![]() The BeginingA Chapter by Arachne![]() Our story starts here, in the city of Zolmor. In a world plagued by necromancers everyone must pay their due to what remains of civilization. Including our poor, scared, farmer Trekel.![]() In this world no pure humans remain, all are tainted. A war has been waged by an army of the undead, lead by the most powerful necromancers this world has ever seen. The last remains of society stand in just three cities. This is where our story begins, but not with a hero, no master's here, seemly an average working man. Trekel Almor is a farmer one of few in the city of Zolmor, he spends all of his time in the field unaware of how the war is going. Trekel is a slightly tall male of average build, with shoulder length brown hair. Every think Trekel thought he knew about life is about to change, when one day an officer appears at his home with a summon. Trekel has been called to fight for the people and has no choice but to go. Upon arrival at the military camp on the outer edge of the city, opposite of Trekel's farm, Trekel is met with a line of others called to fight and some who chose to come. After what seemed like days Trekel finally makes it to the large stone deck. "Name and blood." The officer behind the deck ask. Confused Trekel replies, "Trekel Almor of the fox blood." The officer looks up, "ah a rare blood then, you will be assigned to the advancement unit, take a weapon rod and we will see what class you will be." Trekel questions, "Class?" as he reluctantly picks up one of the rods. The rod soon begins to glow and grow, It takes a few minutes but soon manifest itself as a long spiked chain. Trekel hears a whisper in his mind telling him what his new weapon's power is. "Yes class you will be assigned to a group of four consisting for a swordsman, a healer, a ranger, and an odds-man. And you fox blood have just made odds-man class." The officer explains and points to a hallway with a sign on the wall that says "selection." "Head that way and you'll find a large room where you will be appointed to your group." "Thank you." Trekel says nervously and walks down the hallway. At the end Trekel finds himself in a large room with a stage in the middle. Trekel finds himself a seat away from others to wait until time for the selection. Some time passes and finally an officer takes the stage this one in silver and gold armor, with a shaved head and strong masculine features. "Hello and welcome all, I am Alzar Melcone, from this day forth I will be your commanding officer, I will be everything, you will do nothing without my permission. I will be the last face you see before leaving town, as I will be the first you see upon return. With that said are there any questions, If so to bad. Now we begin selection." Trekel sits quietly awaiting his call, after several minutes and several groups have been formed Trekel hears his name. Looking up he sees the other three that will be his team a large woman with a very large sword, a small man barely old enough to fight, and a tall thin man with a bow over his shoulder. Trekel takes his place on stage next to these new allies, they are dismissed and sent to a room for them the chat with one another and wait for their first orders. once everyone is in the room and comfortable sat all is quiet for a few minutes until the large female breaks the silence, "My name is Mayzal, I am the swordsman, my weapon ability is that it will automatically grow if I swing short that my target dodges back, I am dragon blood," she states and turns to show small wings on her back, "I cannot fly but with these and can throw myself around quickly, oh and my magic is that I can breathe fire." The small boy then speaks up, "I am Kelmar, the healer, I am snake blood," He opens his mouth to show off two large fangs, "my magic is that my blood and venom is extremely deadly or can heal, my choice, and my weapon ability is that I can direct it into my mace here." "Very well then," Trekel speaks up, "I am Trekel, the odds-man, I am fox blood," He twitches for a quick second and a long fluffy tail pops out from under his shirt matching the color of his hair, "My magic is that I can transform into anyone so long as I've seen and heard them, and my weapon ability is if someone dies by this chain a new link is added and I can look into it and see all of that persons memories at anytime." "That leaves me I guess me," The tall man with long black hair says, "I am Aromos, I am demon blood," He unravels a bandage covering his entire left arm revealing black scales and claws, "My magic is that I can change the gravity around myself, anything from making myself heavier to falling up or any direction I choose, my weapon ability is that my bow is make an arrow every time I draw it so I never run out or need to carry any with me, also if I choose a rope will be attached to it and once hit sticks to someone or something I can control the gravity of that." After introductions are down Trekel finally has a moment to examine his new companions, Mayzal is a strong woman much stronger than Trekel could ever be, she is large and very build, yet very soft feminine features show on her face and body, and her long red hair complements her pale skin perfectly. Kelmar is a young boy just over that age of eighteen, with short blonde hair and a nice tan, it is very obvious this boy has worked hard for his life. and finally Aromos, now that Trekel has been close to him, he can see that Aromos only looks tall because of how thin he is, Aromos is also very pale, with long black hair and countless tattoos and piercings, it's easy to see Aromos hides from the sun as much as he can. Trekel also now notices that Aromos carries a sword at his hip and on the wrong side at that matter, actually Trekel now realizes that all of Aromos's weapons are on the wrong side. "So anything we should know about each other since you know we will be putting our lives in each others hands." Aromos pipes up, awaiting an answer. Mayzal is the first to respond, "Well I've been a blacksmith since I was a small girl, so I can repair our gear if we ever need it." "That's great, we can really save some gold with that one," Kelmar adds in, "Unfortunately I've got nothing like that I just began working as a merchant a year back, but I can at least help barter trades if needed." Trekel decides this is a good time to contribute, "I've worked on a farm my whole life and cooked every meal, so I can cook just about anything." Kelmar jumps up happily, "That will be amazing to have decent meals while on missions." "I've worked my whole life as a hunter, I can track and kill just about anything and I can skin it and cut the meat, Kelmar can you cook meat?" Aromos says while playing with his sword. "Of course I can," Trekel jumps defensively, and after seeing Aromos mess with his sword Trekel notices that he is also hold the sword in his wrong hand. "Aromos," Trekel asks curiously, "If I may ask why are your weapons on the wrong side and you hold your sword with the wrong hand?" "Ha I guess you've never met someone who's left handed, then again there are an extreme few of us." Aromos says laughing. "Oh sorry, I didn't know there was anyone around that was left handed, honestly I've never seen it myself." Trekel struggles to say feeling terrible about bring it up in such away. "Why be sorry, you said nothing wrong, seemly asked a question, so what if you didn't know." Aromos says trying to reassure Trekel. "Alright calm down boys," Mayzal interrupts, "it shouldn't be long till Alzar comes around." After some time of relaxing the group is startled by a loud bang on the door, as it opens officer Alzar walks in. "I hope you four like each other enough, your first assignment will be to report to the grounds for training, you will be taught how to use your new weapons and how to work effectively as a team. You have 3 weeks to learn as much as you can then you'll receive your first mission in these 3 weeks, you are to learn to fight, strategize, and most importantly survive. In this time you will have one free day a week to do as you see fit, train more, visit family, laze around, I do not care. Now follow this hallway down and take the last hall on the right that will lead you directly to the training grounds, now off with you." A week has passed since the selection and Trekel was put with his new group, training has been hard but worth it. "I think I'm finally figuring out how to use this thing." Trekel exclaims as he swings his long chain around above his head. "Hey watch it," Mayzal yells ducking under the large chain that was flying towards her face, "Some of us are taller than you remember." Trekel quickly pulls his chain back afraid that Mayzal might kill him if he hits her, "Sorry." He manages to say while hiding his face as much as possible. "Just be careful with that thing," Mayzal quickly fixes her hair that fell out of place from the sudden movement. "By the way have you seen the others today? I haven't seen them anywhere." "Look up." Trekel says pointing to the ceiling at least 40 feet above them. Mayzal looks up trying to find what Trekel meant when she notices Aromos standing upside down above them as if gravity was pulling him up rather than pushing him down, he stands shooting at targets on the ground in the archery station. Mayzal takes a moment to look around and finally spots Kelmar sitting at a table enjoying breakfast. After a short moment of debate they decide they should eat as well and join Kelmar after yelling to Aromos come down for awhile. "So today is our day off, anyone have plans?" Trekel says to break the silence among his new friends. "Personally no, you see I have no family and honestly no gold to do anything, so I was going to see if anyone needed help or keep up with target practice." Aromos slips out between large bites of bacon. "Well I was thinking of visiting my father, the blacksmith in the lower region and possibly seeing if he would make some new armor." Mayzal says pulling at the dented plate she wears on her chest. "Would it be ok if I came with you?" Kelmar ask nervously, "I am in need of new armor as well." Looking down at the overly large armor that his brother gave him. "Of course you can Kelmar." Mayzal says happily while giving Kelmar a hug, "I'm sure he'd love to meet you. "How about we all go?" Trekel announces, "I have to gold to pay for all of us to get new armor since I had to sell the farm." "Lovely idea," Mayzal says bouncing with joy, "I'm sure my father would love to meet all of you." The rest of the meal was spent chatting about other places in the lower region they might enjoying to see. Once the meal is done everyone gathers their things and head off. It takes a few hours to walk the long distance from the Military base to the inner city and another hour to make it to the lower region. Along the way they talk about what they have learned over the last week and what is to come in the next 2 weeks. After some time Mayzal points to a small shop on the corner, "There it is, home sweet home." They open the door and surprised to see a man even larger than Mayzal, this man is by far the largest man Trekel has ever seen. "Mayzal how are you, my dear." the man says rushing over to give her a hug. "And who are your new friends here." "Yes, everyone this is my father, Sol. Father this is Kelmar, Aromos, and Trekel, they will be my team." Mayzal announces as everyone gets into the large room. "Oh and father we were wondering if you could perhaps help us with new armor?" "No problem, now let's see what we have to work with here." Sol says examining the group. It takes awhile but Sol takes the measurements of everyone and sets to work making armor custom fit to each person, Trekel, Aromos, and Kelmar sit in a corner of the room watching as Mayzal and her father hammer away at metal and stretch leather. It takes time but eventually Mayzal walks over. "We are taking a break, who wants to get lunch?" Trekel finally notices thats his stomach has been making noises for the past hour. "I guess we all should." He says laughing. The group decides to go to a nice place just down the road, and take time to question Mayzal about what they are making. "I'm not telling, it's a surprise." She says with a smile. "I think you will all love it though." They sit joking and laughing at one another for quite awhile until they decide to head back to the shop. Once back everything returns to as it was before, it takes awhile but soon Mayzal and her father come out. "Ok, who's first" Sol says looking at the group. Mayzal rushes over and pulls Kelmar by his arm. "Oh yes the boy," Sol pulls out a full golden armor set with green snakes wrapping the arms and legs. "It looks amazing." Kelmar stutters, brushing his hands across the plate. "Go try it on." Sol says with a smile seeing how much Kelmar loves this new armor. "Next?" Aromos gets up and walks over "I guess it'll be me." He says with a slight grin. "Ah yes the demon archer." Sol pulls out a long black leather coat with metal rings in it. "The rings will connect to your boats so it won't fall so strangely when you change your gravity, and also the left arm can easily be pulled off and any moment to allow for quick use of your demon arm." "Very nice," Aromos says examining this new piece noticing the large red eye on the back, "nice touch, I like it." "Glad you like it, Mayzal said you would be hard to impress." Sol says jokingly. Kelmar renters the room in his new armor, smiling as wide as he can, "I love it, thank you so much." He says with a bow. "No need to thank me, it's what I do, now Trekel." Sol says pulling up another large coat, this one with plate in places such as the chest, arms, and the back. "I thought you would like the mobility and protection." Trekel looks at the armor noticing the large ears attached to the hood and the slit that rises high enough for his tail to fit through. "Looks amazing, I see that you like to add things to show a person's blood." Trekel says now noticing that the leather is in fact fur. "Indeed I do, I personally believe our blood is something we should not be ashamed of but something we should hold high." Sol says looking around the room. "And Aromos in case your wondering your hood also has small horns that I do not believe you noticed. Aromos looks down and now sees two small horns on either side of the hood and gives a small smile. "That leaves you Mayzal." Sol says handing his daughter her new armor. "I made this one while you weren't looking." He says pulling out a large form fitting silver armor set with red fire across the arms and legs. "And for you I made the back open to allow you to use your wings freely." He adds "I love it!" She yells happily As everyone puts on their new armor they exchange compliments on the appearance and capabilities. Soon after they have calmed down they give their thanks again and goodbyes and begin the long walk back to base. It takes several hours but unlike last time people now notice them and stare, with the occasional one or two coming up to ask where they got their new armor. After awhile they make it back and sit together to enjoy their dinner before heading off to bed. The next week comes and goes and again they deside to visit Mayzal's father on their day off. The next week seems to drag on for a lifetime, until finally they have completed their training . "I guess today is the big day." Kelmar states obviously scared for what is to come. "Don't worry we will be fine." Mayzal reassures him as best she can. "Here he comes get ready." Trekel says noticing Alzar heading straight for them. Alzar stands in front of them with papers in hand reading, "Kelmar you have done an amazing job in your healing studies, but combat needs much attention. Aromos your stealth and archery are outstanding but your you have much to learn about working with your group. Mayzal you show great promise in combat but consistently rush in head strong. And Trekel you show quite average across the board excelling in nothing, but not lacking as well. So with that said you all will make a well balanced team, congratulations you pass. Now before you celebrate, I have your first mission here. You will be leaving out tonight to take down a nest the scouts discovered. Do not worry nothing major was seen just a small group of skeletons, you should be able to handle yourselves just fine, but remember to be careful just because they didn't see anything else doesn't mean there isn't. Understood?" "Yes sir." Trekel, Mayzal, Kelmar, and Aromos say in unison. Alzar nods, "Very well here is the location," he states handing them all a small map with a area marked with a red X. "Spend the day prepping, your location is a four days travel, gather any supplies you will need and meet me at the front gates at sundown, it's best to move at night since nothing comes out during the day. Now be off" He fishes waving his hand and walking away. "This should be easy." Aromos says with a sigh. "Guess we should go pack see you guys latter." Aromos walks away toward his bunk. "Remember to get everything you'll need." Mayzal states, "Now be off to prepare. Everyone begins walking to their bunks to start preparations. Trekel sits on his bed unsure of what to think of this. Happy yet sad, he had never imagined himself as part of the war, all he ever wanted was to work his life away on his farm. Thinking back on memories of the old days that now seems so long ago, Trekel found himself lost in memories for a long while thinking of the farm, the animals he loved, and the plants that he didn't realize meant so much to him. He got a glimpse of a memory of his family, quickly shrugging that off he got to work packing his things. After he was done he looked out his window and realized it was past noon and that he hadn't eaten today. So Tekel heads down to have lunch and sees his party sitting quietly at a table eating and joins them. The meal was ate in silence as no one spoke of anything. Trekel could tell he wasn't the only one who was scared. After they finished eating Trekel went back to his bunk to make sure he didn't miss anything. He found himself tired and allowed for a short nap. Trekel awoke to shaking seeing Aromos above him, "about time come on or we will be late." He says rushing Trekel out of bed. "We have just enough time to eat, the Mayzal and Kelmar are waiting hurry up." He says leaving the room. Trekel quickly dresses and grabs his bag and chain, heading out the door he looks back not realizing till now that he already misses this little room he has called home for the past three weeks. Feeling saddened again Trekel heads down to meet with everyone, again everyone seems sad and scared and not much is spoken over dinner. They quickly eat and head on their way. "Well my friends, this is where our adventure begins," Mayzal says draping her arms around Trekel and Kelmar. Looking up they see the large gates that lead to outside world, not knowing what awaits outside since no one but military ever left. And at the door stands a familiar face that they all wish they never had to see, Officer Alzar. © 2016 ArachneAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on September 30, 2016 Last Updated on September 30, 2016 Tags: Fantasy, Party, Adventure, action, supernatural Author![]() ArachneMSAboutHello, I enjoy writing in my free time, mostly fiction and fantasy, but from time to time I do like to write horror, erotic stories (don't worry I write straight, gay, and lesbian), and rarely scienc.. more..Writing