![]() Ode to the Cheese DustA Poem by Dan Breen![]() I love Doritos.![]() It is a truly delicate time of day. The daily bread has been broken; supper has passed, and yet the temptress Sleep has yet to set down delicately on our laps to weigh on our eyelids and bid us retire until morning. An hour such as this drives us to wander aimlessly through the rooms of the house until we find a chair welcoming enough to sit on. We recline cautiously, we search for evening peace in the depths of the cushions. The throes of the throw pillows and all the comfort of day’s end draw out of us a heavy sigh… But what is that? Coupled with our relieved exhaust is a lower tremor. Can it be? It is Hunger, begging through grumbles of the gut for us to send him packing with snacks and scraps. This Hunger, he is most unwelcome at such an hour! He roars in the stomach once more, louder… A proper declaration of war! We take up arms of silverware and descend upon the pantry. Stale cookies! Old cereal! Rice cakes! These will never do; the battle is lost already. But what is that? Do our eyes deceive us, or do we see the orange-red bag of pure passion? The bravest among us reaches for it, and when hand grips bag, the perfect harmony of crinkling bag and crushed chip lets us all know that the grocery gods are smiling upon us this evening. He, the retriever, holds the bag, our junk food savior, to the heavens. O, savory salvation! O, our nacho-cheesy hero! O, Doritos! Each bite of you, Doritos, is a delicious communion. We are cleansed of the demon Hunger with every handful of sacred snackage. Even when we are, at long last, satiated, your charity persists. Your cheesy dust, your residual blessing, rests on our fingers and mouths so that we may savor it later and know again the boundlessness of your calorie-laden love. But now, with bellies filled with you, heavenly Doritos, we fall happily into a slumber, to dream of this relentless hour, when we may once again indulge in your cheesy glory.© 2013 Dan Breen |
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