Where The Money Tree Grows

Where The Money Tree Grows

A Poem by David P. Eckert

Spoken Word reflecting on the sequential damage inflicted by multinational corporations.



Where The Money Tree Grows


Where the money tree grows  

in the race, no healthy place

to raise objections imperfections

to wealthy stealthy sways of life

hidden cloistered from strife

keep your knife beneath the table

sheathed in silk and feather

but never let the proles see you fret

no regret, sleek leathered Lexus

your next nexus of power

you never glower just devour

fact’ry workers in your wake

pols on the take, you don’t fake

no illusions of collusion

just keep swinging your sterile blade

the profit’s made and is growing

business builds on you snowing

John Q Public not knowing

how the money tree grows

from your corporate concern

we’ll never learn your competitive edge

takes a sledge of a hammer

when we yammer

as you show up in China

and your outposts in India, Malaysia

receptive aphasia

we won’t understand, hate your plan,

your moving and grooving

to the sound of the jingles

of coins, Bens and singles

there’s no making friends

no amends you’re just going

not slowing for the lost in your wake

don’t hesitate when you

buy your next nation

and the rest share the rations

of moldy scraps that you leave

we’ve no time to grieve

just move on and move on and move on.


© 2007 David P. Eckert

© 2008 David P. Eckert

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"keep your knife beneath the table
sheathed in silk and feather "

"no illusions of collusion
just keep swinging your sterile blade
the profit�s made and is growing "

These parts stand out the most for me, I'm not sure why, they're sort of a hidden fear, and i think that's why they intrigue me so. I really like how this is written, as with all of your work, (that I'm on my way to getting to, I've received a TON of messages today for requested reading). Very interesting, as much so that i read it three times.
Awesome job, great great description and witty lines!

Posted 17 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.


The way they smash in to make and break nations shows scant reguard for reality.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

THis is great. It almost sounds like a rap if you say it really quickly. I like it. I thought it was interesting and brought up some interesting matters about the economy. I especially like how it sounds like a rap though. Awesome job,

Posted 17 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

first of all i love the way you used rhymes in this piece. this was a real easy read which i enjoyed. I also enjoyed the subject of wealth and a problem with a corrupt corporate mess we have.

i also liked this poem a lot because it is poetry. i mean real poetry inwhich one can go in and out of with their own experiances... great job...

Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Man!!! Thats awesome. I see this as the Bush administration. Even though I dearly love our government I feel this. The people who lay in the wake, from the destruction of moneysake.
Love it.......thats real

Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 5 people found this review constructive.

The message I got was that of corporate "big business" rampaging throughout the world, not caring for the lives of people, leaving pollution and workers crushed for it's own wealth. You know how the meaning you intend for your poems often eludes me, so it would not surprise me in the slightest if I am completely off in my estimation.

I've begun to notice something in your poetry. Whereas in my own poetry, I tend to link lines, your lines tend to be standalone messages. By reading your poetry this way, I am able to get into the message better than reading the way I normally do.

The way I understood the poem, I found it rich in images, as always. It was very enjoyable but a bit murky, as usual, to me. Thanks for the link and sorry it took so long,
- Tiger

Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

I agree with Barry, David, this would make a great rap song. Or better still, a Bob Dylan-type poem with musical backing. Great stuff.

Posted 17 Years Ago

4 of 5 people found this review constructive.

SPECTACULAR! The New York Times should have this poem by now! It's honest and real... the public really needs to read this, not that they don't already know what's happening-- but I think it would make a great impact for the best. Love it!

Posted 17 Years Ago

5 of 5 people found this review constructive.

You have encompassed so may issues of the corporate world into this poem. The stark reality that is is quite bleak. You have really touched on many truths here. Well done and with great wording....

Five Stars....

Posted 17 Years Ago

6 of 6 people found this review constructive.

"no illusions of collusion "
my favorite line

this piece had alot to say, very well written

Posted 17 Years Ago

4 of 6 people found this review constructive.

It has a beat-poet rhythm to it. Very political. Intense and Interesting overall.

Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 4 people found this review constructive.

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17 Reviews
Added on February 15, 2008


David P. Eckert
David P. Eckert

Roslyn Heights, NY

Psychologist, Writer, Painter, Father of 2, Grandpa of 2 cute, smart and beautiful little girls, Husband, Keeper of Dogs, Fish and Fruit Trees and generally Busy Guy. more..


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