

A Chapter by Velia J. Matthews

Chapter Two


(Point of view of Pazuzu)


Walking the brightly lit streets of Manhattan, Abraxus and I scoured the area for our special little cambion. With only her school and home of residence as guides to her whereabouts, we were forced to rely on scent. Though we had yet to meet the illusive half breed, her scent was one that was not easily ignored. As my thoughts slowly drifted to those of Nora, I was reminded of the night I first caught whiff of the unique scent. I could remember that night so clearly, forever engraved into my memory, for who could forget their first taste of that delicious scent?




Standing on the rooftop to the dorm I lived in, I recall my excitement as I gazed at the wonderous moon, its red hues casted a feverish glow upon the woods. Even if one desired it, they could not ignore the beauty of the moon, for it stood out like a beacon, emitting a powerful aura. Closing my eyes, I inhaled the sweet woodsy smell that surrounded me. As I stood onto the roof, absently staring at the moon, a strong gust of wind blew over me, with it, it carried the most beguiling scent. The smell was one of a demon, but no ordinary demon, this scent was…different.

My interest piqued, I decided to pay a visit to my grandfather. Hidden away, in the dark streets of Manhattan, he lived in peace and solitude. Slowly, I began to remove my clothes, careful not to let late passersby’s see me. Kneeling onto the rough surface, I placed my palms onto the roof. Closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply, letting the feverish power flow. The ripples along my spine sending a wave of pleasure to course through me. My bones cracked as they changed from man to beast, their loud echoes filling the night air. With a low growl, I slammed what was now a large paw, onto the stone roof. Taking a moment to adjust, I slowly made my way to the forest, careful to remain hidden in the shadows of the trees.

Upon arrival of my grandfather’s home, the strong smell of sage hit my nose, with a snort I walked towards his small home.  The cheap looking home, was decorated with pale yellow sidings and outdated windows, low telephone wires hanging over the streets following down to the neighboring apartments. Finding the hidden door my grandfather had put in, I found a set of spare clothes set aside for an occasion such as this, he must’ve known I would be making a visit.

Once again in human form and fully clothed, I walked through the old mahogany door. Sitting at an old wooden table, was my grandfather, he sat shrouded in darkness, the only light was a dimly lit candle, the wick nearing its end. He sat there absently, his dark brown eyes holding wisdom beyond my years. His long hair held a silvery glow and his face was filled with wrinkles. His eyes never leaving the candle, he smoked lazily on a pipe, puffs of smoke swirling around the room.

“What brings you here, my dear boy?” His voice was low and gruff as he spoke, the years of smoking finally seemed to be catching up.

“You know why I’m here old man.” I retorted with a grin, eyeing him closely. He may be old, but his nose was as sharp as the next. I wouldn’t put it past my grandfather to try and pull my leg.

With a low chuckle, my grandfather reached into his small cupboard, pulling out a thick yellow envelope, sliding it gently to me.

“You’re curious about that scent, right? Everything you need to know, is in that envelope. Be wary my grandson, you are not the only one, whose curiosity was piqued.”




Shaking my head gently, I quieted my thoughts once more, momentarily forgetting the memories that led me here.  Heaving a sigh, I placed my hand to my forehead, racking my brain as to where she might be. Having checked the main two areas she resides most, I was at a complete loss. Pulling out the envelope, I began to look over her details, at first glance, she didn’t seem like anyone special. Just your average college student, with less a less than average social life. Ideally, it shouldn’t be this hard to find her, the lone fact that she had no social life, should have made her where abouts slim. But, her scent is so sporadic, it’s hard to pinpoint her exact location.

“What exactly do you think you’ll find in here?” a smooth voice interrupted my thoughts. Looking over my shoulder, I could see Abraxus examining the papers contents as well. His glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose, leading him to push them back into place with annoyance. Quickly folding the contents back into the envelope, I sighed in defeat, the fleeting thought of postponing our search creeping into mind.

“Well, dear Abraxus my good friend, I’m not sure. We’ve already scoped out both the college and her home.” Annoyance ringing clear, I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. When I first decided to go on this journey, I didn’t predict it to be such a long endeavor.

“First off, I’m not your friend, secondly, we’re finding her tonight. Maybe you lower level demons like to laze about all day, but us demons of higher stature that is, prefer to handle things of importance immediately.” Abraxus’s voice took an icy tone, and threw me a glare with his fierce grey eyes.

Remaining empty handed, we began to accept that we would have to postpone our search. As cars bustled by, we both sulked in silence, neither wanting to be the first to admit defeat. With a reluctant sigh, I decided to try one last time to find her location. Kneeling, I slowly inhaled the scents around me, though try as I might to ignore the distracting sounds around me, I could not block out the sound of impatient taps. Gritting my teeth with annoyance, I once more concentrated on the task at hand.

“Come on mutt, aren’t you wolf demons supposed to have a strong sense of smell?!” speaking irritably, he ran a hand through his platinum blonde hair. Standing to my full height, I went toe to toe against Abraxus.

“Listen, you want to find her, don’t you? If I’m not doing a well enough job, then you do something!” with this Abraxus merely scoffed at me, rolling his eyes in the process. Though Abraxus remained arrogant, he was aware of how useless he was at tracking. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he needed me. As the tension eased between us, a strong gust of wind blew by, a sweet erotic scent enveloping me. The scent so sweet, it made my mouth water.

“Looks like I found you.” Speaking excitedly, I looked back to see Abraxus wearing an equally delighted smile. We had found our little cambion, though the victory short lived, we both quickly sprinted into action.

Crossing the busy streets, cars tried their best to swerve out of our way, blaring their horns. The only sound to be heard, was that of our feet smacking against the rough pavement, our breath remaining steady. Growing closer to the small park that laid nearby the children’s elementary school, I could smell her scent more clearly, she was around here somewhere.

            Reaching the edge of the forest, I could smell the scent of blood mixed with roses. Familiar with this forest, I had never sensed such an ominous atmosphere protruding from its depths.  Momentarily, I began to wonder if this strange little being had such immense power to create such a dark aura. If she very well did, then this journey was going to be quite more challenging than what we first anticipated.

Shaking off the dark feeling that seemed to cling to me, Abraxus stood next to me, a calm expression on his face. Though I knew he could sense the same danger as I, I also was keenly aware of his immense bravado.

            “Well, if she’s in there, that would explain the dark vibes.” He spoke with a matter of fact tone, sliding his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose. Cautiously, we both made our descent into the forest, the trees looming over us, creating a blanket of black skies. Noticing the strange dip in temperature, we both quickly prepared ourselves for a battle, only a strong demonic being could produce this much power.  

Coming upon a large stone, I could smell her scent was much stronger here, as well as the scent of blood. Giving the stony wall a side glance, Abraxus signaled for me to halt, perking his ears to a sound coming from behind the giant stone. Remaining still, Abraxus made his way cautiously around the stony walls, careful as to not make any noise. Waiting with bated breath, I listened closely for any sounds of disturbance.

            “Hey! Get over here, quickly!” hearing his shout, I hurried to his side, nearing the entryway of the cave, the wretched scent of blood filling my nostrils. Observing my surroundings, I saw Abraxus kneeling onto the stony floor, there beside him, laid none other than Nora Parker. Her dark hair was sprawled around her, framing her face with small curls.  Her skin was as pale as the moon, her lips full and pink. At first glance, she wasn’t much to look at, but upon further inspection, I found myself beguiled by her haunting beauty. Bringing myself closer to her still form, I noticed a large wound on her head, the blood had dried around the wounds edges, an indication that she had been here for quite some time.

As Abraxus began checking her wrists for a pulse, I began to scope out the area in hopes of finding whoever had done this. Though she very well could have simply slipped and fell, it was hard to believe a cautious woman such as herself, would venture out so far. Heaving a heavy sigh, Abraxus stood, a hand on his hip. Pushing his glasses up once more, he hurriedly spoke.

            “She’s still alive, but just barely. We must get her to my mansion. She’s lost too much blood, a hospital will take too long. My personal doctor will attend to her wounds.” Leaving no room for argument, Abraxus began tearing bits of his shirt, using the cloth to put pressure against her wound.

            “What shall we do when she awakens?” I asked with a sigh.

            “Oh Pazuzu, that is when our alliance ends. Whoever can woe her and make her theirs. Is the victor, correct?” Speaking slowly, humor danced in his eyes, an arrogant air surrounding him.  

            “Rumor has it, whoever beds this woman and she births their spawn, well that clan will prosper.” As he spoke, I could practically see the twisted wheels in his head turning.

“Not to mention, the husband will become ruler of the Underworld. I don’t intend to let this chance slip me by. What will you do Pazuzu?” Slowing, Abraxus picked the woman up in his arms, cradling her small body. Gazing at her pale face, I began to chuckle softly to myself, a slow devious smile creeping onto my face

            “I don’t intend to lose Abraxus.” Abraxus grinning wickedly, raised his brows.

            “Let the fun begin.”




Surrounded by nothing but darkness, I could hear my steady breath, faint voices filled my head, though they seemed as if they were miles away. Trying desperately to speak, I tried to ask what was happening. Last I had remembered, a strong force pushed me down. Then, everything went black. My mouth refusing to obey me, I tried to move any part of my body, but my fingers wouldn’t even twitch. As I began to panic, I abruptly felt a strong grip along my body, a floating sensation washing over me, it was as if I were being held by strong arms.

            The more I tried to focus on the voices, the more tired I became. I could understand it was two male voices, one had a lazy tone, whereas the other was deeper, his tone more mature, holding a hint of arrogance. I tried to match the voices with faces, but no one came to mind. I strained my ears to listen more closely to their words.

            “What do you think happened?” the warm voice spoke with worry, in response I felt the grip on me tighten.

            “She’s probably clumsy. You know how idiotic mortals are.” The deep voice spoke irritably.

Hearing his words, I wanted desperately to scream and shout, explain that I was being stalked by some sociopathic woman, and what’s with the “mortals” thing? It’s not like he’s any different than me. Oh god, was I found by some weird, Satan worshiping freaks?!

Due to my sudden burst of energy, the wound on my head began to ache once more, my body beginning to grow numb from the pain. As numbness spread throughout my body, I could feel a sweep of fatigue wash over me, finding myself falling once more back into the dark abyss of my mind.



            Opening my eyes slowly, I was once again surrounded by darkness. Cautiously, I stood, analyzing my surroundings, I could see that the darkness was desolate of any life.  

            “Hello?” I called out softly, touching my wound, but to my surprise, the wound was completely healed.

            Walking carefully, I began search the darkness, using my hands as my guide. Suddenly, my hand touched a cold smooth surface, it appeared to be a wall. Am I trapped in a room? Frantically I began sliding my hands down the wall, reaching corner to corner, only to find that it was indeed a small room. A bubbling fear began to surface, I must find a way out of this room, but how?! Due to my search I already knew there were no doors nor windows. So, how was I supposed to escape?! Startling me from my racing thoughts, a deep masculine laugh emerged from the shadows, turning towards the voice, I could see nothing, but as my eyes began to adjust, I could see a tall figure walking slowly towards me. Though I could see the strangers tall silhouette, I couldn’t make out my features aside from cold frightening grey eyes.

            “Wh-Who are you?!” I exclaimed, my heart was pounding loudly in my chest, it’s rapid pace echoing in my ears.

            With this he merely chuckled, giving off a menacing aura. Taking a step back, I attempted to distance myself from him, but instead I felt my back press against the sturdy walls behind me.  Beginning to panic, I tried to quickly think of a way to escape, but with this darkness, even if I tried to run, I’ve already searched for an exit and found none, where would I run to?!

            “Nora. That’s no way to treat a friend, Hm?” the deep voice held a hint of seductiveness, I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise.

            “Friend?” I ask warily. I don’t understand, why is this happening to me?! I must be going crazy, yes that’s it! That explains everything! Quietly I began to chuckle between shallow breath.

“Ah, I see…” he spoke slowly, as if choosing his words carefully.

“You must not know what’s happening to you yet, how unfortunate it must be, to merely be part of the flock. Blindly following orders, not once questioning who’s giving them. Pity really.” Speaking slowly, I could hear every word he spoke drip with disdain, heightening my fear.

Stepping closer to me, I could feel the heat from his body, his face just mere inches away from mine. I tried to put even a smallest amount of distance between us, but found that I was already backed into a corner. Suddenly, I felt strong, yet slender fingers grip my chin, jerking my face up so that I was just a breath away from those cold grey eyes.

“Such a naive, innocent, little thing. It’ a shame that innocence must be shattered, but I suppose innocence is a fleeting trait.”

Being this close to him, I could feel his breath against my lips. What does he want from me?!  Practically screaming this to myself I desperately grabbed onto the hand that held my chin.

“Please…let me go.” I desperately pleaded, my voice cracking between my words.

 “Ah yes, you are most definitely Asmodeus’s daughter” as he said this I felt the grip of his hand tighten on my chin, those eyes pierced me like daggers.

  “Asmodeus? No, I’m not-” I started to deny his assumption but with my denial he placed one finger against my lips to shush me.

  “I forgot… in this world, he is known as “Gabriel.” Am I correct?” I still couldn’t see his features, but I could almost hear the smile in his voice.

   “How do you know my father?!” raising my voice, I tried to put as much anger as I could muster behind my words. But with this he merely laughed, his boisterous voice filling the darkness, enveloping around me. With one last squeeze of my chin, he roughly released his hold on me.

    “Let’s not worry about the details of your precious “daddy”. I’m more focused on you.” He spoke sternly, more serious than before. I could hear his light footsteps echoing off the dark walls, from where he held my face I could still feel a scorching heat. Almost as if his prints were being burnt into my skin.

            Trying to steady my breathing once more, I inhaled deeply, gripping the walls in attempts keep my shaking knees form collapsing.

            “You see Nora. You’re…special. Well. Maybe not you, but your blood is. Did you know, you have the most delicious scent.” Once again, I felt those slender fingers against my skin, but this time on the nape of my neck. But, unlike before, his touch was almost gentle, his index finger tracing the curve of my neck. Inhaling sharply at his touch, my body felt a stir, an aching feeling that I had not before felt. Against my minds detest for this man, I felt a prickle of pleasure from his touch. As if to torment me further, he slowly picked up a strand of my hair and inhaled deeply. I felt my body begin to tremble from his touch, whether that be due to fear, or something else, I wasn’t entirely certain.

Exhaling with a satisfied sigh, he let the strand of hair drop onto my chest, a small chuckle producing from his lips.

“I’m sure you’re confused. So, I suggest, you listen closely.” Seemingly getting back to business, the strange man once again began to retreat from me. All the while, his melodic voice echoed of the barren walls.

“You are being kept in a demon’s mansion. His name is Abraxus he’s just a petty little incubus, nothing to worry yourself over. Along with him, is a mangy wolf demon, Pazuzu. They have answers to your questions.” He spoke to me with a low chuckle, flashing me his eyes once more, I could tell he was enjoying this. Furrowing my brows in confusion, I tried to make sense of what he was telling me. How does he know all of this, what makes him think, that I would trust his words? What connection does he have with my father, and what does he want from me?

Trying desperately to connect the pieces together, I became frustrated, none of this made any sense! A surge of anger coursed through me as I was left with more questions than answers.

“Wait! How do you know all this?! And who are you?!” I demanded, but only the sound that reach my ears, was the sound of my ragged breathing, his eyes never once leaving mine. Once again, I could hear his footsteps walking away from me, his voice picked up a lazy tone, as if he were a little kid who had grown bored of his new toy.

            “If you do a good job, maybe I’ll tell you who I am.” With this I continued to watch his silhouette walk towards one of the walls, a red light glowed from his hand. Placing his glowed hand onto the wall, the red light spread into a high rectangular shape, causing the reddish glow to spread along the darkened walls. After a moments time, a door appeared, a burst of light shining from the opposite side. Quickly shielding my eyes from its brightness, I raised an arm over my face, but not before catching a glimpse of rich auburn hair. With a wave of his hand, he descended through the door.

            Without missing a beat, I quickly ran towards the door before it closed, but just as my hand was about to touch the handle, the door was gone and in its place stood nothing but a wall. With a sigh of defeat, I sat down on the cold floor, thinking over everything that just occurred. A sharp pain erupted in my head once more, confused I quickly grasped my head in my hands. The stench of blood filling my nostrils my hand growing warm from blood, the stench and pain were more than I could bare, squeezing my eyes tightly shut I gave into the pain and felt my body become limp.


        (Point of View of Nora)


            “Should we try to wake her up?” hearing a familiar voice, I slowly began to regain conscious, inhaling deeply, I could smell the scent of pine, and hear the crackling snaps of a fire.

 “She sure has been moving an awful lot for an injured woman.” The voice that chimed in was deeper, I could only assume it was the other man from earlier.

            Swallowing a lump in my throat, I tried to speak but only a groan escaped my lips, when I tried to move, the most I could do was move some of my fingers. My body was still tired. “So, this hasn’t all been a nightmare…” I thought sadly to myself.  With much effort, I slowly began to open my eyes, everything was distorted and blurry. I couldn’t make sense of where I was, my vision slowly becoming clearer I could see a bright light above me.

            “Abraxus, she’s awake.” With the warmer voice mentioning my awakening, I could hear rapid footsteps approaching me. In place of the light I saw a young man with chiseled features. Assuming that this be the man called Abraxus, he had platinum blonde hair that reached his shoulders and grey eyes that were hidden behind a pair of black rimmed glasses.

            “Well, Pazuzu, it would appear she has.” The man responded with a bored tone. I tried to sit up, but I was unable to, suddenly a strong grip was around my waist, startled I tried to fight off whoever had touched me. But I could still barely move more than my fingers.

            “Sorry about this but the sooner you sit up, the sooner we can get on with this.” Looking over I saw it was the younger looking man, Pazuzu, he had shaggy brown hair and deep brown eyes.

            “Um, could you please release me …?” I asked softly, my voice gruff due to how dry my mouth was, giving me a small smile, he slowly released me. Observing him more closely, I could see he was around my age. After propping me up and giving me a cup of water, Abraxus simply walked off and began searching through what seemed to be a very ancient book. While Pazuzu, stared at me with childlike curiosity.

            Feeling uncomfortable for being looked at so intensely, I began to look at my surroundings, I could see that everything was lavishly decorated. The walls were a deep mahogany color with huge bay windows that were donned with deep red curtains, the floors were marbled and shined to perfection. Above me was a glass chandelier. Everything screamed, class. Wait. So, if this really IS a mansion that means…that man…maybe he…touching my chin from where his fingers once laid, I could still feel the burn of his touch. A light shiver ran down my spine. That means, he was no dream. Then they are…

A huge clap broke me from my thoughts, looking up I saw it was Pazuzu who was responsible for the interruption. He quickly walked over to me, leaning over, he peered deeply into my eyes. Uneasy, I placed a little more distance between us. Sure, they rescued me from…. well I’m not entirely sure. But that doesn’t mean I should trust them.

“Well, might as well get this over with I suppose.” He said with a loud sigh.

As if queued, Abraxus quietly shut his book and walked toward us, a humorous glint in his eyes as if what was about to unfold would be of some entertainment to him.

“Um, thank you for rescuing me. But I’m afraid I don’t know what it is you’re talking about…actually I should be getting home my father is probably worried.” I spoke hurriedly setting the now empty cup onto the small table next to us.

            Suddenly, Abraxus roughly grasped my wrist, a fierce look in his eyes. On instinct, I tried to loosen his hold on my wrist but found he was a lot stronger than he looked.

            “Not, So, fast.” He spoke with a smile, but I could tell from the sharp look in his eyes, that he had no intention of letting me leave just yet. Frightened I froze in place. Fear seemed to be the only emotion I could feel today.

            “What do you want?!” I practically screamed these words, which seemed to surprise him. Although despite myself, my screaming caused my wound to pulse once more, a the throbbing sensation causing me to flinch. Why do all this strange people suddenly need something from me?! At my breaking point, I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes

            “Awe, come now Abraxus don’t make her cry.” Pazuzu quickly released his hand from my wrist, Abraxus, clearly displeased, scoffed and sat down on the couch directly across from me, eyeing me with a burning hatred.

            “Listen,” Pazuzu looked at me with yearning eyes, as if begging me to stay and listen.

            “This may come as a shock, but. You’re a cambion. You carry a special blood in you that has a very strong power. Abraxus and I…” he paused momentarily to look over at Abraxus who still carried an angry scowl.

            I had heard about cambions in one of my ventures in Christian mythology, but there has not been any proof of their existence. If I remember correctly, cambions were breeds of half mortal, half demon. Though to my knowledge, even if they did exist, if one were to be found, they were to be executed. Furrowing my brows, I returned my attention back to Pazuzu, who was apparently still in the middle of his explanation.

            “We are also demons. And truth be told, we are here because-” before he could finish. Abraxus abruptly stood and was next to me in an instant cupping my face to his.

            “Which means.” He spoke icily not once breaking eye contact.

            “We’re after that sweet blood of yours, well more importantly, we’re after what that blood of yours can provide.” He said the last part with a chuckle breaking his hold on my chin. Breaking myself from his grip I finally understood what they were trying to tell me.

            “My… my blood?! A demon? You’re joking, right?” I exclaimed loudly, confused and angry I quickly stood up, stepping close to Abraxus. What is it with these people and my blood?

            “Who do you think you are?!” I yelled.

            “You can’t just tell me who I am or what I am.  I know what I am, human and nothing you say will change that.” Furious, I began walking towards the huge double doors just ahead of me, with this Abraxus produced a small chuckle grabbing my wrist once more, jerking me roughly so that we were facing each other.

            “Oh, you sweet naive girl. How shall I convince you?” He spoke softly with just a hint of irritability in his words, his grip on my wrist becoming tighter, he pulled me roughly towards his chest. Pressed this close to him I could tell he was solid, despite his tall lean frame, it was apparent he wasn’t just skin and bones. Sensing his anger, I felt a rising fear bubbling to the surface.

“Maybe I could try and awaken your power further, maybe then you’ll understand.”

            With his other hand, he gently placed a slender finger against my face, sliding it from my cheek to my chin, his eyes never once leaving mine. A feeling of disgust swept over me, with a loud slap that echoed throughout the hall, I swatted his hand away from me, fresh tears once again brimming.

            “Don’t touch me.” I growled through gritted teeth.

Pazuzu sensing the tense atmosphere, suddenly appeared next to me, gently touching my shoulder, turning me towards him.

            “We can’t make you believe us. But if you really want to know who you are, read this.” He said this with a stern expression and held up a thick envelope. On the envelope read “Nora Parker. Subject: Cambion. Classified.” with unsteady hands, I quietly took the envelope. Staring at the bold letters sprawled neatly in ink, slowly I looked from one man to the other.

            “If what you read in here doesn’t convince you, why don’t you ask your father. Hm?” with this both men quietly left the room, the door shutting with a soft echo, though I had yearned for a moment of peace, there was a loneliness in these cold walls that left me wanting their company once more. Heaving a heavy sigh, I stared blankly at the envelope in hand, uncertain of what I was to find that I haven’t already been told. Thinking over all that has happened, did I really have a reason to deny the truth of their words? Feeling the prick of tears, I finally allowed myself to weep, though there was no one here to comfort me, just these barren walls, and an envelope of secrets.

© 2018 Velia J. Matthews

Author's Note

Velia J. Matthews
Please excuse some of the errors you may see I am still catching things myself and am working diligently to fix them!

My Review

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I read and enjoyed the story so far. It moves at a good speed and it kept my attention.

Like your other one, there are still some grammar and editing issues. But it is clear that you have a creative mind and enjoy writing. So keep going and let it flow. Writing is what counts. Tidying up always comes later.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Velia J. Matthews

7 Years Ago

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing my book so far. Grammar isn't my strong suit, trying to .. read more

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1 Review
Added on June 15, 2017
Last Updated on February 21, 2018
Tags: Fantasy, Demons, Demonic, Heroin, Romance, Teen, Young Adult, Mature, Action


Velia J. Matthews
Velia J. Matthews


Firstly, I am not a professional writer. I write for fun, and also its a great outlet for negative or passionate feelings. I thoroughly enjoy being critiqued and receiving advice on what I can do bett.. more..
