Satan's Idle Stories, 03. Something About Recompense

Satan's Idle Stories, 03. Something About Recompense

A Story by Dan Berg

03. Something About Recompense


No, the hasids of the town of Bozhin are not always merry. There are reasons for sadness, and the most important of them is the departure of a righteous person from the world of the living. And so today the local Jewish tribe - hasids and enlighteners alike - all saw off the pious Asher the water-carrier to the grave.


Asher died untimely. He was exhausted from his hard work. He tried his best to please people. The barrels were filled daily with fresh water in every house. Asher reminded people that it was time to add more water. Everyone remembers to drink and eat, but people sometimes forget to wash their hands before a meal, and then make excuses, saying that there was not enough water.


The city was very fond of its water-carrier. Not only for the valiant labor, but also for the honesty. Even though Asher was poor, he didn't take a penny too much. He delivered water to the sick himself, and did not charge those who were poorer than him at all. He obeyed God's commandments strictly, without any indulgence. And, most importantly, he did not boast about it, and no one ever heard a moralizing word from him. Maybe that is why he was everyone's favorite?


They say that good wine also has a sediment. This, God forbid, is not a hint of Asher's wine-loving ways. Only a glass on the Sabbath, and even on Purim and Pesach - that's all the water-carrier allowed himself. The rudeness of his profession did not encourage Asher to get tipsy, but it did incline him to indelicate expressions.


A rough language and perhaps a lack of patience were all the water-carrier's faults. No one doubted, and Asher himself firmly believed that a Paradise awaited him after death. That's exactly what happened - Asher died and instantly moved to a better world.




In Heaven there is a certain order, rather a ritual, of meeting a newly arrived righteous person. There is no doubt that the good Asher rightfully expected the pleasantness of a proper reception. Unfortunately, there was a misstep between the angels, and the newcomer was kept waiting. They did not immediately take him on a tour of the places of interest in Paradise, did not show him the abode of teaching and the resting place, were delayed and did not equip him in time with proper attire.


I think that discipline is weak in the office of the angel Michael, who is in charge of Paradise. I, Satan, am saddened by this, and I am not gloating. I know Michael will say that the reason for the delay is not the low social status of the former water-carrier, and in Heaven earthly class prejudices do not work, and the criterion of a person's value is righteousness, but not his purse. There are misunderstandings, Michael will add, for angels tend to make mistakes. It is just like on Earth: the big machine of bureaucracy is run by little people.


I was the first to discover Asher. I was alerted by an unusual sound. I listened. I had been down to Earth on various occasions, and there I had often heard similar sounds. Is crying possible in heaven? This is unprecedented! I flew to the porphyry gate, the entrance to Paradise. There was a man sitting alone under a pear tree, sobbing. It was Asher. I immediately called Michael. He came, and with him a crowd of angels. They heard what I heard, but how could these pampered persons, who had never left their blissful abode, know weeping? They thought that the heavenly world was rustling with foliage, and the naughty marshmallow was streaming the ether.


Michael's angels hastily set to work. One led Asher through the expanse of Paradise - here is the orchard, in its center is the tree of knowledge, and next to it the tree of life blossoms. To the right is this and to the left is that. Asher quite appreciated the beauty of his new place of stay. Another white-winged creature informed the newcomer that he would learn Torah with righteous people equal to him in mental development in a tent close enough to the throne of the Creator. Then Asher was ceremoniously handed a headdress and a garment of silver-stitched cloth. Strong on Earth, here in Heaven the former water-carrier felt tired. This was joined by a frustration which had not completely evaporated, and which prompted Asher to engage in a dispute with the angels.


Asher, wishing to tease his guardians, declared that the piety of an earthly righteous man was far greater than the holiness of the Heavenly Host. This statement struck a nerve with the angel Michael, and he looked at Asher in bewilderment. The companions of the chief of Heaven pricked up their ears and cracked their wings. Anticipating an interesting dispute, I too became alert, prepared to support sensible speeches, if any.


 - Be so kind, Asher, give us, the angels of Heaven, the basis of your surprising opinion, - Michael addressed to the righteous man.


 - 'Gladly,' replied Asher, 'let any of your white-winged angels tell us how he came to Heaven.


 - 'God created us all, the Host of Heaven,' said one of the young angels, 'and here our place of service is eternally fixed by Him.


 - Exactly. What on Earth is achieved through years of hard work of righteousness, you have received for nothing. Did you know the hardship of slave labor in Egypt? - Asher asked.  


 - No, we did not... - said another angel.


 - It is understandable. Did the pagans impose their false gods on you? Have you had to overcome the temptation of idolatry? - Asher asked.


 - We know only the true God, and we have nothing to do with idols," pronounced the first angel proudly.


 - Honor and praise to you. And who among you has overcome the temptation to steal from his neighbor? - Asher continued.


 - All our values are spiritual, - answered the second angel, - we have nothing that can be stolen!


 - Exactly," said Asher slyly, "no temptation means no victory over it! Do you honor your father and mother?


 - What kind of father and mother can we have? - The angels giggled, embarrassed by the subject of procreation, "We have no parents, we are God's creation!


 - I know! Your neighbor's house, his field, his slave, his wife are no lure to you. It's easy for you! - Asher shouted, biting the bit.


 - Don't get carried away, Asher, - said Michael angrily, - don't forget that the righteousness of angels is a quality of their nature, and the piety of the Heavenly host is not measured by earthly measure!




Confused by Asher's arguments, the angels looked gratefully at Michael, who supported them. In the meantime, the newcomer felt satisfied, having brought down the arrogance of his winged opponents. I wondered if I should intervene in the conversation.


 - Michael," I addressed the ruler of Paradise, "you have justly pointed out that the righteousness of angels is inherent in their nature. In this they see a reason for superiority over people. Do they not?


 - Perhaps," Michael agreed cautiously, and threw a wary glance at me.


 - It is the same on Earth! - I exclaimed, "In the eyes of men, the most valuable advantages are those with which one is born, for they are inalienable.


 - Don't go on, Satan," Michael interrupted me, "it is clear to me what you want to say. Asher was a simple water-carrier in his lifetime, and now he is with us. Do we admit people to Paradise on the patronage of high birth? Of course not!


 - I'm afraid that's partly what's happening! The microbe of corruption is omnipresent ...


 - Leave the offensive hints out of it," Michael said angrily, "we weigh people's deeds on the most accurate scales, and only the indications of this device are taken into account. Our law is the universal law of recompense: punishment for sin and reward for righteousness. The calculation that is not completed on Earth will take place in Heaven.


 - Michael, please let Asher and your angels go," I asked, and continued when we were left alone, "I note, my colleague, that your law of recompense is not working.


 - You are wrong, Satan! Have not the sages explained that the facts of prosperity of sinners and suffering of the righteous are imaginary facts? It is important to penetrate into the depths, to see evil behind good and good behind evil. And everything will fall into place!


 - The sages have set themselves a simple task, and therefore they easily solve it!


 - With such sophisticated methods of mind - and suddenly it is easy?


 - Yes, imagine that, dear Michael! First, it is easy for a sage to assert that a person who has not received just recompense on Earth will certainly receive it in the other world. Secondly, with skill, it is quite simple to interpret evil as good and the opposite. And thirdly, punishment can be presented as a reward and the reverse. These are all paths of wisdom, and logic will not give other paths. And when the paths are clearly seen, the goal is always attainable.


 - That's the point, Satan! A wise word will clear up the confusion!


 - You can't replace deeds with words!


 - Stubborn! So you're saying the law of recompense doesn't work?


 - There is no such law. People are ruled by chance. Ecclesiastes says: "Because to all there is one event, to the upright man and to the evil."


 - Satan, you are a blasphemer! God rules over men and rewards them according to their merit!


 - But, Michael, into what dark places we have wandered! It's Asher's fault.


 - Don't slip away, my friend. Remember, the law of recompense is bridling and encouraging. And keeps faith in the heart.


 - You said.

© 2024 Dan Berg

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Added on August 27, 2024
Last Updated on August 27, 2024