

A Poem by Shae-Leigh Johns

your words feel like knives 
embedding themselves in my heart 
the more I try to make it better 
the more it hurts 
the more it makes me bleed
the longer I bottle up
the worse I feel
all I want to do is rip
this heart out of my chest so I don't have to feel anymore
if I was cold and heartless like you
then I maybe I could breathe a little easier
if my soul was black 
then I wouldn't have die
then I wouldn't have to cry
I ruined this
I wasn't good enough
I never will be 
I'm scared I'll never know an end to this pain
with you it seemed to ease
then you took and plunged a knife into me
you're feeling may not have been real
but mine are 
and now there the thing destroying me

© 2016 Shae-Leigh Johns

Author's Note

Shae-Leigh Johns
sorry it's untitled I'm not really good with them. if you have any idea for one let me know please.

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Featured Review

I really like this poem. Readers will be able to relate to this on many levels as it could describe quite a few situations. It certainly struck a chord with me relating to one time in my life.

Tiny point I would suggest: third from last line make it 'feelings', and last line 'there' - should be 'they're'

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shae-Leigh Johns

7 Years Ago

ok thank you I will fix it


I really like this poem. Readers will be able to relate to this on many levels as it could describe quite a few situations. It certainly struck a chord with me relating to one time in my life.

Tiny point I would suggest: third from last line make it 'feelings', and last line 'there' - should be 'they're'

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shae-Leigh Johns

7 Years Ago

ok thank you I will fix it
sometimes, esp. when it comes to love, the heart's always seemed to be much attached with something that feeds on us souls in the name of ecstasy. and when such ecstasy's done with love, the same goblet of pleasure gets turned into the venom of wounds which further disturb us overnight. kinda very dark, deep, & heartfelt poetry you come to lick down in such "knifey" words.

ps. title choice's pretty intriguing and well suited with your poetry. liked the composition of words as knives. interesting wounds.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shae-Leigh Johns

7 Years Ago

thank you, I'm glad that you liked it.
Knives are a recurring theme in this poem so maybe Knives?

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shae-Leigh Johns

7 Years Ago

thanks and yeah I like it

7 Years Ago

That's good. I'm glad I could help.
Shae-Leigh Johns

7 Years Ago

I appreciate it

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3 Reviews
Added on December 13, 2016
Last Updated on December 14, 2016


Shae-Leigh Johns
Shae-Leigh Johns

Mansfield, PA

I'm kinda at the point where I just feel like giving up on everything everyone. just a thought About me: I'm a lonely person that finds strength and compassion in my writing. I'm in high schoo.. more..
