All You Need Are Pills Johnny...

All You Need Are Pills Johnny...

A Story by Darrin Michael

ADD/ADHD aren't real. Over-stimulation is.



All we need are the pills boss….
  It’s been so long since I’ve been able to enjoy the little things in life without having to make time for them in my planner. We sit around all day long with a million things going on at once, anxiously awaiting for the moment we will hopefully have a few minutes of free time. Where did all the time go I ask?
   We are becoming a culture that multi-tasks as we are multi-tasking. As I’m typing this on my computer I’m also listening to music while downloading songs off the internet while the television is on in the background. Oh yea, I also have one of those neat little boxes on the television screen with another channel playing on it just to make things more interesting.
   No wonder an estimated 2 million children suffer from a supposed disease called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (NIMH), there over stimulated! Think about it, 3 to 5 percent of all children in the United States suffer from ADHD and ADD even though neither is real...but I'll get to that later on. 
   For now the hell with it, lets just pump 'em all full of Ritalin. Dont' even flinch, just feed them it. That will slow them down.
   Hold on for one second though before you go out to your local drug store and grab the miracle pills that make you focus better.  You should realize that no drug has ever cured a single case of ADHD. Ritalin hasn’t. Adderall, nope it won’t help either.  The two might take away the symptoms of the so-called 'disease' temporarily or mask them, but neither will cure ADHD, ADD, or any learning disability for that matter.
   Not only that, do you really want to risk what good health you have by taking the medication?  We already know that Ritalin is basically cocaine.  Or do you? According to the Greater Dallas Council on Alcohol and Drug Use in regards to Ritalin, “In clinical studies, methylphenidate, like amphetamines, produce behavioral and psychological effects similar to cocaine. In simple terms, this means that the human body cannot tell the difference between cocaine, amphetamines, or Ritalin.”
   No worries though, now we have Adderall and oh how yummy it is. Oops, turns out that’s no good either., a website devoted to listing drugs and their side effects states the following in reference to Adderall usage: 'Do not use this meidication if you are allergic to Adderall (-umm duh…) or if you have hardened arteries, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, moderate to severe high blood pressure hypertension, overactive thyroid, glaucoma, severe anxiety or agitation, or a history of drug or alcohol addiction. Some stimulants have caused sudden death in children and adolescents with serious heart problems or congenital heart defects. Before taking Adderall, tell your doctor if you have any type of heart problems. Do not give this medication to a child younger than 3 years old without the advice of a doctor. Long-term use of Adderall can slow a child’s growth.'
    Your kids might stop growing but at least they will be paying attention to you. 
    So what is the point of this constant, who gives a rat’s a*s rambling? Quite simply, it is a challenge. Slow down. Don’t sweat the small things and parents; don’t think that just because your kid is having a little trouble studying, that you should stuff him full of medication that doesn’t even work. 
    Most of these medications are abused anyway. Kids are prescribed them, realize the medication isn’t helping them at all and pass them off to classmates. Then their classmates start to enjoy the wonderful high and think the reason they are feeling so good on the medication is because they actually have ADHD or ADD and need a prescription too.
    Here’s the problem, ADD and ADHD are not real. There has never been issued a single peer-reviewed scientific paper officially claiming to prove ADD/ADHD exists. Nor has there ever been a single bit of physical evidence to confirm the disease exists. So-called experts on the subject have refused to answer the simple question, “is ADD/ADHD a real disease?” Medical researchers clearly state that ADHD/ADD does not meet the medical definition of a disease or syndrome or anything organic or biologic.
   Today more than 7,000,000 children have been labeled, stamped and registered as permanent patients of the school system. 10 to 12 percent of all boys between the ages of 6 and 14 in the United States have been diagnosed as having ADD. One in every 30 Americans between the ages of 5 and 19 years old has a prescription to Ritalin
   The federal government is making money off a drug that cures a non-existent problem. 
   Little Johnny in the classroom is having trouble paying attention. Of course it’s not the teachers fault. It couldn’t be. Far be it that the Johnny may actually be motivated by a different method of teaching that the teacher has no idea how to figure out. Wait, I know, lets give him drugs to put him in a zombie like state so all he can do is focus on one thing; whoever is talking! 
   Stop screwing up your kids lives by giving them a medication that his or her teacher thought was the answer. And especially, don’t trust a licensed professional; even if they are a psychologists or psychiatrist prescribing the drugs for them.  Remember, there's no physical evidence even suggesting the diseases exist.
   It’s time to start realizing that the problem all along was we simply live in a world of over stimulation. It’s going to get worse too people. The more technology increases, the more over stimulated were going to become. Don’t believe me. Watch in the next few years the increase in technology versus the increase in prescription medications for ADD and ADHD in children. All the new i-pod, i-phones, super mega flat screen televisions, and DVD/Blu-Ray disc with stereo hookup units that come out will surely make us all nuts.
   So when you’re reading this while listening to your music while the television is on in the background as your cell phone is ringing while you’re looking on its internet browser remember one thing, it's not that the drugs don't work, they didn't do anything in the first place.

© 2008 Darrin Michael

Author's Note

Darrin Michael
I was bored one night and got to thinking about how one's mind will begin to wander every which way...

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Very well written piece. I too might not agree with you on most of what you have stated, but you have written a good piece showing your point on the matter. Great write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

While I might not agree with some of what you stated, you certainly make your position clear. I love the title and the opening line as both really intrigue and engage the reader immediately. It's also a clever device to describe how you (and the reader) are multitasking, making your point about overstimulation. A couple of little grammar bumps, but nothing that would require a prescription ::grin::

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 9, 2008
Last Updated on February 9, 2008


Darrin Michael
Darrin Michael

Piqua, OH

I just became a journalists at a local newspaper and enjoy writing. more..

Day One Day One

A Chapter by Darrin Michael