Vampire Knight Chapter One: Yuki

Vampire Knight Chapter One: Yuki

A Chapter by Ryan Henderson

The story will follow Yuki in this chapter, it will mainly describe things you need to know in order to understand the story if you have not seen the anime it is based off of: 'Vampire Knight'


Vampire Knight Fan Fiction


[Yuki Cross's Perspective] Chapter One: My name is Yuki Cross. I am female, five feet tall, and fifteen years old. I have red-brown eyes and dark brown hair. I have a thin build. I attend Cross Academy, an elite private school. There, I am one of only two members of the disciplinary committee, we are otherwise known as guardians. It is up to my partner, Zero Kiryu, and I to make sure that both the day class and the night class behave themselves and follow the code of conduct. Zero and I work all night, and we very seldom get any sleep during the day. The school is head mastered by my father, Kaien Cross. The school is located in a remote area, somewhere in a Serbian mountain range. Cross Academy overlooks a small village known as Arbough. Cross Academy is split up rather peculiarly compared to other schools. The school has a day class, as well as a night class. Why this is, I do not know. Whenever I ask my father about it, he avoids the subject, much to my frustration. My father has never been one to lie, but he does have a habit of keeping things from me to protect me. But what would he want to protect me from?

Today is a fine summer's day. I am walking to my first class of the day, mathematics, with my best friend Yori. Yori is a good friend, her voice is always somewhat monotonous, but she cares about me, and she always seems to notice when I am sad, worried, or am under any kind of emotional stress. Yori is five feet one inch, she has blond-brown hair, and golden, honey coloured eyes. As we walked across the academy's grounds, I caught a glimpse of one of the night class students. I think that his name is Takuma Ichijo. I hardly ever see the night class students during the day, occasionally, I see them running errands during the daytime, but the only other time I see them is during the class switch, when the night class leave at dawn and the day class enters for their morning classes. As I looked at him, I couldn't help but realize how attractive all of the night class students are. Even the girls are very good looking, as well as the boys. All of the day class girls fawn on the night class boys, including me. All of the day class girls have their favourite night class boys. Because I am on the disciplinary committee, I get a list of all of the names and pictures of everyone attending Cross Academy.

The night class students, like I said before, are all very attractive. The night class male students are as follows: Takuma Ichijo. He is the vice dorm president of the night class. He has blonde hair, green eyes and a very pale skin tone. I rarely talk to Takuma, but he is very kind whenever I do talk to him, sometimes I overhear him talking with the other night class members, his voice is kind and smooth. Takuma is fairly tall, a little taller than me. Next, there is Hanabusa Aido. Hanabusa is a lot taller than me, he is around five feet ten inches. He is tall and lean, with electric blue eyes and golden brown hair. He is often times very cocky and full of himself. He is friendly, and can be charismatic when he wants to be, but he can be cruel, as well. Hanabusa Aido always scares me somewhat, he always looks at me like he knows something that I don't. The next night class boy that I will describe is Akatsuki Kain. Akatsuki is very tall, taller than Hanabusa. Akatsuki is around six feet two inches, with a muscular build. He has a deep voice, and is very perceptive of things, like Yori. Akatsuki has burnt orange eyes, and pale-orange hair. Next, there is Senri Shiki. Senri has somewhat of a deep voice, and he is tall and lean. He is around five feet, eight inches. Senri doesn't say a lot. He has bluish grey eyes, and mahogany hair. Lastly for the night class boys, there is Kaname Kuran. Kaname is a very cool and composed person. He has brown hair, and red-brown eyes, like me. Kaname is the president of the night class. All of the night class boys are around my age, give or take a year. They all have a pale skin tone, due to the lack of sun they get, because they are in the night class.

Now, for the night class girls. First is Rima Toya. She has cerulean eyes and light orange hair. She is a little taller than me. Rima is fairly secluded and does not speak a lot, but when she does, she can be found quite often speaking to Senri Shiki. It appears that they have some kind of relationship with one another, although I do not know what it is. Rima has (unexpectedly) a short temper, and she has no problems speaking her mind. Next is Ruka Souen. Ruka is around five feet seven inches. She had pale brown eyes and beige hair. Ruka is protective of her friends, and loyal to them as well. She appears to be best friends with Akatsuki Kain, as she can often be seen speaking with him. Lastly, there is Seiren. She has no last name. She had violet eyes and violet hair, both her eyes and hair are the same shade. Seiren is rarely seen, and does not appear to speak to anyone except the night class. Seiren appears to have a 'no nonsense' attitude. Headmaster Cross usually trusts her with errands that require going into Arbough, due to her responsible personality. Apparently, she can be trusted to get a job done. I do not think anyone really knows much about Seiren, except maybe the night class students. Same with the night class boys, all of the night class girls are relatively my age as well, and they all have a pale skin tone. The reason is presumably the same for the boys' pale skin tone.

As I was walking with Yori to class and saw Takuma, I mentally described all of the night class students, but as I was doing so, I was staring at Takuma. Yori tapped me on the shoulder. Takuma looked over and found me looking at him. Takuma appeared to have giggled, but it was hard to tell from here. I quickly averted my gaze. "Yuki, are you alright?" Yori asked me. Realizing that I had been staring, I shook my head to clear away any thoughts of the night class. I smiled and nodded. "Yes, Yori, I'm fine." I said. Yori regarded me with a doubtful look. "Are you sure? You look as though something might be on your mind." Yori stated. I sagged my shoulders. "Yes, Yori. I was just thinking about the night class students." I admitted. Yori touched my shoulder. "Yes, they are all very attractive, are they not?" She asked. I nodded. "Especially Idol, I mean, Aido." Yori said. I laughed. Since Hanabusa's last name was pronounced a lot like 'idol' he had earned that as a nickname. Most of the day class girls call him 'idol.'

Yori and I had arrived at the building that housed our classes right on time. As a member of the disciplinary committee, it was my job to make sure that the class switch went smoothly, which was harder than you may think, because the day class girls pushed each other out of the way to get a better look at the night class boys, which caused much disorder. Although, the night class boys just seem to eat it up. They enjoy the attention, especially Hanabusa, who teases the day class girls into coming closer to him, which the day class girls gladly oblige, making my job harder. As Yori and I approached the grand double doors that led into the class building, I heard my partner, Zero Kiryu, call out to me. "You're late." He stated. I shook my head. "You're one to talk." I shot back, thinking of all the times that Zero had skipped out on his duty of patrols some nights. Zero was five foot eleven, with lavender eyes and silver hair. Zero is a secluded person, who keeps his emotions under lock and key. Zero often spoke, which is good, but topics concerning his emotions are completely off limits to everyone.

As Yori and I got closer to the gates, Yori went with the other day class girls. I stood up at the front of the group with Zero. I pulled out my whistle that was issued to me by head master Cross, my father, and raised it to my lips. I blew as hard as I could, resulting in a high pitched screech! All of the day class students covered their ears. "Alright, everyone! You know the drill! Boys on the right, girls on the left, get into your lines, come on!" I yelled. A few people started moving, but most remained rooted to the spot. "Move it!" Yelled Zero. With that, everyone lined up in an orderly fashion. I felt that the day class did not take me seriously, but everyone obeyed Zero, they were afraid of him. I then went and took my position in front of the line of girls, and Zero did the same with the boys.

In a minute, the double doors opened, and out walked the night class. The day class girls erupted in a frenzy of cheers and shouts. Phrases like "I love you, Hanabusa!" And "Over here, Takuma!" The day class girls, like I said before, had their favourite night class boy, all of the day class girls shouted to their favourite night class boy. Only Takuma and Hanabusa seemed to acknowledge the day class girls, the other night class boys remained silent and walked along with the other night class students. The boys yelled to their favourite night class girls. "Ruka! I love you!" And "Seiren! Over here!" And other phrases could be heard from where Zero was standing in front of the day class boys. The night class girls did not acknowledge the day class boys, they remained cool and composed, driving the day class boys mad. The day class boys did not push to get closer to the night class girls, for even they feared Zero. As one of the night class boys, Kaname Kuran, walked by Zero, Kaname said "Well, hello there Zero Kiryu." Zero's expression instantly hardened. "Kaname Kuran." He said in return, barley keeping the bitterness out of his voice. I didn't know why, but Zero was always bitter towards the night class, especially towards Kaname Kuran.

As the night class students walked down the cobblestone street, their white school uniforms swayed in the slight breeze. The night class students wore a white uniform, and the day class students wore a black uniform. Why it is not the other way around, I do not know. The day class boys have stopped shouting by now, but the day class girls had not. Whenever a day class girl would shout to Hanabusa, he would acknowledge them with "Yes, I love you, too." Or "Yes, I see you back there, girl." The day class girls all but fainted on the spot upon being acknowledged by Hanabusa. He appeared to be very popular among the day class girls, along with Takuma and Kaname. Ruka, Rima and Seiren appeared to be the most popular among the day class boys.

After the night class students had passed, I stepped up to the front, where Zero was already waiting. "Alright, now proceed to the classroom in an orderly fashion." I ordered. The day class students did as instructed. I led the girl's line inside, Zero led the boy's line inside. In a few seconds, we were inside the classroom. The seats were set up like stairs, the front seats were at the lowest point, and the back seats were at the highest point, at the very front was a teacher's desk, as well as the blackboard. Our teacher, Mr. Untaya (pronounced oon-tie-yaw) was already at the front of the classroom by his desk. "Take your seats, class." He ordered. Mr. Untaya had dark brown hair, grey eyes and a tall, very lean build. He was around six feet four inches and had a very strict air about him. He started class.


At the end of class, the sun started to dip below the horizon, tinting it to the same colour as Yori's eyes; Golden honey colour. It was so late at the end of class because each day was dedicated to a specific class. We had mathematics today, tomorrow would be a different class. Biology, presumably. Every four days, the class orientation would start over, so I had mathematics in the morning once every four days. I was packing up my textbooks and was about to leave, when I noticed that Zero had left already. He better not skip out on duties tonight. I thought to myself. I waited for Yori to finish packing up, then we went out the door and started walking back towards the girl's dorm rooms. It was now twilight, and the air had acquired a certain unshakable chill to it. Yori and I started walking the same way that we had walked to class that morning. We were just walking past one of the many flower gardens that were scattered across the campus, when I heard a noise. It sounded like someone had slid their foot over the gravel a few feet to my left. The sound came from behind a leafy bush. I looked, puzzled, as it had been absolutely silent a moment ago. "Hello?" Yori Called. No one emerged.

It was definitely the sound of someone sliding their foot across gravel.

After a few seconds, still no one emerged. I had had enough of this. I was going in. "Hold my textbooks, Yori." I said while shoving my books into Yori's hands. I went behind the bush. What I saw made absolute no sense, and put my brain into lockdown. I couldn't understand what I was seeing. I saw Takuma and a day class girl behind the bush. At first it looked like they were kissing, but then I noticed that Takuma's lips were on the girl's neck, not her lips, and there was blood rushing from her neck where Takuma had his mouth. It sounded like he was drinking her blood! "Takuma, what...?" I started, still totally shocked by what I was seeing. Takuma's head snapped up to look at me, his eyes had acquired a blood coloured lustre, and there was that day class girl's blood dripping from his lips. "Yuki... I... It isn't what it looks like!" Takuma quickly explained in vain. How could it not be what it looks lie, it is pretty clear what was happening. I looked to the day class girl that he was drinking the blood of, she had passed out, and she was possibly dead. She looked very pale from blood loss. Fear shot all through me. Takuma was a vampire, a beast in human form.

"Yori! Run!" I said while sprinting out from behind the bush. I saw the questioning look in her eyes and I pushed her towards the girl's dorm. "Run! Hurry!" I yelled at her. Yori ran with me to the dorm room. "Yuki, what has gotten into you?" Yori asked. I looked back to see that Takuma still hadn't emerged from behind the bush, he probably wanted to finish the girl off, then go for Yori and I. "Yori, Takuma is..." I started, I couldn't find the courage to say the word. Yori would think that I'm crazy. "A vampire!" I blurted. Yori shot me a confused look. "Are you okay, Yuki? That is absurd, of course Takuma is not a vampire, and vampires don't exist!" Yori said, slowing to a walk. "No, Yori, we need to get back to the dorm!" I urged. Yori just shook her head. "Yuki, what has gotten into you?" Yori asked me. I then glanced over my shoulder to see that Takuma was running at us, his mouth dripped blood, some of that poor girl's blood was spattered across the front of his white tunic. His eyes were glowing blood red.

I pointed to Takuma. "Yori! See for yourself!" I yelled. Yori raised an eyebrow and glanced over her shoulder. She saw Takuma running at us. Yori let out a terrified scream and sprinted towards the dorm room. I ran after her. I glanced back, Takuma was running at human speed, so at least he didn't have vampire speed, like I had read about in fictional books. We were now at the front gates of the girl's dorm. Yori and I ran through, we closed the door, temporarily shutting Takuma out. We ran upstairs to our shared room. I glanced out the window from where I was standing and saw Takuma walking away from our dorm building. He must have come to his senses. My eyes then fell on something in the middle of the room.

What I saw in that second had me so confused, and so stunned that I could not move. I saw a person in our dorm room. "Who are you?" Asked Yori, sounding as confused as I felt. The figure in our room was only a shadow, as there was almost no light in the room. The figure did not answer. I stepped forward. "I want your name and classroom number, right now!" I shouted at the figure. The figure did not move. It appeared surprised to see Yori and I. I mentally searched through all of the pictures I had in my head of everyone at this academy. There were not a lot, and no one's picture matched this person's height, or build. This person was extremely tall and lean. I shook my head. "What are you doing in here? Get out!" I yelled at the figure. The figure looked at me for the first time, it's face was impossible to see in the almost lightless room. The figure stood back, then ran towards Yori and I, who were in the doorway. I dove out of the way, grabbing Yori on the way, taking her with me.

To my shock, the figure did not bolt past us and out the door, the figure grabbed me, stood me upright, and in a split second, delivered a series of light, but effective blows to both sides of my neck, the soft point between the hip and the lower ribcage, and the gut. I let out a pained oof! for every blow that hit me. The punches were well placed, and were thrown at me so fast that I had no time to react, regardless of my martial arts training that was required to become a guardian of the academy. A few more quick blows came at the soft parts of my body and I collapsed, bruised and hardly able to move. As I collapsed, I heard a series of quick thuds that lasted for just under two seconds. I then heard Yori collapse with a high pitched yelp next to me on the floor. Our attacker said not a word. Confusion and fear gripped me. I could not even ask 'who are you?' I saw a blur of motion to my left, where Yori was and found that she had been struck in the forehead by the boot of our attacker. I looked up to the figure, only to see a boot coming towards my face at frightening velocity.

© 2014 Ryan Henderson

Author's Note

Ryan Henderson
I hope that you enjoy this fan fiction! Please let me know what you think! Credit to 'Yuki' on Writerscafe for helping me write these fan fictions!

My Review

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Nice write keep up the good work

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ryan Henderson

10 Years Ago

Thanks for the review!
An amazing first chapter. Just the right amount of information. I like the imagery and descriptions and the descriptions of the characters and the environment. Nothing dull or boring in this first chapter. Very interesting and an enjoyable read.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ryan Henderson

10 Years Ago

Thank you very much for this review!
Tina Kline

10 Years Ago

You are very welcome.
amazing!!!! love it so far, want more!!!!!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ryan Henderson

10 Years Ago

Thank you for the review!
Lovely write. Interesting first chapter. Intriguing night class which I believe will unfurl more mustery in course of the story. Looking forward to read the continuation...

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ryan Henderson

10 Years Ago

Thank you! I'm glad that you are choosing to read further! You won't be disappointed...
I read this last night and enjoy it like a quick fix pathetic emotional high, so I will go to the second chapter

There is something funny about this line "Zero often spoke, which is good, but topics concerning his emotions are completely off limits to everyone."

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ryan Henderson

10 Years Ago

thank you, chapters one and two are more informative, explaining things that you need to know if you.. read more
Hm, very enjoyable so far... The night class seem to be veeeeeeeeeeery mysterious........

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is so great!! Love it

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ryan Henderson

10 Years Ago

I am working on chapter two right now, it will be from Zero's perspective. It will explain about all.. read more

10 Years Ago

Sounds great cant wait :)

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7 Reviews
Added on November 8, 2014
Last Updated on December 7, 2014
Tags: Vampires, Teen, Vampire Knight, Cool, Fan Fiction


Ryan Henderson
Ryan Henderson

Cobourg, Ontario, Canada

I will review your work if you send me a read request, I like to help writers get off of the ground, I will also suggest ideas for your work if needed. Please note that I don't really like poetry... more..


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