Mad Man's RantA Story by StarNinjaA friend of mine found this in an alley. Weird s**t, but interesting. Check it out.I never know how to start these things. My name is Emilio Thompson. Hi. I have a lot to say, so I’ll get right to it. Jeez, I don’t know where to begin. So much has happened in such a short time, but it feels like its been forever. So much stuff to go through, so I’ll start by telling you about myself. Ah f**k it, you don’t want to hear that. I don’t know who I’m writing this for. If somebody finds this, they’ll probably think it’s some kind of screen play or story or something. I don’t care. I have to put this down on paper. People normally put a warning here like: don’t read this if you want to keep your sanity, or If you don’t stop reading now, there’s no turning back! F**k that. You want the goods. I know you do. You’re like me. You want to know the truth. I’ve got that in spades, baby. Here it goes. You see, about a month ago I was chillin at home watching the evening news when the TV became all wonky and switched off. Er, I thought it switched off. I figured it was just a bad signal and that it was time to upgrade to high speed cable. Anyway, the screen was black for a few seconds so I got up and went to see if maybe it was a loose connection in the back before I called the satellite company about it. Then the TV came back on and what I saw changed my life. It was like a montage of videos, pictures, maps, anything and everything and it looked like it had been slapped together at the last second by someone who had just discovered a video editing program. I thought it was some kind of technical difficulty over at the news studio, but the more I watched, the more I realized two things. One: what was happening on my television screen was no accident and Two: whatever it was, I wasn’t supposed to be seeing it. It was like, classified documents or some s**t. Super top secret footage being beamed out from someone’s basement. Let me see if I can remember some of it. There was a map of the The thing that kept me up that night, though, the one that creeped me right the f**k out was a video near the end of the Transmission, as I like to call it. It was a video of a guy in an orange jumpsuit with a bag over his head. He was chained, arms and legs, to a chair in an empty room. A metal rod was pointed at him from just off screen and a counter with red numbers on the top right was counting down to zero. When it reached zero there was a low pulsing noise that made the prisoner start to spazz out. The noise got louder and louder and the prisoner just started screaming and screaming and it was just, the worst thing I’d ever seen. It wasn’t an act. I saw someone get tortured right on my TV. Like a car wreck, I couldn’t look away. Then a sign flashed for a second on screen. All I could catch was “PTD Success” before the power went out in my home and the whole city block. Needless to say, I was scared out of my mind and didn’t go to sleep that night. It didn’t help that the power was out either. It came back on a few hours later, and the anchors on the local news acted like nothing had happened, so I thought little of it. A few days later I get a knock on my door. I opened the door and this guy introduces himself as Agent so and so and he would like to have a few words with me. I wasn’t sure what he wanted, but always a little paranoid, I hoped he wasn’t there to ask me about the bag of weed I kept in my closet. He made himself at home and sat down on my sofa. I sat in the chair across from him, nervously wondering what this guy wanted from me. “Where were you on the night of February the thirtieth,” he asked in that official manner government types always spoke in. It was so stereotypical it almost made me laugh. “I was here in my apartment,” I answered truthfully. “Did you happen to catch the evening news?” This was when I made the biggest mistake of my life without even knowing it. Okay, second biggest mistake. I remembered the strange thing that had happened and sat up in my seat when he mentioned it. “Yeah, I was watching it and this thing came on and I didn’t know what it was…” “So you did see it,” he interrupted me. “We are currently investigating the event in question. The party responsible for it hacked the station’s signal and broadcast their own little show for about 30 seconds. We are trying to find those responsible to bring them to justice.” “Is it really that big a deal? I’ve heard of this kind of thing happening before. No harm no foul right?” “This was a breach of National Security,” he said. “National Security?” “Yes. The people who pulled this stunt endangered many lives and the consequences of this event have yet to be seen.” “But, it was just a bunch of pictures and a video of a guy getting zapped with invisible rays. How bad could it be?” He simply smiled and said, “A picture is worth a thousand words. Now, do you have any information that could help us?” Something about him just gave me the jitters. I asked him who he was again and he showed me his official badge/credentials. Agent Black was his name. Why did I buy into that? Really? Agent Black? I should have seen right through it, but of course, as freaked out as I already was, I didn’t question him or his motives or whatever. I just tried to cooperate as best I could with Agent Black from the FCC’s Department Nine. “I don’t know anything about it. I just watched it for a while before… the blackout happened.” “Yes, it was quite fortunate for us that the blackout occurred before any of the seriously sensitive stuff aired,” he said. I didn’t realize it then, but looking back I know now that he was gloating. Gloating about what? Causing the blackout? Being in the know while everyone else just sat around with their thumb up their a*s? I don’t know. F**k him. “Was it just the local station?” I asked. “The investigation is ongoing,” he replied. “Well, should I be worried? I mean how big was this whole thing?” “This was a local event, Mr. Thompson,” he said, though I don’t remember giving him my name. “The perpetrators live in this district, maybe even in this community. It might be someone you know.” “I don’t know that many people here. I just moved a few months ago,” I said. “Regardless, if you see anything you would like to report, don’t hesitate to give me a call,” he said as he handed me his card. After he left, I remembered what he reminded me of. The Men in Black. Not the dumbass movie with Will Smith in it, but the actual, legendary, mythical Men in Black who showed up on your doorstep whenever UFO’s or other weird s**t came to town. I was in the shower when it hit me. February 30th? There is no February 30th. I just laughed it off. But here’s the thing about the world of today as opposed to the one that the Men in Black showed up in during the 70’s and 80’s. Google. Yeah, I googled that s**t. No such thing as Department Nine of the FCC. I was starting to think that maybe I was being pranked by somebody with a lot of time and money on their hands, but after a while I decided that wasn’t the case. So that’s how it all started. A lot’s happened since then. I’ve gotten a little too friendly with the ones Agent Black was chasing. It’s just been a spiral of madness lately and it’s a long story and I don’t feel like telling it, so instead I’ll tell you what I’ve found out so far. It turns out Agent Black was right. The Transmission was a local event. It was an attempt by someone on the inside to get the word out about what’s really going on. This someone was an inside man. He or she worked for the big conspiracy, which will hence forth be called the Conspiracy, but decided he or she had had enough of it. The thing about signing up for the Conspiracy, though, is that you don’t get to put in your two weeks notice. It’s an all or nothing thing. You leave when you die. He or she knew this, so they decided to go out with a bang. Now thanks to this nameless person, I’m knee deep in all this s**t. After their failed stunt, they decided to enlist the help of others, mostly ones who saw the Transmission, in order to get the truth out. So through no fault of my own, I became involved. Sucks, doesn’t it? So what exactly is this Conspiracy I keep rambling about? It’ll sound like crazy talk, because any time you whittle down a subject that takes years of research to discover into a description a few sentences long, it’s going to sound crazy. So here it goes. First off, it wouldn’t be right to call this a government conspiracy. These guys aren’t elected. They’re above the government. As high as the government is to us, they are to the government. They are the new elite. Descendants of the wealthiest people in history. Old money. Now I know what you’re thinking. “Old money? That sounds like international banking! Is this one of those Illuminati/Bilderberg/Trilateral Commission type of things? I’ve seen videos about that on Youtube! The ones with the crappy rap songs in the background and the bored teenage narrators explaining the conspiracies in detail!” First of all, shut the f**k up. This is nothing like that. These guys aren’t world leaders, or elected officials, like I already said. They aren’t a shadowy group with mysterious intentions that want to take over the world while twirling their mustaches and they aren’t trying to start a New World Order, so shut your pie holes about all that s**t. What they are, are social engineers of the highest order. They are people who think they know what’s right for the world and for you and me. They have invested untold amounts of money in order to nudge the world down the path they want. They don’t follow a political ideology and they don’t care about gay marriage or pro-life or any of the other mindless labels and slogans they’ve invented for us. The point is that they think they’re above it all. Earth is a giant chess board and we aren’t even big enough to be pawns. Populations are pawns, corporations are knights, and governments are bishops. It’s pretty condescending, isn’t it? So if they really are as powerful as I keep claiming they are, how am I still alive, you ask? Well, it turns out they aren’t as omniscient as they’d want you to believe. At the end of the day, they’re people just like us. They make mistakes. They have to take breaks. They can’t keep chasing us and monitoring us 24/7. They are small in number. Too small to dedicate so many resources to chase down a group of people who have no idea what they’re dealing with anyway. But they keep an eye out for us. Maybe I’m getting a little ahead of myself. None of this makes sense without context so here’s a history lesson for you. This s**t started a long time ago, when the elite were an actual class in society and not the nebulous social order we throw such labels on today. They realized their days were numbered when the French started a revolution. Over in So instead of influencing politics, they started influencing society. Ideas are a powerful thing in the right hands and the elite knew this. After all, revolutions were going on all over the world thanks to new ideas. Unfortunately for them, they lost their early battles here in Don’t worry, the government isn’t a puppet or anything. As far as I can tell, anyway. I mean, if the strings are invisible, how would know which actions were your own? Holy s**t, that’s pretty deep. I just reread most of this and its starting to sound like a stark raving mad rant. So let’s switch gears for a second. The things I saw in the Transmission were little clues and hints to what the Conspiracy is about. They aren’t hiding one big secret, after all (well, except for their existence I suppose) but a whole bunch of them. If you peel back even a single layer, you start to see their fingerprints everywhere. That sounds a little paranoid, I know, but control isn’t the same as influence. If they controlled things, they’d be the Overlords of America. They don’t control things. They influence things and do it without regard for the law or for basic human rights or dignity. You know programmed assassins? Yeah, they do that. Remember the prisoner that was being tortured by invisible waves? Turns out it’s a little project they’ve been working on called the Psychic Torture Device, which can stimulate pain directly in the nerves. They have the funds to make this s**t real. They use think tanks and government contractors while pretending to be black budget Government agencies and no one’s the wiser. They’re all nothing but tools for the Conspiracy. Anyways, I’ve been studying the Transmission very closely and doing some reading about the things I’m finding. Internet searches aren’t good anymore, because they can track you that way. It’s all connected somehow but I just can’t see the big picture yet. If Agent Black was telling the truth, then what’s on the Transmission is small beans compared to what they’re really hiding. I’ll give you an example. So, people are trying to kill me. Not because of what I know, but because I’ve decided I’ve had enough of their bullshit. I can never live a normal life ever again. It’s almost like the Matrix, but without the robots. The world is not the same as it used to be for me. I can see their influence everywhere. I can’t reverse the damage they’ve done, but I can get the truth out. I can show people the lie these Conspiracy a******s have been selling for years. Man this really sucks. HAARP is another one. The normal conspiracy whackos think it’s supposed to be some kind of weather control station or natural disaster maker. What is it actually for? It’s for monitoring High Altitude fluctuations in the Ionosphere. “But wait,” you might say, “that’s what the guys who run the facility in Oh yeah, the hairy guys in the prison security footage? Turns out it was a secret prison and that they’re the latest in a long line of experiments in genetic manipulation in order to create some kind of super soldier. Someone who can track by scent and see in the dark. Scary s**t. My hand hurts. I’ve written a lot. I’ll write more later. © 2011 StarNinjaReviews
2 Reviews Added on April 6, 2011 Last Updated on July 24, 2011 Tags: conspiracy, theory, bilderberg, new world order, new, world, order, haarp, secret, history AuthorStarNinjaWAAboutI like lots of things. One of them is air. Another is writing. So... let's get right down to it! more..Writing