Dark Paradise

Dark Paradise

A Chapter by Kitten

By Ashley


            “Have you went and saw him yet today?” My friend asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I jumped lightly.

            “Um.. No. I haven’t.” I said looking out the window. He sat next to me.

            “Why not?” He asked. I sighed.

            “Most of the time. Last night. All he did was beg me to get him set free…” I said stopping, holding back tears. “I would give anything to make that possible. But I know Odin would never allow it. Not after everything…” I say. He looked at me worried.

            “Your one of the few people. That still sees good in that man. Maybe you could…” He says before I slam my hand on the window.

            “You know as well as I do. I can’t do a damn thing. I’m not even allowed to enter his cell…” I say.

            “Well. I know the royal family likes you an awful lot. I mean your living in the palace.” He says with a slight smile.

            “What has that got to do with any of it?” I ask.

            “Maybe if you play your cards right. They may at least let you into the cell…” He says. I placed my hand on his cheek.

            “Oh.. My dear Freyr. You have so much hope in your heart. That’s why I keep you around. You always know how to lighten my mood some. But still. He’s done wrong. And needs to serve for his crimes. No matter how much I could help him be much better..” I say sighing lightly.

            “Ashley. My lady.” A young servant called out to me as he walked into the room.

            “Yes? What is it?” I said standing up.

            “Odin has requested to speak with you.” He said.

            “What for?” I asked.

            “I’m not sure. But he said it’s urgent.” The boy said looking at me. I nodded and followed him to the throne room. As I walked up to Odin and bowed, he asked.

            “Why have you failed to go visit my son today?” My eyes went a bit wide and I stood to look at him.

            “I-I just haven’t had time.” I said. He looked me over.

            “I know you lying. What happened?” He asked. I sighed. There were two people I couldn’t lie to. Odin and him…

            “All he did was beg me to talk you into setting him free. I’m so worried to go back and see him I don’t want him to be upset with me…” I said. I looked at the floor. But I could feel his eyes on me.

            “You know. He’s been asking the guard all day about you…” He said. I looked up at him.

            “What?” I said barely a whisper. He nodded. I started to cry lightly.

            “T-that’s crazy. Why would he?” I said more to myself then anyone. Before I knew it. I felt Odin’s hand on my shoulder.

            “You’re changing him. You may not see it. But I do. Trust me.” He said as I looked up at him. “Go see him. Please…” He begged me. I wiped the tears from my face. I nodded and started to walk out the room.

            “Hey. There may just be hope for him yet. If you can fix him.” Odin called as the doors shut. I smiled lightly and started to run to his holding cell. Once I made it to the doors where a guard stood.

            “Oh thank the gods. You’re finally here… Maybe now he’ll shut up.” He said. I looked at him confused and walked into the room. He looked up and stood up quickly when he saw him.

            “Ashley..” He said.

            “Loki…” I said smiling and putting my hand through the bars to grab his.

            “Where have you been?” He asked.

            “I-I thought you didn’t want to see me…” I said. He looked at me, sadness in his eyes.

            “What would make you think that? You are the only good thing about being in here…” He said. I blushed lightly and tried to hold back a smile.

            “I’m sorry…” I said as he let go of his hand. He looked at me worried. I just sat in the chair next to his cell. We sat in silence for a while. He paced some, sat and watched me. Once it had become dark. He finally said something.

            “Why do you do this?” He asked. I looked at him. He was sitting on the edge of his bed. Head hanging.

            “What?” I asked. He looked up at me.

            “You know why I’m in here. What I did. Who I am. Everything. And yet, you still come and see me everyday.” He said. I just stared at him.

            “Why?!” He yelled. “Tell me!” I jumped some. I could faintly see tears rolling down his face.

            “Because Loki… I love you…” I said as I started to cry myself. He looked at me shocked crying harder. I heard him stand up and walk over to somewhere. He screamed and slammed his fist into the wall.

            “Loki! What are you doing?” I said going to the bars. He dropped down on his knees, to the floor.

            “How could I be so blind? You’ve always felt that way… Haven’t you?” He asked.

            “Yes…” I said.

            “And… Now. I can’t do a damn thing about it. I’m stuck in here. I can’t be the man you deserve…” He said his voice breaking. I heard his tears hit the ground. He loves me too…? But…

            “Loki… Your father told me. If I can change you… He will let you go…” I said getting down on my knees and grabbing onto the bars. He looked at me.

            “He said that?” He asked me.

            “Well… He said there may be hope for you. If I can change you. But I don’t think I can…” I said.

            “Ashley… You’ve already changed so much in me. You’ve made me see. How much I messed up. How wrong I was. And how bad I wish I could take it all back. And I’d undo it all. Just to be able to hold you…” He said as he came over to me. I started to cry even more. He reached his hand out and placed it on my face.

            “Don’t leave me tonight… I know it may be hard for you sleep in here. With no bed… But please. I don’t want to spend another night alone…” He begged.  I nodded and placed my hand on his.

            “I wont. I promise. Even if you fall asleep. I will stay here…” I said. He smiled lightly and so did I. I heard the door open and the guard walked in. I stood up quickly. And so did Loki.

            “I have been given orders. Straight from Odin. To allow you to stay with Loki in his cell tonight. If you wish.” He said trying not to smile. I smiled brightly and hugged him out of excitement.

            “Yes. Please.” I said stepping away from him. He unlocked the door and I ran straight into Loki’s arms. He held me to him tightly. The guard shut and locked the door behind me. I turned to him.

            “Thank you.” I said smiling. He nodded and smiled before walking out. I turned back to Loki. 

            “I finally get a night with you…” He said pulling me to him. I blushed.

            “Yes, but that doesn’t mean you can have your way with me. You have to work up to that.” I said. He laughed.

            “Then I have a goal.” He said kissing me. I blushed more and kissed him back. He pulled me to him tighter and he kissed me harder. When he finally pulled away. We were both red faced and panting. I laid my head on his chest.

            “Are you tired my dear?” He asked. As if my face wasn’t red enough… I nodded and he walked me over to the bed. We both got comfortable and he wrapped his arms around me. I curled into him and fell asleep quickly.


            I wake up the next morning to the sun on my face and him still fast asleep. I smile and watch him. I run my hand down his cheek. I wish I could get you out of here my love. I really do. We were lucky to even get to be in his cell together. I sighed lightly and kiss his forehead. He opened his eyes slowly.

            “Oh… I didn’t mean to wake you… Go back to sleep.” I said quietly. He smiled lightly and kissed me.

            “Good morning my dear.” He says. I smiled and blushed.

            “Good morning.” I say. The door opened and we both sat up. Odin walked in. We both rushed over the bars and bowed.

            “Loki. If you swear. On this woman’s life. That you will never go against me. Or anyone else. You are free from this prison.” He said. We both looked up at him. Loki stood and looked into his eyes. And with every ouch of truth he had. Said.

            “I swear father. To never do you any wrong. Ever.” He said. Odin smiled and opened the door.

            “Then you are free to go. And promise me you’ll treat her well.” He says.

            “Like she was the most precious of metals my father.” He said smiling. I blushed and smiled. He patted Loki on the shoulder and told us to go. Loki grabbed my hand and we walked out together. I had done it. I got Loki freed from his prison. And I don’t even understand what made Odin change his mind so quickly. All I knew. I had him and he had me. That was all we needed. And I couldn’t have been happier. 

© 2013 Kitten

Author's Note

Well. Here it is I guess. I will probably do more on this. If it's requested. I will post it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SnSUbnx5Ys

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LOKI!!!!!!! My best friend is seriously so in love with Loki, she would love this so much. so... I take it you like Loki? lol wonderful write, I'm also like to write fan fictions.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Yes. I love him. I'm going to be posting more. If I ever get around to finishing the next part. And .. read more
I loves it! It's so true to you and his character. :D

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Bound In Red

11 Years Ago

:D Welcomes.

11 Years Ago


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2 Reviews
Added on February 5, 2013
Last Updated on February 6, 2013



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