The High of Life

The High of Life

A Poem by Danny J.H.

a poem to advocate the enjoyment of our mundane


Hearken o great birds do fly

Listen o how that river cries

 In the stop shan’t we all die?

The high of life sells no lies


Whisper too your lover’s ear

Tell her of the love you share

Tell her nay, have none fear

The high of life is always there


The open blue sky

The great pastures green

The clouds up a high

The high of life hasn’t been


Yay, alas time we have yet

To stay another hour abed

My dear friends perhaps you’ve not met

The high of life lies ahead


Take out your shiny new old guitar

Throw down your guns, drop them all round

Dance to the twanging of the sitar

Smell the high of life drifting around


Nay say I love thine enemy

Nor say I hate thine friend

It’s been confused in life’s anemone

The high of life shan’t meet end


Listen close now, listen dear

Listen I doth have to say

Listen well for all to hear

The high of life shows you the way

© 2010 Danny J.H.

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Added on January 27, 2010
Last Updated on February 3, 2010
Tags: the, high, of, life, mundane, death, satanism


Danny J.H.
Danny J.H.

Dunwoody, GA

Hey! My name is danny, i'm 13 years old and i am a very avid poet. more..
