Vampire Knight Chapter Five: Zero's Search

Vampire Knight Chapter Five: Zero's Search

A Chapter by Ryan Henderson

In this chapter, Zero searches for Yuki and Yori... Along with an unlikely companion.


[Zero Kiryu's Perspective] Chapter Five: As I exited the night class's classroom building, I thought of where to look for Yuki now. By now I was thoroughly worried, seeing as she would never, ever miss patrols, and the fact that she was not in her room worried me further. Did one of the night class students take her? The way Takuma acted when I asked him about Yuki was strange, but I couldn't prove anything. As I walked along the path that led towards the day class classroom, I caught something out of the corner of my eye. It was something wrong with a leafy bush that was right next to me. Something was out of place. Puzzled, I examined the bush further. I stepped towards the bush to get a closer look. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. I was going to back out, but I lost my balance and tripped. I fell into the space behind the bush. I then saw something that terrified me, and intensified my worry for Yuki by ten.

Behind that bush were numerous bloodstains on the ground, and the back of the bush was dotted with specs of red. "Yuki!" I shouted out loud. That is what I had spotted. A spec of red in behind a perfect green bush. I had to report this to the head master! I got up from when I tripped and ran towards the headmaster's building. I ran up the pathway that led to it, I did not stop for the gatekeeper to open the gate. I ran up the gate, caught it on one of the top spikes and ripped the palm of my hand open, I felt warm blood drip down my arm. Great. Just Perfect. I thought to myself. I pulled myself up and over the Iron Gate. I landed on the ground on the other side with almost no sound. I ran into the double doors, pushing them open with my shoulder without stopping. I ran up to the top floor where the headmaster's office was. I found it and ran down the corridor to the familiar ornate door. "Father! Father!" I shouted, bursting through the double doors. I saw my father, Kaien Cross, performing a yoga pose on a mat.

The room was dark, but he lit candles around the room. My father just looked at me with a shocked expression, he hadn't expected me. "Oh, please. Come in, Zero." He said. I was out of breath from my run here and I was flustered. "Father, Yuki did not show up for her nightly patrols! She isn't in her dorm either, and her friend, Yori is gone as well!" I yelled at him. My father froze. "This is bad, this is very bad. Yuki never misses a patrol that is usually you, Zero." My father teased. "Father, there is no time for jokes, I need to find her, now!" I told him. My father nodded. "Alright, alright, Zero. Calm down. If she missed patrols, and is not in her dorm, maybe something is bothering her and she took a walk in the forest outside the academy walls with Yori." My father suggested. I nodded, feeling a little better at the thought that Yuki may not be in danger.

I then thought of the blood behind the bush. "Oh, and father. There is blood behind one of the bushes out in front of this building, you may want to talk with the night class about that." I told him. My father stared at me. "Oh, dear. I will do that. Thank you for bringing that to my attention, Zero." He said. I nodded. "I am going to look for Yuki now. I should be back before sundown tomorrow, if not, then something is wrong. Alright, father?" I asked him. My father nodded. "Yes, alright Zero. Good luck!" He told me. I grinned slightly and went to the bathroom to wash and bandage the cut I had gotten while climbing the Iron Gate. Once I had it disinfected and bandaged, I went to the closet to get myself a coat, after all, I'd be in the woods, and it would be cold. Just then, I heard my father call from his room. "Oh, and Zero! You should take someone from the night class with you, they will be able to track Yuki's scent easier than you could, and they are vampires, after all." He called. I sighed, wanting to go alone, but if it meant Yuki's safety, I would take a vampire with me, no matter how much I despised them.

After that, I ran down the staircase and out the front door. I opened the gate from the inside and ran out into the cobblestone streets. I navigated them towards the night class’s class room building. Once I saw it, I went towards it. The gatekeeper let me in without question. I went through the gates and went to the double doors that led into the classroom. I opened the doors and went to the front of the room. All the vampires in the room turned to look at me. I looked at each and every one of them. "Hello, night class. As you all know, Yuki and Yori have gone missing, I need your help to find them. I only need one of you to accompany me, but I am going up into the forest surrounding the academy, and I am going to look for Yuki and Yori, do I have any volunteers?" I asked them.

The entire night class just looked at each other. After a moment, I began to shift my eyes around the room. They fell on Takuma, who was in the far corner, looking sheepish. "Are you alright, Takuma?" I asked him. His gaze snapped to me. "Yes, yes I'm fine, why do you ask?" He said while smiling and scratching his head. I just frowned. "It’s nothing." I said. I looked back to the rest of the night class. "Do I have any volunteers?" I asked again. After a moment, no one answered. I turned to leave, when Hanabusa raised his hand. "I will go with you to find Yuki and Yori." Hanabusa told me. I nodded. "Thank you Hanabusa, we leave now." I told him. He nodded and followed me. We exited the night class classroom building and took to the streets.

Hanabusa and I ran to the wall that surrounds the academy. We found the ladder that I normally use to climb it. We climbed up and over the wall, heading into the forest. "Let's head North, up the mountain, we may be able to get a good vantage point from there." Hanabusa suggested. I agreed, deciding to go North, up the mountain to get a better vantage point was a good idea. We climbed up the side of the mountain in silence. It didn't take me long at all because I was in good physical shape, and Hanabusa was faster because he was a vampire, an aristocratic one, to be exact. To my knowledge, all of the night class were aristocratic vampires.

Once Hanabusa and I were at the top of the mountain, we looked out down the mountain, we could see the surrounding mountains, all dotted with forest. "Come on, Zero. Yuki and Yori could not have gone far." He said, nudging me to follow him. I did. We went down the opposite side of the mountain that we came and came to the bottom. We walked around in the lower level of the forest for around fifteen minutes. "Yuki! Yori! Can you hear me?" I shouted over and over. No answer. "Girls, It's me, Hanabusa, come out now, please!" Hanabusa said playfully. That disgusted me. "Hanabusa, I don't understand, why do you think that if Yori and Yuki were out here, why would they want to come to you? Do you think that girls will just do whatever you tell them to?" I asked him, thinking of all the girls who senselessly fawn on him. Hanabusa just flashed me a knowing, cocky smile. "Oh, Zero. Girls like me better than you because I'm better looking." He said.

I recoiled away from him. "What?" I asked him. Hanabusa just shook his head, smiling. "Face it, Zero. I am better looking than you." He said. This got me angry. "You are only good looking because you are an aristocratic vampire! You have unnatural good looks! You may be more appealing to girls on the outside, but on the inside, you are just a beast, a beast in human form!" I yelled at him. Hanabusa glared at me. "What did you call me?" He said, challenging me. I knew that I could kill him with Bloody Rose if I wanted to, but I knew that this wasn't the time to be getting into a fight, so I backed off. "Alright, I'm sorry, Hanabusa. Can we just keep looking for Yuki and Yori, please?" I asked him. Hanabusa's anger was cut off. "Yes, you're right, we should look for the missing girls rather than kill each other." He said. He then turned around and we continued walking. We started walking towards another nearby mountain. A cold, long breeze picked up, blowing towards us from down the mountain we were approaching. Hanabusa stopped. Curiosity filled me. "What is it, Hanabusa?" I asked him. He sniffed the air for a few seconds.

His expression darkened. "I smell blood. There's a lot of it." He said. I then looked up the mountain, where the breeze had come from. Through the trees, I saw a large log structure, it looked to be a villa of some sort. "Do you think Yuki and Yori could be in there?" I asked Hanabusa, pointing to the villa up the mountain a ways. He nodded. "That is definitely where the smell of blood is coming from." He told me without breaking his stare on the villa. Without looking at each other, we ascended the mountain. When we reached the villa, Hanabusa and I stopped outside of it. He looked over to me. "The smell of blood is especially strong here, this is definitely the place that it is coming from." He said. We both climbed up onto the balcony of the villa. He sniffed the air, nodded to me and went inside the villa through the front door. The front door lay ajar, and the doorknob was missing.

I followed Hanabusa inside. We both walked the hallway, Hanabusa stopped at a large set of double doors. "The smell of blood is coming from in there." He said. I nodded to him. I reached out to open the door. I turned the knob and pushed the door open. Inside lay a horrific sight. There were two dead people, one man and one woman, both welding anti-vampire guns. They were both lying face down on the floor, and smears of blood were visible next to them. Their skin tones were both deathly pale; they had been drained of blood. There was a throne at the end of the room, and next to it lay a large pool of blood. Fear filled me. Was that Yuki's blood? I asked myself. I looked over to Hanabusa to see his body convulsing. "Hanabusa, Hanabusa! Control yourself!" I told him. Hanabusa did not listen. His eyes shut, and when they opened, they were as bright and lustrous as a pair of rubies.

Hanabusa then ran over to the large pool of blood next to the throne and bent down to it. He stuck his tongue out and began lapping at it at a dog would do with a bowl of water. "Get up, Hanabusa." I said, thoroughly disgusted. When he did not get up, I sighed. "You are disgusting." I told him. I considered getting angry at him, but I did not know if that was Yuki's blood, so I did not get angry with him. After a few moments, when the pool of blood was almost entirely depleted, Hanabusa got up, and wiped a dribble of blood that had fallen down his lips with his finger. I shook my head at him. Hanabusa shrugged. "What? I couldn't help myself, Zero." He protested. I beckoned him towards the front door as I walked towards it. "Come on, Hanabusa, Yuki is not here, we need to keep looking." I said urgently. Hanabusa followed me outside. We walked away from that villa, continuing our search for Yuki and Yori, hopefully never to return again to that villa.

© 2014 Ryan Henderson

Author's Note

Ryan Henderson
Please tell me what you think :) Credit to 'Yuki' on writerscafe who is helping me write this fan fiction!

My Review

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Very entertaining vampire story. I'm really enjoying it. Good plot development and your writing style is easy to read, which is a big plus. I like the cast of characters your developing. And the interest level is still high in your story.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ryan Henderson

10 Years Ago

Thank you very much for the review!
Tina Kline

10 Years Ago

You are most welcome.
There seem to be a lot of about doors and door knobs. I don't know why the notions of Aristocats or heiress talk crazy is not even present here which is a nice change from my ordinary way of looking at the natural world.

You, Ryan and Yuki, are brave to put this in about the dead people. I just hate thinking about it (though I suppose we all face fears on a regular basis not always by choice just as a matter of consequence and day/night pattern

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ryan Henderson

10 Years Ago

Thank you for the review, Laura Lynn!
I like how you made Zero and Hanabusa visit Shizuka's villa right after Yuki left! It made it so cool, and I like how you alternate perspectives, it keeps the reader up to date and not in the dark and gives them a fuller understanding of the story!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on November 9, 2014
Last Updated on December 7, 2014
Tags: Vampires, Vampire, Vampire Knight, Fan Ficition, Fantasy, Cool, Epic


Ryan Henderson
Ryan Henderson

Cobourg, Ontario, Canada

I will review your work if you send me a read request, I like to help writers get off of the ground, I will also suggest ideas for your work if needed. Please note that I don't really like poetry... more..
