![]() Julio and the Girl with a Million PencilsA Story by StarNinja![]() Julio enjoys a good contest of strength every once in a while.![]() Through the
doorway there was a window and the largest pair of eyes he had ever seen. The
girl was younger than him, but looked serious enough to be a professor as she
turned towards him, making it clear that he was interrupting something. “Who are
you?” he asked, since it was rather hard to tell what with the smock and all. “Me? Oh, I’m
lots of things. I just haven’t decided which one I want to be the most of.” She
paused and brandished a pencil in his direction. “What do you think?” “Pardon?” “Well, what
do you think? About me?” Stomping her foot in impatience, she waved the pencil
in agitation. “Come now, you must think something! Why, I’ve never met someone
who couldn’t think, not really.” He found it harder than he should have
expected to answer. “Well, I
haven’t ever seen anyone who could be quite as scary with just a pencil.” “Thank you.
And for that matter, I don’t know anyone else quite as excellent at giving
compliments.” “Who the
f**k wrote this s**t?” Julio asked himself as he shut the book. “A very
important person wrote it, Julio, so pay attention,” said Doc. “No I mean
it, who wrote this? There’s no author on the book spine,” said Julio. “I don’t
know, some Russian chick, shut up. Listen, you gotta focus on the words. It’s
the words that are important. What is the author trying to tell you? What do
they want you to believe is true?” asked Doc. “That little
girls can walk around with big eyes and smocks and pencils and no one asks
where her parents are?” Julio answered. “Wrong,
moron,” said Doc. “You’re a
lousy teacher,” said Julio. “I’m not a
teacher, I’m a doc, now listen. The words, Julio. The narrator never said it
was a little girl, the narrator said the girl was younger than the main
character. But remember we never get the main character’s age. He could be 80
for all you know. A fifty year old grandma would be a girl to him. Or maybe he’s
a misogynist who sees every female as young and naïve because you notice he
never called her a woman or even a lady, just girl. Infantilizing is a sure
sign that misogyny is going on, yo,” said Doc. “What’s the
point of all this? Really?” asked Julio. “It’s to see
if your brain is working right and clearly it isn’t. Here, walk with me,” said
Doc. They went out of the study and into the living room. Doc opened the face
of the windup clock sitting on the mantle of the fireplace. “Where are
we going?” asked Julio. “We’re going
in, buddy. Hang on,” said Doc. He plunged his hand into the clock. It made a
weird clicking noise and then the world fell away. “Oh fuuuuuuuuu”
Julio fell and fell until he hit the ground. The ground has hard. Really hard.
He was in a hospital room. The white linoleum floor reflected the pale light of
the world outside right into his face. “You gotta
learn to take those landings better,” said Doc. “Ow, my a*s,”
said Julio. “Now then. Pay
attention,” said Doc. Julio looked
up. Through the doorway there was a window and the largest pair of eyes he had ever
seen. “Oh s**t,”
said Julio. “Knock ‘em
dead, kid,” said Doc as he lay on one of the hospital beds and unscrewed the
lid to his flask. “Who are
you?” asked the girl. “Me? I don’t
know. Aren’t I supposed to be asking you that?” asked Julio. “That
depends on who you are,” said the girl. She was as Julio imagined her. Short,
young, straight blonde hair and blue eyes. Like the girl from that one phone
commercial. She was wearing a smock. It looked almost like a straitjacket but
the arms weren’t tied together. “Well who am
I?” asked Julio. “That’s a question
only you can answer. I’ve never met someone who couldn’t answer that. Not
really,” said the girl. Julio adjusted his glasses. Wait, he didn’t wear
glasses! “Your sense
of Self is unraveling, Julio. Keep your defenses up,” said Doc. Julio took
out the Emerald Blade, the weapon given to him by the gods of narrative
structure to aid him in his quest. He looked at his reflection in the polished
metal. He was still him. He was still Julio. “What makes
you think only I can answer that question?” asked Julio. “Because who
else would?” asked the girl. “Every other
single person in the world that isn’t me, for starters. You can’t just decide
who you are, other people do that for you based on your actions,” said Julio. “Well what do
you think about me?” asked the girl. “I think you’re
an annoying little b***h,” said Julio. The girl looked shocked. “What? But
why? I didn’t do anything,” said the girl. “That’s
exactly my point,” said Julio. “I… I have a
pencil and it makes me scary,” said the girl. “Nothing
about you or that pencil is scary. You can’t decide who are unless you actually
do things. That’s something I learned the hard way,” said Julio. “Says who? I
can decide to be whatever I want!” the girl said, stomping her foot. “A murderer
can’t decide to not be a murderer when the cops come to arrest him. A rapist can’t decide he’s never been a
rapist. It doesn’t work that way. You are what you do and you are a whiny,
annoying little b***h,” said Julio. “You don’t
think I’m scary?” the girl asked, her head down, probably because she was sad.
Doc looked up from the adult magazine he was reading. “Oh no. Julio,
time to go,” said Doc. “Wait, I
almost figured this story out. The girl represents the need to be identified by
others but doesn’t realize…” “We can
review this s**t later, Julio we need to leave,” said Doc. And suddenly Doc was
gone. “You don’t
think I’m scary because I haven’t done anything scary yet?” the girl asked. She
looked up. Her overly big eyes the very definition of hatred. “Oh s**t,”
said Julio. The girl whipped her hands out of the long smock sleeves and had
ten razor sharp pencils between her fingers. “Wait, how are you holding that
many pencils?” asked Julio. “Die!” the
girl screamed as she threw the pencils at Julio. Julio willed
the Emerald Blade into its katana form and blocked the incoming attack by
whirling it around like in the movies. The pencils hit the blade and ricocheted
off into the floors and ceilings and beds and IV fluid bags, puncturing and piercing
everything they hit. The girl grabbed more pencils from her smock jacket and
charged toward Julio, screaming in a blood rage. It was at this point that
Julio began to feel a little fear. He
redirected her pencil attack and tripped her, causing her to fall face first
onto a bed and over it, hitting the wall beyond. “Knock it
off!” Julio shouted. “Are you afraid
yet? Am I scary? Am I?” the girl screamed. She kicked
the hospital bed at him and he jumped over it a mere instant before it
connected. Julio charged the blade with meaning and cut through the air,
slicing the very concept of solidity. The slice carried forward and cut
everything in its path. The girl ducked out of the way and threw another
pencil. “Seriously,
cut it out!” Julio yelled as he cut the pencil in two. “I’ve never
met someone who couldn’t think. Not really,” said the girl as she pulled out a
huge pencil that looked more like a spear than a pencil. “You’re the
one fighting me,” said Julio. “What do you
think of me now? Tell me!” the girl screamed as she charged again. This time
Julio charged as well. Their strikes met and a sound like thunder shook the
room. Sparks flew which caught the beds and curtains on fire. Julio slashed,
catching the girl’s cheek. She brought the spear down, catching Julio’s cheek. “Ow my
cheek!” they both yelled. They kept fighting
and the fire spread. Julio saw it wouldn’t be long before everything burned
down around them, so he tackled the girl straight out the window. They fell for
several stories, the book never specified how many, and hit the pavement below.
The fall should have killed them both, but the power of narrative convenience
was Julio’s to wield and he wielded it. “Bite my
a*s, physics,” Julio said as he reached into the girl’s pockets and pulled out 15
pens. “Hey those
are mine,” said the girl. “You want to
know who I am?” asked Julio. He plunged the pens deep into her heart. Her eyes
widened with shock and pain. “I’m a member of the pen 15 club.” “Grow up,”
said the girl with difficulty. “You first,”
said Julio. He did a stylish finishing move with his katana that separated the
girl’s head from her body. He willed
the blade back down to its knife sized form. The world was grey and drab
outside. The overcast weather began to melt away until Julio flew up and rose
through the heavens. He opened his eyes and found himself in Doc’s living room. “When I say
run, you run,” said Doc, rubbing his temples. “What are
you talking about? I kicked that girl’s a*s,” Julio said with a grin. © 2014 StarNinjaAuthor's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() StarNinjaWAAboutI like lots of things. One of them is air. Another is writing. So... let's get right down to it! more..Writing