Part Two:  The Symbolism of a Prism

Part Two: The Symbolism of a Prism

A Poem by DoormanDan

Continuing where A Brief History of Our Time left off. There is so much wonder in this reality, but we don't enjoy it as much as we could, because we are too busy fighting over who's right.

The Symbolism of a Prism
Part II of Who Knows How Many Parts

The Tapestry of Biology breeds beings of exponential power
While solar shrines unleash tsunamis of fervid bedlam
Solitary singularities warp the fragile mind of Spacetime
While the Quantum Realm experiments in unorthodox paradox
The symbolism of a mere prism
Begs that we exist in dimensions free of our scientific schisms

For we are satellites composed of curiosity
Orbiting in a nursery of the strangest sorcery
From quadratic fact to the mirages of parallax
An Omniverse of fear, hope and wonder
Is waiting for us to unite at last

Pastors preach about the paradise painted by Sanctus Espiritus
That awaits the sinner who repents in the Cathedral of Death
The symbolism of a mere prism
Begs that we exist in graceful gardens free of our religious schisms

For we are messengers blessed with thought and knowledge
Longing to reach Nirvana  and to decipher ardent texts
From the River Styx to the sparkling marble of Olympus
The heavens are filled with fear and wonder
We can explore together is we abandon self-disgust

Mathematical missions reveal to our eyes
The Stardust Sacraments of our interstellar odyssey
This is the glorious story of our journey

We are satellites blessed with curiosity
Orbiting in a church of ardent sorcery
From inertia to the findings of scientific seraphs
This Omniverse of heavenly wonder
Is waiting for us to unite at last

When you really pause to think about, doesn't it seem silly, as a race that longs to survive, to kill, maim, humiliate or oppress each other just because we believe our own beliefs are the only right ones?  Nobody here on Earth can claim that they KNOW their ideologies are right without proof, and to do so is to promote arrogance.  With religion, faith is not fact, and the same can be said about science.  So many people argue that science and religion CANNOT exist together, but I think they can, to an extent.  The way I see it, religion can be built onto science to explain the symbolism and "deeper meaning" of things perhaps, while science provides the facts.  Think of the two like writing poetry.  The paper is the universe and the pen is both science and religion.  The words that the pen writes on the paper are the ideas, the sentences that those words make (provided that the sentence makes sense) are the facts, and religion is the delivery of said words (as the same sentence can be written in numerous ways, some more or less powerful than others).  Many people will not agree with me, and that's perfectly fine, because I may just be the biggest fool on this planet with such a line of thinking.  However, I know what kind of person I am at heart, and that's a questioner, a learner.  I want to explore both visceral and physical realities to see what I can find.  Surely such an approach to life is not that bad, is it?  Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent here.  Back on topic.  Unfortunately, there will most likely never be perfect unity on this planet, even though that approach to our species's exploration of the vast unknown would be one of the best approaches for us to take, both for survival and knowledge.  It truly would be foolish to believe with one hundred percent certainty that there could be such a unity, which is why I don't believe that.  It's mainly just a naive wish that I'll keep silently making every day for the rest of my life.  If any of you are still reading this, just know that this here is my forever flawed, constantly changing philosophy.

© 2017 DoormanDan

Author's Note

DAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....this took me THREE HOURS TO WRITE....AND I ENJOYED EVERY SECOND OF IT!! I know I'm probably stepping into some controversial territory here, but I want you all to know that no offense is meant towards anybody. If you feel offended, I respect that, so please respect that this is just MY belief. I'm particularly proud of this piece, as it shows me that I AM trying to seek understanding of things that I'll never actually have. Anyway, as usual, tell me what you think about this, and be honest! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'ma go rest mah satisfyingly tired brain for a while. :)

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I love it. I love the word play in the poetry in the beginning, and I do agree with you, whether others do or not. I think there will be peace one day, but I will have gone long a ago. It might sound silly, but I look to Star Trek to predict the future of humanity. I mean, they got the cell phones right and various other technological advances, why not a union of planets living in peace and working towards the greater good, which is to make advancements in knowledge so we can provide a better safer future for the generations after us? While I do think that all religions have some parts right, which is to love thy neighbor (written in ALL religious texts), the ideology is where they get it mixed up. I think a supreme being, if there was/is one, is laughing at this great joke; people actually thinking that they have it all figured out. It's a riot!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Hmmm...I wouldn't go so far as to say I'd go let Star Trek be my map for the future of our race, but.. read more
D Connolly

8 Years Ago

Yeah, I guess you would have to watch it a lot to hear how they talk about this time period that we'.. read more
Well, I found this quite interesting especially the part where you said that ,'the paper is the universe and the pen is both science and religion.'Anyhow,I respect your belief and I enjoyed reading this!
thank you for sharing with me :)!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

I"m glad to hear you found this interesting! As of now, the overall story that this piece fits into.. read more

8 Years Ago

Honestly, I enjoy reading your work :)!

8 Years Ago

Thanks, and I definitely enjoy creating my work! :)
Wow! 3 hours! But good thing you enjoyed it!
Great poem!
Keep on writing!!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Hey Dan, I'm currently studying physics and I must say; the way you use physics to describe situations and feelings is just absolutely wonderful. My favorite line? "While the Quantum Realm experiments in unorthodox paradox
The symbolism of a mere prism
Begs that we exist in dimensions free of our scientific schisms" Keep up your brilliant work. Sincerely yours, Jules.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Well, it's definitely reassuring to know that somebody who's actually studying physics thinks my usa.. read more

8 Years Ago

Hahaha well great minds think alike. If you like the usage of physics in poetry, be sure to read my .. read more

8 Years Ago

I'll check that out! Thanks for telling me! :)
Three hours....this would take me three weeks to just look up all of the words you are using that did not exist when I was in school. If you do not graduate with all high grades and a lot of honors I will help your parents give you a good spanking. Just use this knowledge for good. Valentine

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Oh, trust me, if I don't graduate with high grades and lots of honors, I'll happily bend over and LE.. read more

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5 Reviews
Added on January 6, 2017
Last Updated on January 6, 2017



Manchester, Levenshulme, United Kingdom

I'm a twenty seven year old preschool teacher who enjoys writing poetry, songs, stories, paintball and other things. My favorite things to do are parkour, video games, listening to music, and making .. more..


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