Alcingeria Chapter Fifty Six: The Mission

Alcingeria Chapter Fifty Six: The Mission

A Chapter by Ryan Henderson

The task force infiltrate the vampire mafia base and destroy it. They got all the magic users out, but the explosion didn't destroy all the machine guns!


Chapter Fifty Six The Mission:

Wednesday July 7th 1690

            This was it. All we had to do now was get all the magic users out of the complex and blow the place sky high. This would destroy all of the machine guns and hopefully, all the vampire mafia members. We all split up and walked over to a guard.

            “I was told there’s a meeting in the mine.” I told a guard.

            “By who?” He asked.

I shrugged dismissively.

            “Didn’t say his name, just said something about a meeting.” I said.

            “Thanks for telling me.” He said as he set off for the mine.

I noticed the others had gotten their guards to go to the mine as well. I walked over to Tabatha, Walden and Antoinette’s cell.

            “We’ll have you out in a few minutes.” I whispered.

They all grinned and nodded, but kept quiet.

            “We should check around outside, make sure no other guards are lurking about.” Robert advised.

We all moved out of the prison corridor and looked around in the mess hall. We say nobody and were about to go back into the prison corridor to get everyone out, but we heard footsteps. From the shadows emerged a familiar figure; Ignacio.

            “You four. Stop right where you are.” He said, his blood colored eyes passing over each of us.

My heart sank. We were so close!

            “Don’t think I don’t know who you are. You three are The Scorpions. Long time no see, eh? One of you isn’t here. What’ve you three been up to since we last saw each other?” He asked the last part with a smirk as he stalked closer to us.

            “Oh you know, this and that.” Robert said vaguely.

            “I see. And… Who is this?” He asked, pointing to Stella.

            “Oh, my apologies. My name is… None of your business creep!” Stella shouted.

Ignacio’s eyes widened slightly at her outburst. A small smile cracked his lips.

            “What a lovely name. Anyhow, I overheard your plan. You know, vampire hearing and all. I can’t let you thwart us. The Queen is to die.” Ignacio said.

            “I’m afraid that’s not going to happen.” I said.

            “What makes you so sure? I have the resources, the followers and the power to do it. How are you four possibly going to stop me?” Ignacio asked.

There was no sense in giving away our plan, so we said nothing.

            “I thought as much. Well, this solves our little ‘guilty party’ problem. I suppose we can hold off on the witch and warlock killing for the time being. Although you four are wanted people. I’m afraid that justice must be served.” Ignacio said.

We all instinctively drew our weapons.

            “What are you going to do with those? I’m a vampire, remember?” Ignacio asked as he charged towards us.

He went for me first. I blocked the punch that he threw with my dagger and spun out of the way, careful of his fangs. His momentum carried him over to Macalister, who reeled back and punched him in the face. Ignacio hardly even flinched and pinned Macalister to the wall by his shoulders.

I couldn’t help but notice the lack of guards here in the mess hall. Maybe it wasn’t guarded because it wasn’t open at this hour.

Ignacio leaned in to bite Macalister.

            “You get away from him!” Robert yelled.

Robert ran and pulled Ignacio off of Macalister. Ignacio spun around to face him. Macalister and I ran to his aid. Stella staid back and took aim with her flintlock, ready to support us. Macalister, Robert and I stood facing Ignacio. He lashed out with his fist, narrowly missing Robert. I jumped in and stabbed the vampire as he was getting back into his stance. The dagger plunged into his stomach, blood dripped down my blade and he screamed in agony. He reeled back and smacked me in the chest very, very hard. So hard that I flew backwards and hit the stone wall ten feet away, narrowly missing the door to the mine. I hit my head and became dazed. I dropped my dagger as I hit the ground and it cluttered just out of my reach. My vision was blurred and I could see the others fighting Ignacio. Through my blurred vision I could see Robert attack Ignacio, but Ignacio threw him towards me. He hit the wall and landed close to where I did. He then began wrestling Macalister. Macalister and Ignacio began thrashing around. In the process of trying to gain the advantage over one another, they knocked Stella’s flintlock out of her hands!

            “I’ll kill you!” Macalister shouted.

Stella scrambled for her weapon but Ignacio was crafty and kept putting Macalister and himself in the way as they wrestled. Stella realized how futile it was to recover her weapon and ran over to help Robert and I.

            “Robert, Redmond! You have to get up!” She urged, trying to pull me to my feet.

I was too disoriented to do anything but look around. Everything was fuzzy and hazy. I must’ve hit my head pretty hard. I looked over to see that Macalister had won the little struggle with Ignacio and had punched him in the face multiple times. Ignacio regained his composure and charged Macalister, throwing him against the wall with us. When Macalister hit the wall, it cracked. We all laid there, too dazed to move. Stella took a few uncertain steps backwards.

            “Now then, that’s that.” Ignacio said as he grabbed Robert and Macalister by the arms and dragged them into the mine.

He did the same with Stella and I. He placed us all near the gallows. He turned to address everyone in the mine who had gathered for the ‘meeting’.

            “My loyal followers, I have found the ones who have infiltrated us! These four will be hanged for their crimes against the mafia!” He shouted.

Everyone looked to each other with grins. Some even cheered. Ignacio then grabbed us each one by one and tied a noose around our necks at the gallows. He also bound our hands behind our backs. I tried my best to resist, but was still too dazed! We were all strung up by our necks, but our feet were still touching the floor. Soon, a lever would be pulled and the floor would be dropped from beneath us. I didn’t want to think about what was going to happen after that. I heard Stella crying as she stood.

            “Death awaits you all. As a formality, I must ask; do you have any last words?” Ignacio asked.

            “I have one question.” Robert said.

            “Yes?” Ignacio asked patiently.

            “How did you wind up as the vampire mafia boss?” Robert asked.

Ignacio chuckled as he paced in front of us.

            “Well it is quite a story. The best part is that none of this would be possible without you.” He said.

That threw me. What was he talking about?

            “What do you mean?” I asked.

Ignacio chuckled as he touched his fingertips together, putting them in a pyramid on his lips.

            “I used the fifty thousand dollars that I stole from you to start a small cabal against the evil Queen. I paid workers to dig this complex out for us, and I payed them extra to keep things quiet so no one knew about it. Eventually more and more people joined and we became known as the vampire mafia.” Ignacio explained.

            “So what you’re saying is… We are responsible for the vampire mafia’s existence?” Stella asked.

Ignacio shook his head.

            “Well, not you my dear. The Scorpions are to blame. They are the sole reason the money came to be in my possession in the first place. They even willingly gave it over to me.” Ignacio chuckled.

            “You know that’s not true! You blackmailed us!” I exploded.

Ignacio chuckled again. I was really starting to hate him.

            “Yes, you’re right. Well, if that’s all then we should get this over with. I have a revolution to lead.” Ignacio said as he walked over to a nearby lever.

We were about to die. I was sure of it.

            “Goodbye, you four. It really is a shame. You, my dear have certainly caught my eye. No matter. It isn’t the first time I’ve killed a pretty girl.” Ignacio said that last part to Stella.

With that, Ignacio pulled the lever. I sucked in a deep breath. The trap doors we were all standing on fell open and we fell with it, held up only by our necks! My air supply was cut off with a jolt. I kicked and struggled, we all let out choked screams. My hands were bound behind my back, useless. I hung only from my neck, unable to breath! I flailed my legs, gritting my teeth. My neck was starting to get sore from the rope and my lungs began burning.

            “I’ll enjoy watching you all die. I may even feast on your blood afterwards. However one’s blood tastes best while they are still alive…” Ignacio trailed off as he watched us struggle like flies in a web.

We all kicked and struggled, but to no avail. I was angry and sad. I wanted to kill Ignacio! We were so close to getting everyone out! We were so close to destroying the mafia base as well as all of their machine guns! We were so close to saving the Queen! Now all our work will have been for nothing. We were going to die down here in the vampire mafia’s underground complex! We hung there, struggling for a few seconds more. My lungs burned and my limbs were going numb. My brain felt foggy and my vision was blurring. I was starting to pass out, I was sweating. Just before I thought I couldn’t hold my breath in any longer, I heard a gunshot. An explosion immediately followed. The explosion was so powerful that it ripped its way across the room from where it started and blew the gallows to splinters! We all were thrown violently against the wall, as was Ignacio. I still had the noose around my neck but I slipped it off and ran to the others, helping them up. A few more explosions rang out, indicating that a chain reaction had started.

            “How in the…” Stella winced as she held a hand to her head.

Standing in the doorway, twirling his flintlock on his finger, was none other than Donovan Sterling.

            “Don!” Robert exclaimed.

More explosions went off in the background, shaking the room.

            “What? You think I’d leave you behind? I didn’t see anyone come out of the base for a few minutes, so I assumed something went wrong.” Don said.

            “What about the magic users?” Macalister asked.

            “Gerald and the others got them out before I got here. They’re safe.” Don assured us.

There was something about his voice that made him seem sad.

            “What’s wrong, Don?” I asked.

Don looked to the side and turned away from us.

            “We saved the magic users, but we’re too late to stop the mafia’s attack on Queen Yuka. They had machine guns in surface storages. They’re marching on the castle as we speak.” Don said grimly.

More explosions shook the room, more violently this time.

            “Let’s go, quickly!” Don shouted.

            “Where?” Macalister asked.

            “There’s an exit over there!” Don shouted over the explosions.

We all ran to where he pointed. We passed Ignacio, who lay unconscious on the ground.

            “Is he dead?” Macalister asked.

            “I don’t think we’ve seen the last of him.” Robert said as we kept moving.

We ran for the door. Stella recovered her flintlock from where it lay on the floor. We reached the door as explosions began tearing apart the room behind us. We slammed the door behind us just as flying rubble hit it. We ran up the staircase that we now faced and soon came to a trap door. We opened it and found ourselves in an inn, behind the counter. We all piled out and ran outside. The stone walls and ceiling of the complex blocked out most of the explosions’ impact, but we could still feel it up here. It felt like a small earthquake. A small crowd gathered around, looking around to see what was causing the ‘earthquake.’ We didn’t stop to explain. The explosions were dying down, as were the impacts.

            “We destroyed the mafia base!” Macalister shouted.

Across the street I saw Gerald and the others leading all the magic users out of the base! Far up the road I saw mafia members in white fedoras marching towards Queen Yuka’s castle! They were all carrying machine guns! Don, Stella, Robert, Macalister and I all ran to meet the others.

            “Tabatha!” don shouted.

            “Don!” Tabatha replied.

Don and Tabatha ran ahead and hugged one another. After a few seconds, Tabatha pulled away and kissed him on the cheek.

            “Thanks for coming to safe me. Thanks for saving all of us.” She said sincerely.

Don’s face turned into a look of complete surprise and he started blushing.

            “It was… It was nothing. It was our job.” Don said modestly.

            “Ya saved us man! Thanks a bunch!” Walden exclaimed.

Don chuckled and pointed to us.

            “It wasn’t all me. They had a huge part in this.” He said.

Everyone turned their attention to the mafia members advancing on Queen Yuka’s castle.

            “We’re too late!” Darwin cried.

            “The mafia is mounting their attack now! We have to stop them!” Edwin shouted.

            “We can’t stop them, they have machine guns!” Darwin objected.

            “Based on what we saw, we are no match for the machine guns. There’s nothing we can do.” Edward said hopelessly.

I heard Tabatha clear her throat. I looked to see her and the other witches, warlocks and fairies standing there with grins on their faces.

            “What are you all smiling about?” Edward asked.

            “It’s funny, you say that like everything seems hopeless.” Tabatha teased.

            “What are you getting at, witch?” Edwin snapped.

Tabatha closed her eyes in frustration but opened them again after a few seconds.

            “You have a team of magic users on your side and you’re talking like we can’t take out a couple men with fancy machines.” Tabatha explained.

We all grinned and looked to one another.

            “But don’t you all have a curse put on you that lowers your magic power to almost nothing?” Don asked.

Tabatha smirked, aimed her staff at a piece of trash on the street, flicked her staff towards Don and the trash followed, beaning him in the head.

            “Hey!” Don cried, rubbing his head.

I stood there in shock.

            “Wait, you’re all meaning to tell me that your magic works? But how?” I asked.

Antoinette giggled.

            “The witch who casted the spell on us is dead. She died in the explosions.” Antoinette said.

            “It’s a relief too. Not being able to use magic is no fun!” Walden complained.

            “You don’t say…” I trailed off.

Everyone chuckled.

            “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go stop that attack!” Gerald shouted.

We all shouted our approval.

            “Let’s go save the Queen!” Macalister shouted.

Gerald Baldwin led us up the road.

            “Okay. Manipulation magic users at the front. We need you to stop the bullets before they reach us. Can you do that?” Gerald asked.

A warlock stepped forward. He had an orange wand with an amber mounted at the top. He then pointed it at a piece of trash on the street.

            “Repel!” He cried out.

The amber began to glow and the trash flew away from us at a very fast speed. Tabatha gasped.

            “That’s a spell?” She gasped.

The warlock nodded, but eyed her strangely.

            “Yes, it’s a pretty basic one too.” He said.

            “I don’t practice magic very often. You know, witch hunts and all.” Tabatha said with a shrug.

            “Okay, all manipulation magic users at the front. Use that ‘repel’ spell to stop the bullets. Space yourselves out so that someone can fit beside you. I have an idea.” Gerald said.

            “But are you aware of how hard that’ll be?” A witch cried.

            “You can do it. It’ll be hard, but it’s better than no protection at all.” Gerald explained.

            “We’re relying on you to keep us alive.” Darwin reminded.

I saw the manipulation magic users all grin as they walked to our front lines. I saw Tabatha go to the front lines as well.

            “Next, destruction magic users! Stand beside a manipulation magic user. Show the mafia some offense on my mark!” Gerald commanded.

The destruction magic users cheered as they got into formation. Walden joined them along with a few other fairies.

            “Do we have any other magic types here?” Edward asked.

Antoinette and some other witches, fairies and warlocks stepped forward.

            “Illusion.” Antoinette said.

            “Healing.” A fairy said.

I looked around. Was this it? Was this all we had?

            “Any other magic types?” I asked.

            “Well, some of us didn’t make it out of the complex alive. We had some influential magic users, but they’re dead.” Said a warlock.

I nodded. This was all we had.

            “Okay. Illusion and healing magic users stay in the middle, we need you illusion magic users as a last line of defense. We need the healing magic users protected so they can heal.” Gerald said.

Everyone got in formation. I had to hand it to Gerald, he knew how to organise a formation. We weren’t looking to shabby.

            “Okay! Stay in formation! Remember the plan!” Gerald shouted.

We all cheered in anticipation.

            “Now… Charge!” Gerald shouted.

We began to charge up the street towards the mafia members.

© 2015 Ryan Henderson

Author's Note

Ryan Henderson
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Added on June 7, 2015
Last Updated on August 29, 2015
Tags: Medieval, Vampire, Vampires, Fiction, Fantasy, Teen, Original



Ryan Henderson
Ryan Henderson

Cobourg, Ontario, Canada

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