The Penguin Dilemma
A Poem by Evan Deubner
Approaching Philosophy from a birds eye view. 
Homeless birds dressed to impress A party that doesn't exist Penguins are ridiculous Isolated eaters of fish
Ubiquitous soldiers of nowhere Silly little creatures of habit Huddled up gently together And covered up in layers of feather
Far, far, far down south Is where the Emperor Penguins live Ode to the Emperor Penguin May your harvest of fish be big
North of the Equator The Galapagos Penguin lives Ode to Galapagos Penguins May your feathers be shiny and warm
Then there's the Little Penguin Smallest of the penguins by far Ode to the Little Penguin May your journey through life be large
Now here's the Adelie Penguin Snappiest dresser I know Ode to the Adelie Penguin May your belly slide swift in the snow
Here comes the King Penguin Not quite an Emperor yet Ode to the King Penguin May the crown weigh light upon your soul
© 2017 Evan Deubner