It's in Your Blood

It's in Your Blood

A Chapter by Velia J. Matthews

Chapter Three

It’s in Your Blood

(Point of View of Nora)



I held the thick yellow envelope in my hands tightly, staring at the bold lettering written across the front. I didn’t know if I should open it, or just leave and forget this whole day even happened.

            I don’t know how long I stood there for, before the loud sound of a motorcycle shook me from my thoughts. I don’t want answers, I just want to be left alone. With these thoughts, I felt warm tears brimming at my eyes, placing the thick envelope on the small table, I quickly found my phone that had been placed on top of the jacket I had worn to school that day. Looking over my thin jean jacket, I could see there were a few small blood stains along the back, undoubtedly due to my head wound.

            Without a second thought I threw on my jacket, running out the enormous French doors. Even it being a mansion, finding the exit was an easy task, I could see a glass door, leading out to a large garden. Curiosity getting the better of me, I quietly stepped through the doors, making sure not to alert the two men of my attempt of escape.

            Once outside, the scent of roses and saffron filled my lungs instantly. Being outside I could see that it was a clear starry night, the beautiful flowers bathed in the moons light. Almost as if the moon was caressing their soft petals, the sight of this beautiful garden was enchanting. The roses colors were a striking red and a pure white, whereas the saffron held a dark purple hue. Slowly, I reached out, touching one of the soft white petals, causing a more intense scent to produce from the rose.

        My heart raced being surrounded by such beauty. I looked more intently at the rose, and felt a small smile form on my lips. It was enchanting and yet, surprisingly wonderful to spot such beauty in a place that I had only felt fear. Abruptly, a loud bang broke me from my trance, hurriedly I drew my hand away from the rose, and in my haste, caught my finger unto one of the thorns.

“Where the hell did that woman go?!” A deep voice rang throughout the house, I didn’t know which man it was, but I didn’t want to wait to find out. Breaking into a run, I managed to make my way through the garden, not sure where I was going, I simply ran blindly, hoping that wherever I was heading, led me far away from this place.

            After running for quite some time, I finally stopped to look at my surroundings. As if the night wasn’t already bad enough.  The beautiful starry night sky, was now clouded over, a heavy rain taking its place, although the rain only started moments ago, my clothes were completely drenched, my dark black hair matted to my face.

Aside from the small convenience store just a short distance away, there was nothing but an empty road both in front and behind me. The rain was at such a high volume, that I had a hard time managing to see even a foot in front of me. Staring down at my feet, I could see road glistening from the rain, my feet making a small “squish” sound when I walked. Wrapping my arms tightly around me, I softly began to shiver from the cold. With no other option, I began walking towards the small store, once there, I pulled out my phone only to find that my battery was completely dead. Reluctantly, I walked inside the store, there I found a small elderly man who looked to be in his late sixties, he had a sweet smile and silver, gray hair.

            “Hello, little lady! What can I do for you?” his voice was gentle with just a hint of gruffness, his smile and kind greeting instantly set me at ease.

            “Hi, um I’m sorry to ask but, would you happen to have a phone I could use for a moment?” I asked as politely as possible, my voice slightly higher than usual.

            He smiled at me once more, nodding his head to my question, and placed a small phone into my hand. I nodded my thanks and quickly dialed my father’s number which I memorized by heart.

            After three rings, I heard him pick up, his deep voice giving me some small form of comfort. As he spoke softly into my ear, I felt tears once again brimming my eyes, threatening to spill over.

            “Daddy…” I tried to say more, but my voice wouldn’t cooperate, and the tears began to spill forth.

            “Where are you Nora?” I could hear what sounded like worry in my father’s voice, I have never once heard him sound so scared, and never once, have I needed him more than at this moment.

            Not having any idea where I was I asked the elderly man to give my father the address, in which he kindly obliged. He talked a moment longer with my father exchanging a chuckle or two. Quietly, he ushered me to a seat behind the counter, handing me a drink and a candy bar. After waiting for no more than a half hour, my father’s tall frame walked through the door, he briefly looked at me, placing a big hand on the small of my back. After thanking the elderly man, we got into the car and quietly drove away, not once looking back.


            As we drove farther and farther away, my father stayed silent. Not once did he look at me, ask me where I was, or what had happened. I wasn’t sure if this was a good sign or not, wouldn’t a normal parent ask those questions? My father heaved a big sigh, startling me from my daze. I realized he had pulled over onto a dirt path, the only sound was the sound of the rain hitting the roof, and the car idling. I cautiously peeked through my lashes at my father, he was looking straight ahead, his hand covering his mouth as if he were deep in thought. With another small sigh, he removed his hand from his mouth and stared blankly at me, I lowered my gaze to my entangled hands.

            “Nora.” My father began to speak slowly, as if he were choosing his words carefully.

            “Tell me, have you been experiencing anything, odd, lately?” although it was clearly a question, his tone had a sense of certainty, as if he already knew the answer. Looking deep into his eyes, I felt tears begin to fall slowly down my cheek. Reaching up one of his big hands, my father slowly began wiping my tears away. I was grateful for his gentle treatment, for once I truly felt like his daughter. But why now?! Looking away I swatted his hand away, I heard him inhale sharply, I wasn’t sure what expression he wore on his face.

            “Why now?” I asked quietly, slowly meeting his gaze, with my question his expression darkened, his lips turning into a small scowl. Biting my lip, I held in more tears, he knows something. Thinking this my mind instantly recalls the man with the sharp grey eyes, I remember, he said something about my father. Clenching my hands into tight fists, I glanced at my father once again. He was looking out the window once more, his chin resting on his hand.

            “Father, does the name Asmodeus mean anything to you…?” with my question my father started to laugh, his deep voice ringing throughout the tiny car. My heart instantly began to race, his reaction could only mean, that he was-

            “Nora. Where did you hear that name?!” The hearty laughter that once filled the car was now replaced with a thick tension, his voice was now full of malice.

            I’ve been afraid of my father before, but the look in his eyes was murderous. With shaky hands I tried to reach for the door handle, but my father grabbed my wrist twisting my arm behind my back. I screamed out in pain, the loving father I had seen for the first time in my life, disappeared as quickly as he came.

            “I’m going to ask you one more time Nora. And this time, you won’t try to run away, yes?” his voice was sickly sweet, but the grip on my arm only tightened causing another jolt of pain to run up my arm.

            “I-I don’t know who he is.”  I spoke hurriedly between shallow breaths, it’s true, I didn’t know who the man was, he never told me his name. But that wasn’t the answer father wanted, slowly he reached for my neck with his other hand, his hold on my wrist never once lessening. I flinched as his fingers came closer to my face, but to my surprise, the abuse never came. Hearing my father heave a heavy sigh, he released my wrist, a rush of relief instantly coursing through my body.

            Rubbing my wrist vigorously, I could already see a bruise beginning to form, my breath was ragged as I choked back tears. His reaction can only mean that everything that has happened, everything that man said, was true. My father, was a demon. Those two men beforehand, were demons. I’m…a cambion. Closing my eyes, I slowly let that sink in, tears running down my cheeks, but this time no one dried them.

 For a long while, neither of us moved, the sound of rain hitting the roof was once again the only sound we could hear. Quietly, my father started the engine, and we began our journey home once more, we didn’t speak, nor look at one another. Questions upon questions ran through my mind, even though I wanted to further delude myself, I could no longer feign ignorance. Whatever was happening to me, whatever was making my life change so drastically, was very real. And there was nothing I could do, to stop it.




(Point of View of Asmodeus/Nora’s Father)


            As I pulled into the dark path that led to our home, I looked towards Nora. She had fallen asleep, today’s events most likely caught up to her, tiring out her frail body. With a sigh, I gently brought the car to a stop, cutting off the ignition I simply stared at my young daughter. Her hair had now dried from the rain, leaving it in a messy disarray, her lashes gently caressing her cheek. The closer I looked at her, the more of her mother I saw, the same long lashes, the same beautiful lavish curls. I felt a deep pang in my heart as I watched over her, slowly I went around to the passenger side, careful not to wake her, I cradled her in my arms. Despite all that she must have been battling today, she couldn’t have looked more at peace.

How delightfully naive she was, aware of her identity, yet still has the child like innocence to not accept the harsh truth that is her reality.

            I always knew that one day, the innocent world that she knew, would soon shatter. Her innocence and purity, would one day be replaced by a darkness no one, not even myself, could hide her from. Entering the house, I gently placed her onto the small pale couch in the living room. As I pulled a blanket over her thin shoulders, I noticed her wrist, from where I had grabbed her, laid a deep purple bruise. Almost ashamed to see it, I quickly looked away. With a swift motion, I immediately made my way up the steep steps, I knew what I needed to find.

 As I laid my hand upon the door to the attic, a strange thought came to me, causing me to halt in my steps. Until today, Nora had simply been, a nuisance in my life, a constant reminder of my deep hatred I had for mortality. Yet, why do I care so much now? Nora, as a demon? I liked the idea of that, slowly a wicked grin spread across my face, my daughter a powerful demon. What would she be like, I wonder? I felt an immense joy and excitement spread throughout my body, my heart raced just a little faster. For the first time in twenty years, I almost felt something close to pride.            

            Shaking my head gently, I entered the dark attic, its musky scent filling my nostrils. Reaching above me, I pulled the light switch, its soft yellow hue filling the tiny room. Moving box after box aside, I finally found the small mahogany chest I’d been searching for. It was a small beautiful box with red swirls lining across the trim, each line overlapping the other. Setting the box aside with a small thud, I quickly grabbed a small crowbar I had left lying around and began to pry one of the floor boards. The old wood making loud creaking noises as I did so. With a loud pop, the floor board finally came loose, there lied a small brass skeleton key, it had small grooves in the handle and rust along the sides.  Slowly picking up both the key and the box I returned to the living room, where Nora still slept soundly.

“Soon, you will come to understand why I must do this.” I spoke softly kneeling at her side, gently removing soft strands of hair from her face. I realized this is the first time I truly looked at her, I have watched her grow from just a babe, to this woman before me, and yet. I know nothing about her? Someday, I promise, I’ll fix what I have done my daughter. With one last look I packed up a few belongings, leaving behind only the small box and key, and a parting note. After closing the door behind me with a soft thud, I spoke quietly to the wind.

“I’m sorry to have to do it this way, but, daddy has some business to attend to.” Closing my eyes, I began to focus all my energy searching for the power I had hidden away. Slowly, a sweet sensation produced from my chest, spreading along my body, the sweet taste of power causing a wicked grin to spread along my face. Too long have I hidden this power away, I had to repress a hearty laugh from escaping my lips. Placing my hand against the ground I began to chant softly, my eyes remaining closed, I could hear the cracking and rippling of the earth’s surface beneath me.  The once calm wind was now a whirlwind, whipping my hair and clothing. With a final snap, I felt a gust of immense heat hit my face, the wild winds becoming still once more.

Opening my eyes slowly I saw beneath me a long stone stairway leading to my destination. Grabbing my grey bag that held a few belongings, I made my way confidently down the stairs, as I got further down the opening I had created began to close leaving me in utter darkness, the earths soils scent the only thing I could smell. Finally reach the last step, a large metal door stood in my path. At the doors gates stood two young demons, clearly of low stature, they each held a spear in one hand and a shield in the other. This is their line of defense? I felt amused staring at the young demons. Noticing me one of the young demons aimed his spear in my direction, a fierce look on his young face.

“Stop! You can go no further!” The young man’s voice still held a hint of youth, he pressed closer to me, the point of the spear crazing my adams apple. I smiled down at the young man, his eyes widening.

“You’re-!” with a loud cry the young man’s eyes widened, with a swift motion I kicked my foot deep into his abdominal, swiftly grabbing the spear from his hands, he fell to his knees with a deep groan.

“Is that anyway to greet your Prince?”






(Point of View of Unknown)


            I emerged quietly from behind the large oak tree, making my way to the door of the large brick house that belonged to Asmodeus, I could still see the faint burn mark he left behind from his departure into the Underworld. I hate to admit how shocked I was to see that Asmodeus still held such immense power within him regardless of how much time has passed It has been almost twenty-five years since that b*****d had gone rogue. Although, I need no explanation as in to why he has resurfaced once more.

Stepping up the stone steps I slowly lifted my hand to the door, as to be expected the door was locked. Checking the area to make sure no mortals were present I quietly chanted a spell, a small blue light producing from my hands, placing my now enchanted hand unto the knob, the door opened with ease. Taking my first steps inside the house I immediately was hit with the scent of roses, her scent was strong enough that I could almost taste the rose petals.

            Once past the mudroom, I was greeted instantly with a modern kitchen, the floors were tiled with a pale white color, the cupboards a dark brown and in the corner, nestled a small table that was set for two. Her scent was everywhere, I had to be careful not to make too much noise in my search. Directly from the kitchen, I landed in what I presumed was the living room, it was dark and had little to no furniture aside from a small pale loveseat, on the loveseat laid Nora. I could hear her soft breathing as she slept soundly, her long black hair was spread around her, framing her small face.

            As I looked closer at her face, I was shocked to see her youth, I had assumed she would be much older, but it was clear she was no older than twenty. The longer I stared, the more apparent Asmodeus features became. Any demon with half a mind could figure out that she was indeed Asmodeus’s daughter. She had such haunting beauty, I felt that if I looked away, even for just a moment, she would be gone. What am I thinking? Remember why you’re here. Shaking my head to rid myself of those useless thoughts, I swiftly pulled out the small letter I had written for her, for my plan to work perfectly, I mustn't lose focus.

            As I went to place the letter onto the small table across from her, I noticed a small wooden box, it had an intricate design, and next to it laid a small key. I softly knelt onto the floor picking up the small key, in that moment Nora abruptly turned herself in my direction, causing the blanket that once covered her shoulders to fall onto the floor. I held my breath in anticipation of her waking, but she simply exhaled heavily and made herself more comfortable.  Breathing a sigh of relief, I once again began to analyze the key once more, I couldn’t help but wonder what lied in the box, what was Asmodeus’s plan?

            Asmodeus. The mere name brought a burning rage to bubble inside me, I tightly clenched my hands into fists, glancing back over at the young girl, I sneered at her sleeping form. Useless little half breed. Reaching my hand towards her, I questioned whether I should utilize my plan or simply kill her now and rid of the coming problems. As I reached her neck, a strand of her hair fell onto my hand, a memory of when her and I first met flashed into my mind. That day I snuck into her subconscious cloaking myself with darkness, but even with my identity hidden, her face was clear to me.

Even with my hatred towards Asmodeus, unfortunately I was still a man who recognizes beauty and the feelings of desire. That day, I wasn't sure what to expect her to look like, after all a half breed was a rare sight. When she finally appeared, I was shocked to find her so confused, she was so unaware. Furthering my observation of her, I moved to her appearance. Her long black hair grazed her hips, lavish curls swirling around her face. Though I suppose I shouldn’t have been too surprised. Cambions were said to be quite beautiful creatures, but those were mere stories. Seeing her now, I could see that that was one of the many truths to the stories of cambions.

It was clear to me after meeting her, that she had not once been told of her identity, for her ignorance was one of mortals, her emotions displaying one by one, flashing in those enchanting green eyes. However, regardless of her lack of knowledge, she surprised me with her fighting spirit, no matter how hard I pushed her, she didn’t run. I couldn’t help but admit, that I was completely enchanted. Realizing where my thoughts had led me, I immediately felt a surge of anger coarse through me, furrowing my brows, I slowly pulled my hand back.

No, I won’t do away with my plan, nor will I allow this woman’s wiles stand in my way of revenge! With one last final look, I laid the key I had held in my clenched fist back onto the small table. Carefully returning the fallen blanket over her sleeping form. With a frustrated sigh, I readied myself for a long night of observations. When she realizes he’s no longer here for his precious daughter, she’ll need someone there to help her along the way. Then, once I have her trust… Slowly, a smile spread across my face.

            “Once I have your trust my little half breed…” As I spoke I picked up a strand of her hair, rubbing the silky strands between my fingers.

            “That’s when I’ll destroy both of you.”



(Point of View of Nora)


            Slowly coming to, I found myself looking up at a familiar ceiling. Jolting up, a small blanket fell off my shoulders, I was home. I smiled softly to myself, I was finally home, but something felt…strange. Why did the house feel so empty? I called out for my father, but got no answer in return. My feet grazing the cold wooden floor, I began to search for my father, but found no one. Heading back into the living room, I sat down onto the small couch. Thinking back, I realized I had fallen asleep originally in the car, did my father carry me in here? Feeling a small warmth spread throughout my chest, I covered myself with the blanket once more, but something still didn’t feel right. Where did my father go?

As if to add to the ominous mood, a small mahogany box was placed on the small table beside me. On top of the wooden box laid a small note, next to it, a thick envelope and an antique key. Picking up the note I began to read it:


Nora, if you are reading this, then you have realized, that I am no longer with you.

There is no easy explanation, for any of the many things I’m sure you are curious

about, the only answers I can give you is what lies in that box and what flows through your veins.

  You never knew of the life you were meant to live Nora, you never knew the

many secrets I kept. But know, that once you have come to terms with who and what

you are, I will be there.

Your Father,

Asmodeus Parker


In complete disbelief, I kept rereading the note repeatedly. My father had abandoned me, in the time I needed him most in my life, he left me all alone. Covering my mouth with my hand, I felt the tears begin to spill, falling unto the blanket that once provided me with warmth.

 I don’t know for how long I cried, only that I could hear the chirping of birds, a small indication that night had turned into day. After the tears had dried, I simply stared at the box, I didn’t want to even read the envelope.

Nora, aren’t you curious?” it was a voice I hadn’t missed this passed twenty-four hours, it belonged to her. Her soft melodic voice causing my wound to pulsate.

“No, I’m not, now leave me alone.” I tried to put more aggression in my tone, but my voice had grown hoarse due to the hours of sobbing.

Even though she simply was just a voice in my head, I could tell that she was smiling a wicked grin. But her coaxing voice was working. Contemplating the pros and cons of my situation, I questioned why I was so hesitant, what more could I possibly learn that could worsen my already pitiful situation.

Eyeing the small envelope, I noticed the handwriting sprawled on it was written in elegant cursive. I carefully lifted the envelope, its edges stained and paper coarse.  Upon further inspection of the hand writing, I realized it was different from my fathers hurried scrawling. The thought of my father brought my attention back to the small box, it was clearly old, with its varied discoloration and odd design. With a grumbled sigh, I gently placed the envelope back to its spot, my interest once again peaked by the mysterious box in front of me.

            With new resolve, I picked up the small key, pulling the small box closer to me I inspected it closely. Right in the middle was a skull shaped keyhole, its beady empty eye holes stared at me almost mockingly, taking a deep breath, I hesitantly placed the key into the slot. Turning it to the right I heard a soft click. Slowly, opening the box, I heard a slight creaking sound from the rusted gears, peering inside, laid a black leather-bound book. Its pages were yellowed, and the leather severely cracked and faded along the spine and cover. As I went to pick up the book, a strong heat radiated off it almost as if it were on fire, recoiling my hand back I felt my heart begin to race. The strong heat, it emitted a great power from it, the feeling gave me, something close to fear and joy.

            Biting back any uneasiness I still felt, I once again began to reach for the book. Carefully I removed it from its holding place, the spine of the book scorching my skin, although the heat was slowly turning into something more bearable. Taking a deep breath, I lightly placed my hand on the cover.

            “Well, here goes nothing.”

© 2018 Velia J. Matthews

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Added on June 17, 2017
Last Updated on February 21, 2018
Tags: Demon, Demonic, Fantasy, Romance, Teen, Adult, Psychological, Action, Young Adult


Velia J. Matthews
Velia J. Matthews


Firstly, I am not a professional writer. I write for fun, and also its a great outlet for negative or passionate feelings. I thoroughly enjoy being critiqued and receiving advice on what I can do bett.. more..

Secrets Secrets

A Chapter by Velia J. Matthews