A fathomable read! Yes, I agree with everything being said.
I wonder, why is reading SUN TZE "Art Of War" not a compulsory reading a kind of lectura obligatoria for all governments woodoos !
"Strong actions called by circumstances,
mindless we will take our chances " =====>>>>>>>it is about arranged making folks dumb. It is the manipulation to being less critical. It works for woodoos'.
"arm in arm we lift boulders
clearing mountains of garbage
and unbreathable odors
we wrench our souls free from armchair soldiers. " ====>>>> we definitely have to do it, well said.
The world would be much more a loving place....I think, man didn't learn anything from his history. In the stone age, he killed animals to survive and nowadays he is killing hi equals for fun! Ha! David, congratulation to this one. I loved it.
we wrench our souls free from armchair soldiers............crazy good!!! I won't waste your time repeating whats already been said....(below).....so I'll leave you with... I can't wait to read more from you.
I absolutely love the concept of armchair soldiers, and I like that it's the final two words in this one. Again, very lyrical, I could hear this one being read. Evoca?
I liked this David, especially from the second stanza on, when the rhyming took over and seemed to speed it up faster and faster. Almost to mimic the times of today. T
Nihilism is the way to go. I love the "yellow dandelion smiles" line. as well as "to implode reload civilization"
Good stuff here. A great read and well written. This would be great read aloud. I, in fact, rad it the second time aloud. I enjoyed it much more like that.
I always hated poem analysis in school...however, for you, and you alone, I shall endeavour to do it as best I can, which unfortunately wont accumulate to much.
First and foremost I noticed the lines 'Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, no; Nihilism way to go.' and the way that I personally see this, is that the religions you mention first are peaceful and serene yada yada and would not willingly blow up babies in Baghdad etc, then we have the distinctly negative nihilism, which I think makes for one hell of a contrast. I like it, ultimate peace and ultimate war.
The second thing I noticed that really struck me as relevant was 'bushels of lies, made to compromise' and 'marbled morals'...well...need I say more?
On the whole the poem was smooth when the need called and blunt and abrupt at other times, sort of like a hand grenade in each section. It simply adds to the effect. I only hope I have not offended you terribly in this rather...underwhelming little critique. Either way, thanks for the read. I also wrote some poetry on war which is rather deflated compared to yours.
A fathomable read! Yes, I agree with everything being said.
I wonder, why is reading SUN TZE "Art Of War" not a compulsory reading a kind of lectura obligatoria for all governments woodoos !
"Strong actions called by circumstances,
mindless we will take our chances " =====>>>>>>>it is about arranged making folks dumb. It is the manipulation to being less critical. It works for woodoos'.
"arm in arm we lift boulders
clearing mountains of garbage
and unbreathable odors
we wrench our souls free from armchair soldiers. " ====>>>> we definitely have to do it, well said.
The world would be much more a loving place....I think, man didn't learn anything from his history. In the stone age, he killed animals to survive and nowadays he is killing hi equals for fun! Ha! David, congratulation to this one. I loved it.
I read your poem on your myspace but I will also comment here. The images you put to the readers mind and the fear and demise... I find myself hating the world for fighting... and fighting for what? Do we event know? I guess your poem sums the questions up at the end. Very good timing and nice wording.
Psychologist, Writer, Painter, Father of 2, Grandpa of 2 cute, smart and beautiful little girls, Husband, Keeper of Dogs, Fish and Fruit Trees and generally Busy Guy.