![]() Chapter ThreeA Chapter by ~ Stefanie ~![]() The third chapter in my book Nothing Is Ever By Accident![]() Chapter 3 “Daddy! Daddy!” little Maria bounced into the living room, full of joy. “Look what I drew.” Maria held up her drawing of what looked to be a big, brown horse. Chase picked Maria up and sat her down on his lap. Her blue eyes were sparkling with happiness. “What do ya think daddy? Isn’t my horsey bewtiful?” “It is bewtiful hunny,” Chase imitated her word pronunciation. “It’s the most bewtiful horsey I’ve ever seen.” Maria giggled, “Daddy you’re silly.” She gave him a tiny peck on the cheek and ran into the kitchen to hang her drawing up on the refrigerator. Maria had new drawings all the time and their fridge would fill up real quick throughout the week. Chase and Shelly would remove them occasionally and put them away in a box up in storage. They decided on Maria’s 18th birthday they were going to give her the box so she could see all of her artwork growing up from her childhood. Chase looked through the doorway leading into their kitchen. Maria was chattering away to Shelly, as she was making dinner, telling her all about the horsey she drew and what the horsey liked to do. Maria was an angel. Chase loved her more than he could even express. Shelly and he were blessed to have the sweetest little girl on earth as their very own. His chocolate lab, Brownie, lay down at his feet and yawned. Chase reached down and scratched his ears as the smell of dinner cooking wafted in from the kitchen. ***** Ryan grabbed his car keys off the kitchen counter and glanced down at his watch. He had to be at Calvin’s in an hour, plenty of time to get there for his date if he left now. He admired himself in the mirror by the door. Purple dress shirt and khaki slacks; he looked good for a last minute, blind date set-up. He walked out to his car and started the engine. Ding! His gas light lit up, bright red. Guess I should stop and fill up with gas first, Ryan mumbled. He backed out of his driveway and headed down the street to the local gas station. He pulled up to the last empty pump and walked inside to pay. Ryan approached the counter and greeted the older woman working at the register. “I’d like to put twenty bucks in pump four please.” Ryan handed over his twenty and walked back out to his car. There was a chilly breeze blowing as he stood with the pump in his hand. He pulled his sweatshirt a little tighter around his neck with his free hand. Click… The gas was finished pumping. He put the nozzle back on the holder and shut the gas tank lid. Turning left out of the parking lot, he headed down to Calvin’s for his date with Janelle. ***** Calvin’s was a small, family-owned restaurant on the outskirts of New York City. Ryan enjoyed the place because it was quieter and more relaxed than the busy, upscale restaurants in the heart of New York. Also, no one could beat Calvin’s prime rib. Ryan had never eaten anything better. He opened the front door and a little bell clinked for the announcement of his arrival. A hostess came up and greeted him, “Good evening and welcome to Calvin’s. Is it just you this evening?” she said with a warm smile. Her blond hair was pulled back tightly into a ponytail. “No, I’m actually meeting someone here. There should be a reservation under the name of Tait.” She looked down at her computer screen and typed in his name. “Oh yes, we have you right here. The other half of your party has not arrived yet but I can take you to your seat awhile.” Ryan followed her towards the back of the restaurant to a secluded booth. She handed him a menu and said she’d bring the rest of his party back when they arrived. “Thank you,” Ryan nodded towards her. He browsed through the menu and read the descriptions of their appetizers. He wasn’t sure if he would be hungry enough for one, but maybe Janelle would like to share one. Ryan was a few minutes early, which gave him some time to think. Hopefully this girl was better than the last one his mom had set him up with, maybe someone with a fun personality and some common interests with him. About five minutes later a tall, curly-haired, brunette, with laser green eyes walked up to his table. “Hi, I’m Janelle. I’m assuming you’re the famous Ryan Tait my mother talks about?” Ryan was hooked on her right away. She possessed such beauty and grace and had an air of confidence about her and he liked that a lot. “Well yes, my name is Ryan, but I wouldn’t call myself famous, more like just your Average Joe.” Ryan took all of her in, everything from her gorgeous eyes, luminescent smile, and silky tan. This was a girl he could see himself with for sure. He just hoped her personality was as beautiful as she was. Janelle took her seat in the booth and picked up her menu. “So what’s good here?” as she scanned through her menu. “I’m sad to say that I have never eaten here before.” “Well, if you’re a big meat eater, like I am, I’d recommend their prime rib. It is by far the best in the city.” “Sounds pretty appetizing to me. I’ll give it a try,” she smiled sweetly at him. Wow, Ryan thought to himself. He couldn’t take his eyes off her… not even to look down at his menu. Casual banter and conversation filled their time together as they both enjoyed their entrees. Ryan was really beginning to think his mom had hit the jackpot on this girl. Janelle looked stunning, laughed at all of his corny jokes, wasn’t afraid to give her opinion about something and they connected with each other so easily. Ryan genuinely liked this one-of-a-kind girl and was pretty ecstatic to see where this could lead. “You were totally right about this prime rib, Ryan. It is definitely the best meat I have ever had,” she dabbed at the corner of her mouth with her napkin. “So, tell me about your career. I’ve told you all I can about mine.” Janelle was a journalist, working for the New York Times. She was very active within her career and was completely dedicated to finding the latest, greatest new story. Janelle waved her hand, indicating Ryan to tell her about his career. “It could take me a little while,” Ryan told her. “We’ve got all night,” Janelle remarked and leaned back into the booth, ready to listen. Ryan adjusted his position and began his story. Janelle was so easy to talk to it amazed him. He was never this open with anyone, other than Chase, whom he confided everything in. He began telling her how he had joined the police force two years ago and how vigorous the training had been. Never in his life had he been that exhausted like he was during those couple weeks of training. He told her stories about some of the calls he had been on through his career and some funny jokes from the break room. The whole time Janelle sat, listening intently, and drawn into every word he spoke. Ryan felt good about having someone like this to talk to. “What made you decide to join up with the NYPD?” Janelle inquired. “Well my father was an officer and had retired after 40 years of service. I always admired what he did and I viewed him as a hero, my hero and New York’s hero. Since I was little, I have always wanted to be like him. So I worked hard and now here I am, following in my father’s footsteps. I serve people everyday no matter what the cost." Ryan grinned. “Wow, that’s pretty amazing,” Janelle’s eyes shone with admiration. “I really appreciate what you do. Day in and day out you risk your life for complete strangers and that, to me, is very honorable.” “Thank you. I’m glad to see that there are people out there who appreciate what I do on a daily basis. Some people just don’t care at all.” “I know and it’s so sad.” Janelle reached for his hand and nodded her sympathy. When her hand touched his it felt like a tiny electric shock had pulsed through his body. He squeezed her hand gently and pulled away, wondering if she had felt it too. By ten o’clock, both of them had decided that they better get going, because both of them had an early day the next day. Janelle jotted down her number and handed it to Ryan, “This is in case you would like to get together again without either of our mother’s meddling.” “I’ll be sure to call you soon,” Ryan took the piece of paper and placed it into his sweatshirt pocket. They walked to their cars and said their goodbyes. Ryan took one last glance at her before he pulled away. He smiled the whole drive home. Mom finally got it right this time, he whispered to himself. ***** The dishes were washed and put away and Maria was tucked soundly into bed for the night. It was just him and Shelly, cuddled up on the couch in front of the fireplace. This was his favorite time of day. “I’ve had something to tell you all day, but I wanted to wait until now to say it,” Shelly said. Chase brushed a loose strand of blond hair from her forehead and waited for her to explain. “What is it sweetheart?” An infectious smile illuminated her face, “I’m pregnant. I found out this morning.” Chase jumped up off the couch in pure excitement. They had been trying for two years now to have a second child and things were looking a little unpromising. He kissed her soundly on the lips and smiled as he told her how happy he was. Nothing could compare to the joy of welcoming a new little life into their family. © 2012 ~ Stefanie ~Author's Note
8 Reviews Added on January 13, 2012 Last Updated on January 14, 2012 Author![]() ~ Stefanie ~Dreamland, DEAboutHi, my name is stefanie :) I enjoy writing even though at times I feel like I am not very good at it. But I put my heart into everything I do so I think that makes up for it :) I really enjoy sport.. more..Writing
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