Explicit Prescription

Explicit Prescription

A Poem by Not here

Say hello to Ten City Man (TCM). If you are offended by curse words and explicit themes, don't read.

"Hey, uh, I'm here to pick up my pills."
"Do you have a prescription for that sir?"
"Nah, girl. I ain't got nothin'."
"Well, I need to see a doctor's prescription."
"Ok, gimme a sec."  
[Pulls out gun]
Dark, dark writings, yeah I'm
all marked up with these lines.
And these lines stand behind
me and just pay the fines.
They stand with their own kinds
while I shout the loud signs
and we let loose these rhymes
that blow all of their minds.
No more mister nice guy.
Why should I ever try
to please all of my critics
when I get upset? This s**t, it's
making me go crazy
and life is just hazy
so I grow some daisies
on top of all your lazies.
Half-assing your job
because your just one blob.
Don't take care of your family
so don't talk, full of your vanity.
I'm sick of hearing about you,
sick of living with your shoe
coming down to smack me back
when I just want to attack
with my words you won't let me say.
This is my day! This is my day!
Don't try to hold me down again
because I have already been
in that situation. No,
you cannot stop me. I'll go
to the end of the f*****g world
to save my people who with me whirled
as life threw us all about.
I will continually shout
all of my insanity
mixed in with my profanity.
Sorry, if I offend you. 
Trust me, I'm almost through.
Someday I will come back,
with a classical poem attack.
I will be who I once was.
Then I will continue 'cause
I know we all need me.
Most of all, I need me.
To be who I should be.
No matter what I should be
I continue to be free.
No matter how freely I see
the world my dad does not agree.
I see what he hopes to see in me.
He thinks I'm a rebel, rebellious, overall bad.
But he is the one that gave me that flame! Dad,
by all of your "protecting" and cover
I found myself growing even closer to my mother.
She works her butt off everyday to care
about me and our family. There
is so much I want to say,
but I cannot because you'll ground me for days!
I'm crying here, I'm sobbing, I just want to go
back to the time period I used to know.
When I was a little kid, full of blind faith.
Now, I'm only just in the eighth
grade but it feels like I'm centuries old.
I'm gone through so many years while I mold
into a man I don't want to become!
I just want to be happy with you and mum!
Why do you keep hurting me so?
Don't you understand, don't you know
I used to want to be like you!
I followed you around to do what you do
until that fateful day when you
became a different person through
some experience you decided to try.
What was it? Why did you die
on the inside when you came home?
Why did you build up a solid dome
to shut out everybody who you loved?
You call yourself a Christian, a pastor. "Beloved."
That's what my f*****g name means
but I don't feel it at all! Machines
feel more love than I do!
This s**t you put me through
is driving me to places
that I do not want. Faces
from my memory haunt me.
Everything I see daunts me.
I'm lieing! 
I'm crying, 
and overall dieing!
Somebody help me make it!
My life is lost so take it!
I'm on my way to my f*****g shack
but this ain't over. I'll be back. 

© 2015 Not here

Author's Note

Not here
You all, who read this, keep in mind this poem is directed towards people in my everyday life and is not at all about anyone on here. I love all of you and you give me the opportunity to vent my feelings without being looked down upon. To all of my people who help me through my problems and who stand with me, you all are the best. I let out my emotions in bad ways, sometimes, but I am who I am. This was about my dad and my family issues. I'm sorry if you took it personally in any way.

My Review

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What opening lines! Definitely a bang to the head. And the tension keeps building up with each line and then comes an explosion. Sorry you have issues with your family. I hope it gets better with time. Hope and strength to you, friend.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Great working!
Well done!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Not here

9 Years Ago

thanks emily :)
The feel of the piece had truth and pain in it. I see a young man struggling against life to survive. As others have said it does take on a RAP feel to it. As I read it I felt the rhythm and heard the song. The pain of the struggle came out in this piece. Nice job and Thanks for Sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Not here

9 Years Ago

thanks for reviewing :)
Really good kind of reminded me of a rap song
Great job!

Posted 9 Years Ago

I like your poem. It reminds me of when I was your age and had so many of the same feelings. If only I'd known how to write it down on paper but I didn't. Keep writing. Your thoughts obviously come from the heart. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Not here

9 Years Ago

thank you :) your a good reviewer
I realize this is just your feelings, but I liked it when you wrote, sort of raps, but they never took the typical form of pop culture rap that has all the swearing. I liked it when you sounded confident without being rude ans swearing.
However, realizing this is your feelings it was a well written, good job putting your feelings into words.

Just once I want to read a poem from you that's different from your normal style that has a little more variation in things like format and rhyming scheme. I think it would help to improve your writing to try different styles

Posted 9 Years Ago

Not here

9 Years Ago

thanks :) ill think about it
I like it, its long but well written. I like the way you did the beginning, its well done. Good job!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Not here

9 Years Ago

hey :) thanks for the review
I adore the format of this, as it's unique and left an imprint on my memory. Anyways, you are a marvelous poet and had my undivided attention from start to finish, which is a rare feat. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Not here

9 Years Ago

thank you haley :)
Very brave of you David to share your
personal problems with this poetry.
Its a deep and excellent write.
Very honest and beautiful.
Hope its all good in the end!
Thankyou for sharing!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Not here

9 Years Ago

thank you very much :) glad you enjoyed it
Wow... Now i see something i never saw in my self...talent. Great job with this one. You get a hundred points from me.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Not here

9 Years Ago

thank you very much :)

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14 Reviews
Added on April 18, 2015
Last Updated on April 18, 2015


Not here
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