Well, it has certainly been a long time since I last wrote ANYTHING on this website (coming close to two months)!. I apologize to the few of you fellow writers who review my writing, therefore preventing me from fading completely into the oceans of oblivion (or to put it in less hyperbolized terminology, giving me reason to keep on posting on this site). There are a few reasons why I haven't posted in so long; the first being (as mentioned many times before) a lack of inspiration. I have no idea why, but writing hasn't felt as awesome and rewarding lately. I don't know if it's because I've gotten bored of it or if it's something else. Besides, even when I do feel inspired to write, I can never seem to think of fresh material to work with (ideas, words that I haven't used before, new structures, etc), which is probably the largest portion of the first reason I haven't uploaded anything. The second, and more significant reason is that I have just been very busy as of late. I have a job now, I've been preparing for college at the end of this month (I still have a lot of online forms to catch up on), and my family and I have been getting ready to move. All of these things combined leave me with very little energy to write at the end of the day.
But I have a strong feeling that is going to change soon. We've finally gotten our butts into our new house, my temporary job comes to a close this week (I do enjoy the job, but I don't think it's the best match for me at the moment), and I'm going to be getting all of the online forms done soon. My life, which has been an antonym for relaxed for almost two years, is finally looking like it's going to be at least somewhat relaxed again soon. I love the new house I'm in (it allows me to have a social life, gives me more time before class/work starts and actually allows my parents and I to have decent damn Internet for once!), and already my mind is beginning to wander again during free-time like it used to before all of these shenanigans sauntered into my life.
I have no idea when I'll actually be writing again (or even if I'll be writing again in the short-term), but I'm pretty confident that I will post fresh material eventually. All I need is the "write" combination of inspiration and new ideas that has evaded me for so long (yep, I just went there. Oh look, it's an angry mob coming to whip, cauterize and lynch me as PUNishment!). Anyway, I'm really hoping I'll be writing again soon, and that my passion for it will remain once it returns. Until then, adios, my fellow writers! :)