Scarlet blossom

Scarlet blossom

A Poem by David Kwaku

Her scarlet lips are roses never felt.
They rarely blossom in the winter,
but tonight is the right season for them to flourish with my heart.
Her lips are a wind that shapes stones into pebbles.
Ripens strawberries that taste fruitful as we join together.
Her hands smoothly and earnestly, arouse my soul into a vivid world.
Creating havoc like a volcano that erupts quietly,
and quietly we lay,

distorting the silence  with our lips as our pulse maintains a tempo.
Our lungs taking breaths that sweetly stroke and caress against our skin.

© 2013 David Kwaku

Author's Note

David Kwaku
Written for creative poetry group challenge

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this is a great write. i agree that it is a touch erotic, yet it is also passionate and elegant. creative indeed! wonderful job.

Posted 11 Years Ago

to me.. it has an erotic elegance..lovely.. great job

Posted 11 Years Ago

Passion at its most loving and exciting. Passion is empty without the thrill of love to power it.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Perfection - a relative piece that guides perfectly!

Posted 11 Years Ago

That is incredible ! The images are so vivid, the metaphor was amazing the pathos is very high, it's like you slow down the action with all the vivid descriptions you give and that help us joining it even more :) Also the volcano thing was a very sophisticated and elegant idea :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on April 6, 2013
Last Updated on April 6, 2013
Tags: passion, scarlet, poem, poetry, love, sensual, heart


David Kwaku
David Kwaku

United Kingdom

The only way I cam express my emotion is through poetry, I write to express the action of my thoughts, looking for the words that will project the interior of my sentiment. more..

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