![]() Slave of Primitive EarthA Story by DarkwolfI awoke to the sound of chains in the distance, I opened my eyes slowly with a sigh. I tried to adjust my position but I couldn’t move much because my wrists were bound tightly above my head to the wrought-iron cage I was in. I winced in pain as I moved my legs smacking my knee into the ceiling of the cage. Which I gathered to be about 18 inches tall, I dont know why I didnt have this memorized because I slept here every night whether I wanted to or not. I grunted biting my lip, It had been two weeks here. I had not seen the light of day for two weeks just what had looked to be light bulbs along what I suspected to be a hall for I watched many people walk by each day. The blinked a few times awakening myself and rested my head on the cold black stone tiles. I had one luxury though and I tapped my head on a spot of moss I used as a pillow. Surprisingly it was quite comfortable and stays quite cool. Sleeping without blankets took a lot longer than I had expected to get use to, I still could hardly do it unless I fell unconscious naturally. Though blankets were not much needed because it stayed if my corrections were correct about sixty-five degrees in my tiny cage. I had wondered if that was a combination of my body heat and the stone under me kept it so nice. I guess I had more luxuries even if they were simple primitive luxuries than I thought I did. I heard a small bell ring I felt the pressure of the sound waves against my ear. That bell determined that it was time for me to be fed or maybe more than one of us but I never heard another person in this room. Perhaps it was designed that way. No one ever talked to me even the woman who fed me didnt talk to me, maybe she wasnt allowed to by a higher power. I heard a wood door creak on its hinges as it opened out of my sight but I knew it had to have been not more than twenty-five paces from me. I heard the door creak close and the sound of a heavy bolt or bar of wood shoved across it locking it from the outside. Thats when I heard the soft footfalls of a woman and the sliding of her tunic on the floor. I had wondered why one of her sleeves touched the floor and was sleeveless on the other side. I smiled to myself enjoying the vibrations the sound sent my way that my ears picked up. I opened my hands stretching them and twisted my wrists to stretch them as much as I could. I saw one of her small feet touch the floor in my field of view again I smiled for this woman had been the only person who had shone me any affection. She knelt slowly setting the tin in front of my cage and also laid down in front of my cage whether she was suppose to or she did it because she was the only one there I would not know. She made sure my wrists were expertly secured to one of the bars of my cage before she opened the lid of it and climbed in with me laying on her side closing the lid again. The woman looked at me with warm but soft eyes and pushed my uncut hair behind my ear with a smile and kissed my forehead. To be honest I was frightened of this place and I believed she understood that even though I tried not to show it because she always soothed me or at-least tried to. She reached out of the bars with her hand and grabbed the two slices of meat removing the excess juices from them brought them back and tapped my lips softly as more of as a command to open my mouth. I did so without hesitation and she placed a warm tender strip of meat in my mouth. I waited until her hand was clear of my mouth before I began to chew on the strip of meat closing my eyes savoring it knowing after this meal I would not eat until tomorrow nor would I see this woman again. I swallowed dryly and opened my mouth again slowly this time again she placed the second strip of the tender meat into my mouth. Once again I chewed and swallowed slowly, I sighed and it caught her attention. I watched her look at me with some confusion and worry. She knew something was wrong and wrapped her arms around me letting me rest my head on her chest reassuringly. It helped much making me smile a bit as I nuzzled into her chest letting out a soft purr like noise my mind at ease. I felt her soft warm lips touch the top of my head the way a mother would kiss her child to soothe it. For awhile we laid this way till she was sure I was calm again as apposed to the distressed that I had been. She moved back a few inches and put the opening to a water flask to my mouth. I drank eagerly for the meat was quite salty and dried your mouth out quickly even though it was tender, I drank slowly feeling water run out of the corner of my mouth. The woman pulled the flask away setting it upright and tapped my lips again after I had swallowed the water. This time it was a set of what seemed to be string peas. String peas were actually my favorite vegetable so this was really a treat to me. I ate them quickly but happily. It appeared she brought me string peas every time on purpose so Id be a little bit happy. Afterward I laid there watching her knowing that my small ration of bread and some sort of honey butter was next. The bread was my favorite portion of meal but was also the worst because it meant that I had no more food left. I reluctantly ate the warm soft slices of bread, the woman fed me like she did everyday. I eagerly and innocently watched her as I drank the rest of the flask of water and again she held me close to her to soothe me until I fell asleep. The woman placed my head on my small moss plant and pushed open the lid to my cage. I watched her leave she smiled down at me looking at me with her soft warm eyes and closed the lid. I was asleep by the time she left.
The next morning I was awoken by the butt of a spear being jammed roughly and carelessly between my ribs and hip. I coughed and jolted awake thrashing from side to side in immense pain trying to get it out of my side. The two men standing over me laughed at me and pushed it deeper into my side. I continued to writhe in pain crying out hoping someone would hear me. To no avail no one came to my aid. A tear rand down my cheek, for the third day in a row I had been tortured to what I had guessed those men as some sort of guards. I tried to loose myself and ignore the pain but it just frustrated the guards as one took out a whip and lashed me across the back for not entertaining them. I closed my eyes tightly as the one guard drove the butt of his spear deeper into my side. I moved against the wall of my cage taking the punishment hoping it would stop not knowing what I had done in the first place. I let out a sudden gasp as he jammed the spear butt against my throat pinning me to the floor even though I was already shackled to the bars. I let out a hiss of displeasure and a choked sob as tears began to run down my cheeks everything turning black around me. I felt light headed and it felt euphoric then he pulled his spear was dropped suddenly. As I heard the sound of a loud slap he had dropped his spear in shock and I gasped for breath taking in as much air as I could. I looked up at him with disgust and a smile as I noticed the large red hand print across his face, his lip was bleeding slightly and his comrade stood there trying not to be part of it but he also was awarded a slap also from the woman who fed me everyday. She stood over the both of them and spat in their faces letting out a cry of rage at both of them hurling the first guards spear across the room where I was caged. It again clattered against the floor loudly making an echo about the room. She looked down at me and I looked up at her, the woman knelt at the top of my cage and unbound the twine that held them to the bars but left my wrists still bound together before she rose swiftly and unshackled my ankles leaving the heavy steel anklet around it and motioned for me to get to my feet. I did so without question and she grabbed me by my wrists and lead me step by step slowly away from the guards. I had not walked for two weeks and I was shaking and fell to the floor my knees scraping against the cold rough stone floor. I looked up at her in disparity not knowing if I could still walk because I shook too badly. I had anxiety for being out of my cage, I was paranoid and shaking like a frightened puppy. I felt a soft tug at my wrists and I looked up again in shame and shook my head trying to convey I could not go on. Thats when I felt her arms lift me up to my feet and hold me against her slightly letting me rest on the wall. I began to breathe heavier with fear as I continued to stumble and fall to my knees. Every time I stumbled and fell she picked me back up again and helped me walk a few more feet till I stumbled again on the uneven surface of the cold stones. We reached the door it took time, exactly how long I do not know but when I placed my hand upon it I gasped with shock because I had not seen the outside world or anywhere except for my cage for weeks maybe months but I had only been counting the last two. I was restless and tired and I let out a cry as she opened the door, we together walked out into a large marble hallway of all white marble. It was harder for me to stumble on this I did notice many doors as I looked around the hall including the one across from where my cage was. She smiled at me and held me for a moment letting me look around in awe of the hallway before leading me slowly and patiently to the door across the white marble hall. Which I noted grimly as she opened the door to a circular wall had stairs leading up and a set leading down. Her and I stood between the sets of stairs and she put her finger to my lips as I opened my mouth to say something. I did not understand if she was not able to understand me or did not wish me to speak as she turned around letting me lean softly against the wall while she closed and locked the door we came through with a heavy creak it was locked closed from the inside. She came back to me slowly looking me over taking my wrists and putting them over her shoulders she lifted me with ease and began to carry me effortlessly up the stairs. I laid my head against her chest and closed my eyes, I felt weak and helpless.
* I looked down upon him as I carried him up the stairs noting his shallow breathing, he was asleep. It had been eight months since he was brought here to Nasara. He was meant to become a slave but as his caretaker I had the right to decide that. He was just a boy not older than fifteen maybe sixteen. This boy I felt a connection to but I could not place what it was, I felt bad for him. I brushed his hair away from his face, It had grown considerably longer since I first fed him. I smiled down at him as we reached my quarters. I looked about observing that nothing had changed in my quarters, my red curtains still hung closed, the lamp still on. I carried him to the dark cherry wood four poster bed, I wondered why he was so tired. Maybe he felt safe with me holding him for I knew he did not get much sleep. I laid him on it softly trying not to wake him, his entire body was warm as if he was afflicted with a fever. I watched him unconsciously nestle into the bed, I smiled then with a gasp of horror I saw the welts and scars on his back from the guards torture. They were not permitted to touch slaves or newcomers without explicit direct permission from their caretaker. They carelessly did not respect that law, I would see too it that they would be punished accordingly. I walked away stepping down from the small raised platform and walked quietly but hurriedly into the bathroom and threw open the medicine closet retrieving some ointment and a cloth which I took to the basin and dampened it slowly ringing it out thoroughly before folding into into a small square and placing some ointment about it. Rising to my feet I pattered quietly back up onto the platform quickly and stood over him. Unsure if I should wait until he woke or not, I decided the latter and placed the washcloth upon his back. He winced slightly and let out an unconscious cry as I rubbed one of the lashes clean. To my surprise he did not wake. His breathing stayed steady the entire time I attended to the wounds on his back, he must have been exhausted from the torture and from the lack of comfortable, restful sleep. I sighed and sat down across the room from him watching him sleep. I wondered how long he would sleep for, as I watched I saw the most interesting phenomenon. His wounds on his back began to heal themselves as if he had not been hurt in the first place. I had not know the ointment to work this way but I had heard of a species of humans that had special abilities but they were said to be extinct. I pondered this and rose from my chair gracefully and slowly. I went to the bed and laid down next to him and stroked his cheek with my fingers softly with a smile.
* I did not dream, the last thing I remembered was her carrying me up the stairs. I felt no pain just wonderful sleep. When I awoke again it was evening I granted not long after sunset because it was not completely dark yet but stars were in the sky and there were two moons. I smiled looking out the window over the flat plains before me with large mountains in the distance sticking up like the spines on a dragon. I chuckled painfully then sat up rubbing my eyes slowly letting my senses awaken as quickly as they could. I stretched and most of the vertebra in my back popped back into place. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand, In that instant I realized my folly and remembered I could not walk and fell over with a thud against the tile floor smacking my head against the tiles. I felt tears spring to my eyes and I shook them away not wanting to cry but I did manage to let out a cry of surprise as I fell. I heard a rush of clothing and three soft thuds on the tile before I felt soft warm hands pick me up into a sitting position.
“You must be careful little one” was all she had said before picking me up again and returning me to the bed where she laid me. I sat up looking at her with a small frown. She sat on the bed with me watching me with her soft warm eyes. I watched her reach out and take my hands in hers turning my palms upwards and staring into them.
“So it is true, you are one of them?” she questioned not taking her eyes off my palms. I closed me hands holding them close to my chest unsure and slightly afraid of what she meant. She looked at me with concern, I opened my mouth to speak but I found I could not. With a cry of frustration and defeat I fell over to my side on the bed with a great sigh.
“You cannot talk little one because your throat is healing from where it was slashed open, you can make noise but not formal words. It will be a couple weeks before you can speak again” She said looking down at me tracing her fingers from my temple to my jawline.
She was very motherly to me, for I appreciated it because I do not remember my mother as she was disposed while I was of the age of five. For this I do not submit to men, my father raped her and disposed of her as soon as possible. I heard the woman sigh and then I felt her warm silken soft hand on my arm.
“What is wrong little one?” she asked with a hint of worry in her soft voice flowing over me like silk. I could feel the vibrations of the sound waves her words made against my skin, I felt goose bumps rise slightly. I shuddered, I smiled up at her.
She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand to cover her blush. “I never removed your wrists from their binding” she said quietly in distress I held my hands up to her and looked at her pleadingly, I too had forgotten about my wrists. I had not noticed them because I was too concentrated on the days and the new sights and sounds I was experiencing for the first time. The woman took my bindings and withdrew a knife hidden from her thigh and slashed and hacked away at the binding on my wrists until it fell to the bed my wrists finally free. I felt a tear run down my cheek, I was appreciative of what she was doing for me. Had I become a slave I would have led a very horrible life or I at least thought so. I looked around unsure what to do with my newly freed wrists. I had become so use to them being bound I kept them closely together as if they were bound by and invisible string. I sighed and looked down, I wanted to talk and thank the woman but alas I still could not speak for another two weeks atleast she said. I looked over and I saw her head hanging down she seemed distressed. I noted her shaking lightly her hand clenched in a tight fist with the linens in her grasp.
I shuddered, I felt it welling up inside of me I couldnt look at the boy. I was his mistress, he was still a slave to me and I was a monster. Compared to some of the the other females I guess I was not but in one night it would, he would drive the beast inside of me. I rubbed slowly where my neck and shoulder met, what is now just skin was a bite mark not more than fifteen years ago. I suddenly flashed back to my child hood of when I was five.
I was in my room down the hall drawing innocently at the time a scene of my mother and father and I together. I was tacking it up on the wall with a smile when I heard a soft growl coming from my parents room no more than twenty feet away from my own. I had put my coloring pencils away and crept slowly down the hallway in the darkness and peered through a small crack in their door and say my mother backed into a corner her small wings trapped so she could no use them, I knew she was a demon just as I knew my father was a wolf well more of a shape-shifter. It had been a night of two moons my father driven by blood-lust was crouched low infront of her ready like a spring wanting to uncoil at the slightest movement but he was facing away from her thats when I head the first swoosh and an arrow striking my Pata which I grew up saying because it is in the lupine language meaning “Father” which my Pata spoke often to me. It had grazed his shoulder but I saw him lunge him self at someone I could not see. I heard a loud yelp and then a loud bone cracking thud as I saw a man a dead man hit the floor his throat torn out and my father laying at my mothers feet breathing heavily the thick leather handle of a knife sticking from his chest the insignia of the Hunters inscribed in the leather. I gasped and threw the door open and rushed to my fathers side kneeling and holding his large black furred wolf head in my hands, the glaze of death slowly coming over his eyes he licked and nuzzled my cheek once.
“Pata! Pata!” I remember screaming at him with tears running down my face. I looked at the blade, It must have been silver I reached over and grasped the handle of the thick leather and I felt it. The burning of my skin I could smell my melting flesh, the insignia burning into my hand I jerked the blade from his furred chest and dropped it my Mata kneeling behind me and taking my hand healing it the best she could easing my pain, I felt it being drained away. I looked down at my father my tears spilling onto the side of his black soft furred head and looked into his wolf eyes as he gasped for breath the noting that his chest wound was slowly healing. I had saved my Pata from a hunters blade. Unknowingly my pata sunk his large fangs into the crook of my neck where my shoulder and neck met and I knew he was bestowing his gift to me in gratitude. Had been born from my mata I had become a sucubitic wolf since my mata was a succubus.
Coming back from the flash back nearly seeing my father die, I was proud to be what I was. Demons are not as they are portrayed by religion, They are not “Evil” or at least not all of them. If you really wanted to delve into the religion portion of it, angels are also demons. There is no “good” demons and “bad” demons or fallen angels. There is just the race of Demons. Had I really wanted to I could go around sporting a large pair of wings and a tail which I sometimes get confused with our relatives the dragon, or I could go around as a four legged wolf, but I choose to go around in a human form to blend in. Nakedness was something I was also accustomed too or grew into being use to. Either one is fine but it is natural.
I sighed and wrapped my arms around my stomach wanting to become a wolf. how would I do so infront of this boy? What if I marked him and made him like me? I shook my head forcing it from my mind it was too tempting for me right now with the night of the moon approaching so rapidly.
I looked at the woman before me becoming frustrated not able to speak so I reached over and grabbed her hand to get her attention. She snapped her head up to me with her soft warm eyes and grasped my hand. “What do you need little one?” she questioned in a soft tone. I did my best to reply by touching my throat. She smiled and rose from the bed gracefully as if nothing had happened and padded out of the room only to return shortly carrying a glass of water in a beautiful crystal glass and set it in my awaiting hands. I put the glass up to my dry lips and drank down the cool water feeling it cool the burning sensation in my throat. I looked at her and opened my mouth and was able to barely rasp “Thank you”. She looked at me with shock and removed the bandages from my throat. “Your throat!” She exclaimed “Its fully healed!” She spoke with a bit of joy. “Your as surprised as I am” I said in a rasp due to my dry throat. I had not drank for two full days I noted. I rubbed my throat softly feeling the tender soreness of my muscles there.
“Have you always healed this quickly?” she interrogated
“Yes” was my short reply as it hurt to talk. She smiled and sat across from me hesitation thrummed in the air.
* “I want to go home” the boy said quietly as almost he didnt want to.
“Do you even know where you are?” I asked reaching out to him he just shook his head and looked at me.
“We are on the island of Nasara” I stated back taking his hand in mine. He looked at me wide eyed almost as if he was taken by fear or excitement
“Really?” He asked sounding eager I nodded confirming his question
“I've always wanted to come here but was always told no when my parents were still alive” he said looking out the window. So he was an orphan? I had never thought about that before.
“Welcome to Nasara then” said I bowing slighly to humor him
“What is this place for?” He questioned turning his brown and gold flecked eyes on me. This was not a question I was ready to answer nor I wanted to. No one knew about this place or at least the general public didnt know that this was a safe haven for us “Others”
“I always thought supernatural things happened here, I knew it existed and I couldnt find anything of it online. I tend to see places and people I will meet or venture to” He said falling back into the soft feather matress. He sees things? Maybe he would be ok with what I am or what this place is really for? I looked over at him with a smile unnoticing the fact that I was showing one of my fangs which poked out from under my upper lip.
“You have long canines” He said examining them. He must have sat back up when I wasnt paying attention.
“That I do, Does it bother you?”
© 2011 DarkwolfAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on July 27, 2011 Last Updated on July 27, 2011 |