![]() Chapter 1 (The end of days for me)A Chapter by Treston SeekDamien stumbles threw the town in search of yet, a new prey, he searches for hours and hours until he finds someone. He looks at her threw the window in disbelief. He can't believe what he is seeing, "is it really her?" he says just staring threw the window. "It has to be her..." he thinks to himself as he walks toward the door. As he gets closer he starts to become more and more sure that it’s her. He kicks open the door, and the girl sits there in fright as this huge demon-like creature stands before her. Damien says in a demonic voice "Is it really you?...Freya?" as he slowly walks toward her changing back to his human form. The girl sits there will a puzzled face as this strange demon turns into a man. She says with the only breath she can "Who...who...are you?" she answers. Damien looks at her with a puzzled look as if his precious Freya could forget him. He says "It's me, Damien, your husband" as he walks closer to her. The girl gets out of her chair and tries running towards the door, but is stopped in her tracks by Damien. Damien looks at her and says "Don't you remember me?". The girl trembles in fear and let’s loose of his grip and tries to run to her bedroom. She enters the room, locks the door, and gets in the far left corner. She suddenly hears a
knock at the door as Damien is trying to get her to let him come in. Damien
soon kicks open the door and says "Who are you impostor? What have
you done with my Freya!!!" The girl trembling with fear says,” My name is Damien asks one more time "Are you sure you are not my Freya?" The girl stands there and stares at him and says "No, I have lived in this building all my life with my foster parents...I am only 8 years old..." Damien looks puzzled as he tries to figure out why this happening so suddenly to him. Then he realizes something "If you look like Freya, but you are not my Freya then you must be my daughter...." The girl looks at him with disbelief as she realizes the similarities between her and him. She touches his face, and touches hers and notices they have the same facial features. She touches his hands, and suddenly has a flash back of these same hands touching hers long ago. She looks at Damien and says "You are
my father...." Damien looks at her and says, "O how I have missed you
my precious Damien looks at her and notices she has a serious face, and confesses saying "Yea your right...Where would you like me to begin" he asks. She replies with "When you were a child, and what is was like for you growing up". Damien looks at her says "You are going back pretty far my child; I don't think your old man can remember that far back". Damien starts of by saying,"As far as i can remember I had a wonderful childhood,I never went very far and I always stayed close to home". Alice listening to her father got a little closer. "I remember one time,when I was a boy,I would always play with my brother,Peter". Alice looks at him in udder shock for she had no idea that she had uncle. "I know you are probably wondering why you have never met your uncle...and to be honest you might never will..." Damien says to his daughter. Alice looks at Damien and asks,"What happened?.." Damien looks at his daughter,and tears almost come to his eyes as he says,"That is for later sweetheart...". Alice looks up at him and says okay and tells him to continue on with his story. Damien looks at his daughter,and says okay as he starts to remember all that had happened when he was a boy. "Well when me and your uncle were very young,I would say about 4,we would go out and play ball in our front lawn". Alice looks at him and smiles. "We also used to go around playing with our friends...during that time people could tell the difference between us" he says with a laugh. Alice looks at him and says,"What do you mean?" Damien looks at her,and smiles as he replies with "You see me and your uncle were twins,we were very hard to tell apart as we got older". Alice looks at her father and smiles,because she can tell from his face that his brother was very important to him. "Now back to the story" Damien says with a chuckle. "We were the nicest kids you would ever meet on the block,and we always tried to help out others". "When we were able to walk we would always help around the house,doing chores,cleaning the dishes,and even sometimes we would watch our dad mow the lawn" Damien says with a smile. "We were the luckiest kids alive to have such good parents like ours,they were the best parents in the world I would say". Alice smiles as she tells him to keep going. "Then something terrible happened when we were about 8..." Damien says while looking away from his daughter. Alice looks at him,and wonders what is going on. She asks him,"Daddy...what happened?" Damien looks at her with fright for he does not want to get in this conversation with her. Finally he looks at her and says,"We were all kidnapped..."
© 2013 Treston Seek |
2 Reviews Added on June 30, 2012 Last Updated on November 15, 2013 Author