![]() OBERON IS HEREA Story by StarNinja![]() OBERON IS HERE![]() “Tell me what you think when you hear these words. Say the first thing that comes to mind,” said Mr. Red. They sat in a plain white room. A table and two chairs, one camera in the corner and a one way mirror to his right. Textbook interrogation room. But Nick wasn’t here for that. “Ready,” said Nick. “Lightning.” “Bolt,” Nick replied. “Telegram,” said Mr. Red. “Post Office,” said Nick. “Heart,” said Mr. Red. “Transplant,” said Nick. “Ring,” said Mr. Red. “Movie,” said Nick. “Cord,” said Mr. Red. “Strangle,” said Nick. “Last one. Infant.” “Mortality.” “Very good,” said Mr. Red, flipping some papers over. The room was closing in. The white. The light. It was suffocating in here. He’d never been claustrophobic, but being here sure made him wonder if he was. Nick looked at his reflection, sweat gliding down his face. So bright in here. He hoped whoever was watching was enjoying the show. “Now I’m going to say some phrases. Tell me the first thing that comes to mind,” said Mr. Red. “Go for it,” said Nick. “One flew over…” “Your momma’s house,” said Nick. “A bird in the hand is…” “Dinner,” said Nick. “A penny saved…” Mr. Red waited. “Ain’t worth it,” Nick finally said. “Early to bed…” “Early to f**k,” said Nick. “Oberon is here…” Nick said nothing. Mr. Red cleared his throat. “Remember. The first thing that comes to mind, Mr. Greene.” “The first thing…” Nick muttered. “Oberon is here…” “Grab the gun, acquire the target, pull the trigger,” said Nick. Mr. Red stared blankly at Nick. “E-excuse me?” Mr. Red stuttered. Nick grabbed the gun duct taped to the bottom of the table and in one clean motion shot Mr. Red square in the face. Mr. Red’s head exploded into a cloud of bone, brain and viscera. The door opened and two guards came rushing in. Nick aimed. Bang. Bang. Two guards dead, their faces a mess. Nick ran for the door, stepping over the bodies and… Wait. Something was missing. He reached for the door. Nope, still missing. “Cut!” the director yelled. Nick tossed the gun away. The alarm. The alarm was supposed to sound after he killed the two guards. That was it. “Reset the scene! Somebody figure out what the hell is wrong with that damn alarm!” Make-up came and started working on Nick right away, cleaning the blood off and reapplying what he had before. “Sorry I hesitated. I thought I did something wrong,” said Nick, sheepishly. The director came shuffling over, his oversized glasses bobbing as he did. “Nicky, you were brilliant of course. Loved that f*****g pathos, man. Brilliant. Just brilliant. Keep doing what you’re doing,” said the director. “I don’t know. I thought it was an okay take. Not my best,” said Nick as the make-up team worked feverishly. “If that’s your ‘okay take’, I’d love to see your best. I mean wow,” said the director, gushing as he usually did. Two burly crewmembers came and started dragging the bodies of Mr. Red and the two guards away while a third crewmember appeared with a mop and bucket. “I have a suggestion, if you’re willing,” said Nick. “Of course! Fire away. Hey! Lower the lights just a hair, it’s like a tanning bed in here! Sorry, Nicky. Don’t want you burning up while we fix our mistakes.” Nick noticed the crewmember with the mop working on this one particular spot he just couldn’t quite get. “Well, I was thinking we don’t have to reshoot everything. We can use everything up to the alarm not sounding and just take it from there, right?” Nick asked. “I love that suggestion, Nicky, but we need to go from the top. Get some different angles. The more we do now, the less we have to worry about reshoots and you know how those can be,” the director said with an eye roll. “I was just thinking we could save some of the extras for the climactic finale instead of here,” said Nick. “We have plenty of extras. Don’t worry! So many young budding actors looking to make their big break. Honestly, we’ll never run out. You were there once. You know,” said the director with a chuckle. Nick nodded. Indeed he did. “You’re the boss,” said Nick. “And you are my star. Okay people come on, we don’t have all day. Let’s go again from the top please!” the director said. The crew mopped furiously, trying to get the last of the blood off the floor. In the distance, Nick saw Mr. Red and the two guards getting stuffed into the back of a large van. Off to where, he didn’t know. “All set. You look great!” the make-up attendant said. Nick flipped his chair back to starting position and sat down. A new gun had been taped to the bottom of the table. The door opened and a new Mr. Red came walking in, the third one today in fact. He looked similar to the other Mr. Reds, but his hair was a little longer and his nose and teeth were different. Hopefully they could fix it in post. “Oh man, it’s an honor to finally meet you,” said the new Mr. Red. “I’m sure we’ll have a great time working together,” Nick said with a smile. “I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted too…” the new Mr. Red was interrupted by the director wailing screech. “Places everyone! God! Everyone reset? Everything reset? Let’s get it right this time, people!” “Good luck. Pleasure working with you,” said Nick. The new Mr. Red nodded, confused by Nick’s wording. “We ready? Aaaaaannnnndddd… Action!” the director yelled. “Tell me what you think when you hear these words. Say the first thing that comes to mind,” said Mr. Red. They sat in a plain white room. A table and two chairs, one camera in the corner and a one way mirror to his right. Textbook interrogation room. But Nick wasn’t here for that. © 2015 StarNinjaAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() StarNinjaWAAboutI like lots of things. One of them is air. Another is writing. So... let's get right down to it! more..Writing