re just going to let her walk
away? How weak are you!?” Feeling a wave of dizziness, my world began to spin.
Groping for a support, I felt myself slipping through my subconscious. My
breath ragged and knees weak, I fell only to be caught by Pazuzu who had been
standing idly nearby. “If you won’t get answers for us,
then I’ll get them!” With this I felt one final shove against
subconscious, my vision began to become blurry, the last thing I saw was
Celeste running towards me, then it all went black. ************************** (Point of View of Pazuzu) Holding Nora
in my arms, she simply laid there motionless, the blonde woman was trying to
get to her, but Abraxus held her back. “What happened to her?!” The blonde
girl screamed at me, as if I had the answers, I simply glared at her careful
not to drop Nora. During the chaos, a small laugh came from below. As I looked
down I could see Nora smiling, but her smile held something dark and menacing. “Oh well isn’t this interesting.” As
she spoke her voice was noticeably deeper, it held a bit of a sultry tone.
Slowly she began to stand up, all of us passed wary glances to one another. At
her full height, I noticed her demeanor had changed, there was something
powerful about her aura, she stood with full confidence in her own abilities, a
small smile on her face. She slowly began to look over her body, as if she were
seeing herself for the first time. “Nora?” The girl was the first to
speak up, Nora looked at her, her smile not once wavering. “Ah yes, you.” With a cluck of her
tongue, she bore an annoyed glare towards the blonde. “Someone’s, keeping secrets.” As she
spoke, she idly made her way to the blonde. “Your name…. right…Celeste?”
Celeste’s eyes darted to me, seething with rage. “What did you do to her?!” with her
exclamation, Nora placed a hand to her head, her eyes wincing in pain. “Quiet, you imbecile!” Nora
immediately silenced Celeste. Nora closed her eyes and slowly inhaled as if she
were under a great deal of stress. After a few moments, she slowly opened her
eyes, her sultry smile set perfectly into place. Turning back towards Celestia,
she clapped her hands. “So, listen closely everyone, cause
I’m only going to say this once, yes?” she spoke in a cheery sing song voice,
Abraxus who hadn’t said a word simply glared at her. “I am Nora. But there is one little
difference.” With this we all held our breath to hear what she had to say next,
but instead of speaking any further she began to walk towards me, placing her
index finger underneath my chin. Not completely against her touch, I was still
confused. “You, you’re the one who caught me
right? Thanks mutt.” With this she simply grinned at me and tapped her index
finger on my nose. Abruptly Abraxus grabbed Nora’s wrist pulling her away from
me, with this she simply laughed as if she were thoroughly enjoying herself. “You’re not Nora.” The statement
seemed to have struck a nerve, for her expression darkened, a fierce look in
her green eyes. Having had enough of the games, she violently pushed Abraxus
away from her, causing him to slam roughly into the door. “No, you waste of space, I am Nora. I’m her demonic
side. I’m sure you’re all aware, I’m a half breed. Well, take a good look.”
With this Celeste glowered “You see, I’ve been locked away, for a very long
time.” With a pout she glanced at me through her thick lashes. “Do you realize how lonely it is to be on the inside,
trapped, always observing, but never truly existing. Do you know what if feels
like, to watch this pathetic host waste our life away?” As she spoke,
the air in the room grew tense, almost suffocating. Suddenly, Nora grabbed
Celestia by her wrist abruptly bringing her arm back causing Celeste to fall to
her knees. “Tell me who you are! You’re a worthless human, I can
smell the awful stench.” Nora spoke in a low growl a crimson red color taking
over her green eyes. Abraxus and I attempted to pull Nora from Celeste, but
with a flick of her wrist, a blunt force threw Abraxus and I against the
banister, splinters of wood scattering the floor. “No interruptions!” she fiercely screamed. Turning
back to Celestia, she once again began adding pressure, immediately followed by
a loud crack that echoed through the hall. With a fierce scream, Celeste
fell to her knees. Her wrist thoroughly broken, Nora began to reach for her
neck. “You dare disobey me?! Answer me!” with a fierce growl
Celeste spoke through gritted teeth. “I’m a demon hunter, I was paid to kill you!” With
Celeste’s confession Nora tossed her to the ground releasing her hold on her
neck. A cold smile on her face, she stood there looking completely satisfied
with herself. “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” with this she
laughed while Celeste laid breathless on the floor. Just then a low laugh
rumbled throughout the house, Nora looking just as surprised as us, whipped
around towards the open door. “Well this, was indeed worth the trip.” The mysterious
man had a low voice that was laced with malice. As Abraxus and I brushed
ourselves off we quickly readied ourselves for a fight. Another powerful aura
swarmed the house mixing with Nora’s. “Who the hell are you?!” I called out to him, but he
simply stood there his silhouette hidden by the shadows. A small gasp
distracted us from the man, Nora was knelt to the ground grasping her head with
both hands. She began to hysterically sob but no tears were to be seen. “What’s happening?!” Nora called out between her
ragged breaths, I quickly ran to her side, with a shaky hand, she did her best
to push me aside. I could hear footsteps approaching, looking up I could see
the strange man perfectly. He had deep red hair that was held in a long
ponytail down his back, a streak of silver laid in the front following
downward. He had sharp grey eyes, that showed he feared no man nor demon. “Who are you?” Abraxus stood head to head with the
man, his hands clenched into fists. With this he merely smiled at Abraxus,
before any of us could get an answer Nora began gripping my arm, her nails
biting into my skin. She began whispering quietly to herself, as I listened
more closely I only managed to hear one small sentence. With a childlike
voice, she raised her deep crimson eyes to me, tears streamed her porcelain
face. Her once haughty smile replaced with innocence. “Please, I
don’t want to go back…” with one last sob her body went limp as she fell
into a deep slumber. ****************************** (Point of View of Nora) Lost in my subconscious, I once again stood before the same
mirror. I remembered everything, from the moment she pushed me out. Seeing from
her perspective, I could feel the pleasure as she brought Celeste to her knees,
smell the scent of freshly splintered wood. Everything. I felt, saw, and heard
everything. Celeste. Remembering her betrayal sent a sharp pain to my heart.
Were all these years of friendship, a lie? A mixture of emotions coursed
through me. Staring into the mirror before me, I could easily see the world as
she saw it. I was a spectator of my own life, trapped in my own mind. My
fingers tingled on the hand that had just moments before been around Celeste’s
throat. As if something was pulling me back, I could hear a loud scream echo
throughout the darkness, a violent pain filled my body, grasping my head with
both hands I fell to the floor, my eyes squeezed tightly shut. I felt as if I
were sinking. Looking back into the mirror I saw the other “Nora” there, I
scrambled towards the mirror. She didn’t look like before, this time she looked
exhausted, her beautiful eyes had dark shadows underneath and her hair was in
messy disarray. “Nora.” She was breathing heavy when
she called my name, her eyes lacking the fierceness of before. “Nora, I’m sorry. But, this is what
we are. You and I…” slowly she reached her hand out to me through the mirror,
but the fear I felt from the first time she had done this, was nowhere to be
found. Slowly I took her hand, a slight shock coursed through me, in unison we
both flinched a small gasp escaping our lips. Looking back at me with her
crimson eyes, I felt like I finally understood who I was. “We are the same person Nora, just
different sides of the coin. But heed my warning, we cannot stay in this state
forever, eventually one of us will no longer be here. But it’s up to you to
decide which of us will stay.” With these final words, she let go of my hand,
she slowly laid herself down onto the floor and fell into a deep slumber. After
watching her small form for a few moments longer, I felt a shock surge through
my body, I screamed loudly the sound echoing around me, and I too lay
motionless lost in a deep slumber. ******************************** Jolting
awake I realized I was still on the floor in Pazuzu’s arms, above me was
another man whom I never had met, he stood there grinning at me, his arms
folded across his wide chest. Confused I carefully sat up, all eyes watching me
with caution, Celeste was still rubbing her neck and cradling her now broken
wrist. Locked in a stare down, she slowly began to speak. Buried in my subconscious, I could
still see, feel, and hear all that transpired. Celeste. She, betrayed me. With
furrowed brows, I bit my lip, attempting to hold back my tears. Numerous
feelings flooding my mind, I was overwhelmed with the desire to be alone. “I’d like if you all would leave.”
After many loud protests from both Abraxus and Pazuzu, they reluctantly left,
the sound of the door leaving a soft echo in their wake. With an exasperated
sigh, I threw myself onto the couch where just moments ago, Celeste and I were
living our normal lives. I had left unopened Ms. Parker, what’s easy to get into,
but hard to get out of? The answer is trouble. And that’s
what you are in. I am the only person who can help
you. If you seek my aid, Simply call my name and I will be
there. -Astaroth “Trouble
huh? It seems the only trouble here is me existing.” With a sigh, I quietly
tossed the strange letter onto the table, and simply stared at it. Astaroth.
Come to think of it, who was that man who was here when I woke up, I even
remember seeing him through the other Nora’s eyes. But he didn’t speak to me,
just stared at me, with an evil smirk. Call his name, I wonder. Quickly
standing I went out the back door to the small yard we had, looking up I could
see the moon has full tonight, the stars were shining brightly tonight as if
mocking me. “Astaroth?”
I spoke quietly into the night, a soft breeze rustling my hair. I stood there
for a couple minutes longer, with no one in sight I sighed softly and began
walking back into the house. I was hoping that maybe like in the movies, as I
began walking away that someone would mysteriously appear and say, “here I am”
but that didn’t happen. Closing the door behind me I walked the steep stairs to
my room. Slowly shutting my bedroom door behind me I began to undress. “Oh well I
wasn’t expecting this kind of greeting.” Startled by the low voice behind me, I
gripped my shirt to my chest and whipped around towards the voice. There stood
a tall man, he looked to be in his mid-twenties, he had long red hair that ran
down his back, a think silver streak ran down the front of his hair. He wore
black pants with a white tee and leather brown jacket. For some reason his
voice pulled at something in my memories, but I couldn’t quite place it. “W-what?
W-who?! T-turn around!” I yelled loudly at him in which he chuckled lightly but
obliged to my request. Quickly throwing my shirt back on, I began to stare more
intently at him, as he turned I could see a faint smile on his face. He was
handsome, he had chiseled features and a full mouth. Although I still couldn’t
see his eyes, I could only assume he was Astaroth. “You’re
Astaroth, right?” with this he began walking towards me slowly, as he grew
closer I had to crane my neck up to see him. Slowly he brought a hand to my
face, once his face grazed my skin I felt a burning sensation that cause me to
inhale deeply. Shocked I stepped away from him, my back hitting the wall. It
was that man from before! And just like then I was backed into a wall with
nowhere to run. As if seeing my realization, he laughed at me, finally able to
see his eyes, they were the same cold grey eyes as before. “Ah, it’s a
pleasure to see you again, that was quite a performance I saw earlier.” As he
spoke he sat on my desk and began playing with the various things that were there.
I wasn’t exactly sure what to do, now that I knew who he really was, I had many
questions, such as how he knew my father and what he meant by me being “in
trouble”. “I’m sure
you have many questions, but before we get to business.” His tone had a
lightness to it that was lacking in our first meeting. He was still playing
with various objects on my desk. “I’m
starving. Shall we grab a bite to eat?” I was dumbfounded, food? After the past
three days of confusion, this man, leaves me a letter, appears in my room, and
now is suggesting we go out for dinner?! Without waiting for an answer, he
simply walked past me and began his descent down the stairs, with quick steps,
I swiftly followed him. Once at the front door I found him leaning casually, he
had a small bag with him this time. Noticing me, a wicked smile appeared on his
face. Should I really be with this man, after all he hid his identity from me
until now. Not to mention the envelope, he had to have been here while my
attention was elsewhere. As I was deep in thought, I didn’t notice Astaroth had
come closer to me. “Well, are
you coming or not.” Startled by his hot breath near my ear, I looked towards
him only to see we were just a few inches apart. I was reminded of our first
meeting once again, his cold grey eyes never once wavering from mine. “Nora,
he’s our best chance of getting the answers we want.” Hearing the other
Nora’s words, I nodded my head slowly. “Yes, let’s
go, shall we?” speaking slowly we quietly made our way downtown, the hues of
the street lights cascading along the streets. Glancing briefly at Astaroth, I
could still see his unwavering grin. Even standing from afar, I could feel a
powerful aura protruding from him. Nothing about him screamed “trustworthy” but
so far, he’s the only shot I have at getting the answers I want. I have no choice
but to blindly follow him. *********************************** (Point of View of Astaroth) Making sure
not to stray too close to her, I put distance between the nuisance and myself.
The scent of roses filled my nostrils, from afar the scent was pleasant, but
close its strong enough to make anyone gain a splitting headache. In deep
thought, I recalled the series of events that had just moments ago transpired.
Nora’s sudden split in personalities was indeed an unexpected problem, the
power that exuded from her body was not something one could easily tame. Peering
over my shoulder, I made eye contact with the girl. She walked with her head
down and arms wrapped around her, as if to protect herself. A small grin formed
on my lips, it was quite clear I was not welcomed nor trusted. Though she spent her life wrapped in her
innocent bubble, I had to admit, she had good instincts. If I can gain her
trust, she will make for a great ally. The word allies reminded me of two
certain pests I’d much rather see dead.
That mutt and pathetic little incubus will be tagging along around her,
that may be troublesome. “Astaroth.”
hearing my name quietly called I halted mid step, looking her over, she quietly
bit her bottom lip. Though the action was innocent, I felt something stir as I
gazed at the young girl. A feeling of irritation wavered over me, trying my
best to rid myself of my usual scowl. I calmly waited for her to speak. “What is it?” with this she stepped
a few inches closer to me, her scent wafting around me. “I would like answers.” although
there was still some shakiness in her voice, there was a fierce determination
in her brilliant green eyes. Repressing a sigh, I calmly walked closer to her
so that we were an arm’s length away. Picking up a strand of her long hair, I
rubbed the lock between my fingers, savoring the silky texture. Though she
flinched at the contact, she never took her eyes away from mine. “Nora, if answers were so easily
given, why would there be questions?” with
a smile, I set the strand back into place and continued our descent. Although I
was only a few feet ahead, I heard a small growl of annoyance behind me, my
smile not once wavering. This might be of more entertainment than I first
anticipated. © 2018 Velia J. Matthews |
Added on January 24, 2018 Last Updated on February 21, 2018 Tags: demons, student, young adult, fantasy, romance, psychological, demonic Author![]() Velia J. MatthewsNHAboutFirstly, I am not a professional writer. I write for fun, and also its a great outlet for negative or passionate feelings. I thoroughly enjoy being critiqued and receiving advice on what I can do bett.. more..Writing