Vampire Knight Chapter Eight: Zero and Hanabusa

Vampire Knight Chapter Eight: Zero and Hanabusa

A Chapter by Ryan Henderson

In this chapter, Zero and Hanabusa continue their search for Yuki and Yori, but after hitting dead ends in the forest, they decide to look at Cross Academy to see if they turned up there.


[Zero Kiryu's Perspective] Chapter Eight: Shortly after Hanabusa and I left the villa, we were still walking through the forest. I turned to Hanabusa. "Well? Do you still have a scent?" I asked him. Hanabusa shook his head. "No, the scent of blood went cold ten minutes ago." He said. Frustration filled me. "So you have no idea where we've been going for the last ten minutes?" I asked him. Hanabusa shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much." He said. I growled in anger, but controlled myself. Looking to bother him, as he was looking to bother me, I looked to him. "I still can't believe what you did back at the villa." I told him scornfully.

Hanabusa chuckled. "Come now, Zero. I am a vampire, and vampires drink blood, it is my nature, just as your nature is to eat, drink and sleep. Mine is to drink blood. It is just something vampires cannot help but do, Zero." He told me. I shook my head at him. "It's disgusting, however natural it may be." I said harshly. Hanabusa just shrugged me off. "If that's what you think, Zero." He said. I looked around the forest that we were in. All I saw were trees and dead, autumn coloured leaves littering the ground. I hope I can rely on Hanabusa to find Yuki and Yori.

Hanabusa and I kept walking through the woods, still no sign of Yuki or Yori. I shook my head. "I don't understand, Hanabusa. If Yuki and Yori just went for a walk, they could not have gone far in the short time they've been missing." I told Hanabusa. Hanabusa looked over to me. "I don't know where they could've went, the villa was the most logical place to go if you wanted to be found out here." Hanabusa said. I then thought back to the blood on the floor next to the throne. "Do you think that was... Yuki's blood that you drank back at the villa?" I asked Hanabusa. He just shrugged innocently. "How should I know?" He asked in a light tone. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know." I said.

I looked up at the moon. It was just sliding past the halfway mark in the sky, it was probably midnight, or an hour later than that, or it could be more. I stopped Hanabusa. "Hey, we should stop, it's getting very dark and I don't want to get lost here, we should look for a shelter, a cave or something, and if we can't find shelter, we'll make it." I told Hanabusa. Hanabusa sagged a little. "Oh, if you insist." He said. I looked around, hoping to find a cave. I then saw something. It was a rocky outcropping. Not exactly a cave, but at least we'd have a roof over our heads. "We'll rest here." I told Hanabusa, pointing to the rock ledge twenty feet away. I led him to it and we laid down on the rocks. I used my coat as a blanket, Hanabusa just laid down and closed his eyes. I decided to follow Hanabusa's lead and shut my eyes.

I opened my eyes at the first sight of light that coloured the horizon. I sat up, my back cracking from being stiff. I groaned. "Hanabusa, get up." I said. I did not here him stir. I looked over to find him fast asleep. I stood up and walked over to him. "Hanabusa, we're leaving now. Get up." I told him. He didn't move. I kicked him between the shoulder blades and he yelped. "Zero! What was that for?" He asked me. I looked at him angrily. "You wouldn't wake up. Now come on, we're continuing our search for Yuki and Yori." I told him. Hanabusa yawned, but didn't complain.

I started walking out of the outcropping of rock, Hanabusa followed me. "Where do you think we should look next?" I asked him. Hanabusa shrugged. "I don't know, they could be anywhere at this point. We should keep looking for Yuki and Yori for a while longer, then check back at Cross Academy to see if they turned up there, and if not, we should come back out." Hanabusa suggested. For once, I liked what was coming out of his mouth. "Yeah, good idea." I told him. We both walked out into the forest again, going the opposite way from Cross Academy.

Hanabusa took the lead, sniffing the air every few minutes. "Smell anything yet?" I asked him. Hanabusa did not turn around to look at me. "Not yet, I don't know how Yuki and Yori's trail went cold like that, it's like they disappeared... Strange." Hanabusa said. We continued on, listening for any sounds other than the sound of dry leaves crunching under our boots. Hanabusa then stopped. "Zero, if Yuki and Yori's trail went cold yesterday, there is not chance of us finding them today, we should check back at Cross Academy. Who knows? Maybe they turned up their?" Hanabusa said optimistically. I rolled my eyes. I knew better than to think that positively. Thinking positively was Yuki's job.

I nodded. "Alright, let's get back to the academy." I said. Hanabusa then turned around and I followed him. "You do know which way the academy is, right Hanabusa?" I asked him. Hanabusa swatted his hand in the air. "Oh, certainly I do, Zero." He said. I nodded. I had no choice but to trust him. I recognized some tree formations that we passed yesterday, so my confidence in Hanabusa grew. He led me up to a hill that we climbed yesterday. We both started to run, seeing as we both knew the way by now. We both were in good physical shape, so it didn't take us very long. Eventually, we saw the villa, which we did not dare enter again, and ran past it, down the mountain and finally, Cross Academy came into view. Was it possible that Yuki and Yori had turned up there?

Hanabusa and I ran towards it with renewed enthusiasm. Hanabusa and I both ran straight up the outer wall and jumped over. We made our way to my father's building. We burst through the gate, and through the double doors. We ran up the stairs and crashed through his office door, panting and out of breath. My father was sitting on his desk, looking board. He jumped when Hanabusa and I rushed through his door. "Ah, Zero, Hanabusa. Have you found Yuki or Yori, yet?" He asked. I shook my head, still trying to regain my breath. "Where could they have gone?" My father asked. Hanabusa and I shrugged at the same time.

My father looked to Hanabusa. "Hanabusa, you have done well in helping Zero find Yuki and Yori, but you should go back to your class. Zero can take another night class student tonight to take with him." He said. Hanabusa bowed. "Thank you, headmaster Cross." He said, he then walked out the door and back to his class. I thought about that. Who would I take? Someone who was reliable, responsible, a good tracker and a good fighter, in case we ran into any Level E vampires. I searched my mind for a night class student that fit those traits. I thought for a few moments, then discovered that there was one student in particular who I needed, and I knew who she was: Seiren.

© 2014 Ryan Henderson

Author's Note

Ryan Henderson
Please tell me what you think :) Credit to 'Yuki' on Writerscafe who is helping me write this fan fiction!

My Review

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Very entertaining. I like how the plot just keeps getting stronger. This is very easy to read which for me is important. Don't want the reader struggling to read one's story. Nice amount of action and nothing at all boring. Excellent story telling.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ryan Henderson

10 Years Ago

Thank you for the review!
Tina Kline

10 Years Ago

You are very welcome. I am enjoying your book.
This is my favorite part "Hanabusa, you have done well in helping Zero find Yuki and Yori, but you should go back to your class."...."Who would I take? Someone who was reliable, responsible, a good tracker and a good fighter, in case we ran into any Level E vampires. I searched my mind for a night class student that fit those traits. I though a few moments, then discovered that there was one student in particular who I needed, and I knew who she was: Seiren." That is perfect. You could not have written it better. Unless a publisher comes to you and tells you on his life's own that you must make a few changes for somewhere between $4,000 and 20 million, do not just yawn and say yest.

I like how you knew what you wanted and who you needed and what you were looking for. That is the hero, and I have usual been a natural element in such plots whether bird, crow, raven, or laurel shrubbery (if I have to play a part in the act of a play for instance. I want to take part in this adventure but this type of life seems to be partially blocked from me.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ryan Henderson

10 Years Ago

lol, if you like this, you should read the entire fan fiction from the beginning. The chapters are n.. read more
AWESOMENESS although not very suspenseful, this one is more of a transition chapter, the next chapter promises to be cool: Zero and Seiren! Heh heh, please write that chapter soon! And 'Yuki' on writerscafe seems to be quite the smart and creative girl ;)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ryan Henderson

10 Years Ago

Right you are, John. Yuki is a very creative and smart girl :D

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3 Reviews
Added on November 11, 2014
Last Updated on December 7, 2014
Tags: Vampire Knight, Vampire, Vampires, Fan Fiction, Cool, Teen, New, Epic


Ryan Henderson
Ryan Henderson

Cobourg, Ontario, Canada

I will review your work if you send me a read request, I like to help writers get off of the ground, I will also suggest ideas for your work if needed. Please note that I don't really like poetry... more..


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