Yeah, guys fall prey to conditioning, to false ideas of strength, in which case the natural radiance of woman is a threat, instead of a delight. Too frequently they are raised poorly, and their bravado masks their insecurities, or else they just tumble over to the other side, as "ladyboys," I believe they are called. Are you from the Philippines? I was getting that impression. Anyway, there's the macho thing that has to control, there's the unisexual thing that does not satisfy, then there's the more rare third option of a man who knows who he is, knows what a woman fundamentally wants, and doesn't have to attempt to control her, emulate her, or worry about it at all. He simply loves -- both himself, and his woman, and is able to provide direction when it is needed or wanted without it being a big deal.
This is more commentary on males than on your poem, pardon. ;-) It all overlaps tho'. We should have a longer conversation some time, & I'll help you with a batch of cleaning up your work a bit. As I said before, I don't want to nit-pick, this may be a second language for you. Better to do several at once, & identify tendencies to rework.
Your poem was good enough to stimulate these comments, so that means you are on the right track.
Yeah, guys fall prey to conditioning, to false ideas of strength, in which case the natural radiance of woman is a threat, instead of a delight. Too frequently they are raised poorly, and their bravado masks their insecurities, or else they just tumble over to the other side, as "ladyboys," I believe they are called. Are you from the Philippines? I was getting that impression. Anyway, there's the macho thing that has to control, there's the unisexual thing that does not satisfy, then there's the more rare third option of a man who knows who he is, knows what a woman fundamentally wants, and doesn't have to attempt to control her, emulate her, or worry about it at all. He simply loves -- both himself, and his woman, and is able to provide direction when it is needed or wanted without it being a big deal.
This is more commentary on males than on your poem, pardon. ;-) It all overlaps tho'. We should have a longer conversation some time, & I'll help you with a batch of cleaning up your work a bit. As I said before, I don't want to nit-pick, this may be a second language for you. Better to do several at once, & identify tendencies to rework.
Your poem was good enough to stimulate these comments, so that means you are on the right track.
A mere mortal living in the vast earthly space, nymphadora. Lays in me is a strong spirit, willed and never tormented. I write to achieve my ideals. If i cant reach my aspirations by grasping what rea.. more..