

A Story by Danielle Bixler

November 28th
 throght out the past 18 years many things have mad me the person that I have become. Some things have been good for who i want to bacome as a person.things like all the pain and the sufering that i have seen throght out the years. Some thigns that has happend to me on that other hand has not been as good for ahs the others.that would have to be the things like all the very important things or people in my life, has been snashed away from my inacent yet not so inacent loveing and coold hands that deceve all who dare to get close to me.i tell you all of thins not to scare you away but only to warne you if you dont like pain and surfering then you should just turne around now and go away. on the other hand if you enjoy pain and surfing then plz have a set and stay.this place that everyone calls earth i call it the hell of all hells the place were pain is ecpaected every day every minute.not one person should be spared just because of who they are, not for the fact that all have sened and will be punished.most people that i know belive that if you are a good person depending on what you belive to a good person, that they should be spared if they ask GOD for forgivness. i belive that yes if you truely mean that you will not do the things you did again then GOD will forgive youand you will be spared,but if you have to ask more than one time then there is or should be no hope for you to be spared.


November 29th 
 i love that most of the people that i know tell me that they dont like what other people do or what they say to them, but then they do or say  the same thing that they complain, yet i know i can't say much i do it as will.


December 1st
 i hate having to miss school, when i am sick because all of the makup work, that waits for me when i go back to school, pluse all of the people asking me where i was, i belive that no matter what kind of person you are, we all are very nosy like we have to know what is happing in everyones life at all times, other they hate when people talk about them and then they do the same thing to the people that talk about them,some people you can trust with anything and everything others you should never trust at all at any time, christmas is coming soon and every one keeps asking me what do i want? i dont want anything, just to be around a loving family and singing songs all day and night, that woild make me the happiest person in the wourld, no one sould prove me wronge about that.    


© 2011 Danielle Bixler

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Added on December 8, 2011
Last Updated on December 8, 2011


Danielle Bixler
Danielle Bixler

Louisville, KY

i enjoy writing to cet my feelings out on paper, i hope to become better at writing, and hope that one day i might have my own pome book. more..
