The show begins...

The show begins...

A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

My life...

Born you were in the wrong time,
At the wrong place a troubling lie,
The word of crowds wishing luck,
They all want to put you under lock
Masks look down at you,
Angels wont watch over you.
All around, hate's all they give you.
Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run,
Fight you must, so take your gun.
The infernal show begins,
Your death it brings,
If you lose.
The lions are on the loose.
Don't worry for your life,
Just roll the dice,
They want to see you fight,
The arena is your stage,
You're the main actor onstage.
Spectators only tell lies,
They don't care if someone dies.
They want to see a sacrifice.
You can not afford to lose,
Or you wont get the golden goose.
The infernal show begins,
A new chance is what victory brings
From your music their ear rings,
Their soul sings,
As a wolfe because of evil things
Humanity brings.
The infernal show begins.

© 2016 Dani The Unreviewed

Author's Note

Dani The Unreviewed
I'm hoping you like it.

My Review

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Featured Review

The Infernal show begins! Now that's the show I would love to watch!
I'm very happy that your not just standing but fighting as well.
I've remember your earlier writings and they were colorful, I can see
Some of those colors flourishing in again. Good job and awesome writing!
I would love to see more of this! Your friend -EG 10 ;)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dani The Unreviewed

9 Years Ago want to see the show? drop by some time, when i put on heavy metal songs with volume sky h.. read more

9 Years Ago

Hehehe, you go out there and enjoy!!
Dani The Unreviewed

9 Years Ago

I will do that tomorrow:) thanks:)


Your most creative work so far
The arena concept is awesome

You're getting better and better as a writer my friend


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dani The Unreviewed

9 Years Ago

Thanks. Means a lot to me:)
Dani The Unreviewed

9 Years Ago

where did you go???
The Infernal show begins! Now that's the show I would love to watch!
I'm very happy that your not just standing but fighting as well.
I've remember your earlier writings and they were colorful, I can see
Some of those colors flourishing in again. Good job and awesome writing!
I would love to see more of this! Your friend -EG 10 ;)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dani The Unreviewed

9 Years Ago want to see the show? drop by some time, when i put on heavy metal songs with volume sky h.. read more

9 Years Ago

Hehehe, you go out there and enjoy!!
Dani The Unreviewed

9 Years Ago

I will do that tomorrow:) thanks:)
Since i can't send read requests... I'd like some thoughts about this one.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on April 23, 2015
Last Updated on January 8, 2016
Tags: Life

Some uncategorized poetry


Dani The Unreviewed
Dani The Unreviewed

Tankcsapda, Agyarország, Germany

Hello, I am Polarr. Your 12-year-old writer from the other standpoint of the world. more..
