![]() Entry 2: 6/29/18A Story by Suppressed MindsEntry 2: 6/29/18 I can recall the day I first met Lu. It had only been a couple weeks after the fact that I had met Janet. She had came in but, she was quiet for a while. I flashed a smile at her in hopes she'd do the same, however in return she only tilted her head slightly at me in return. I thought, "that's a new one", but I didn't question it and continued to talke to Janet and her sister occasionally glancing at her as she looked between us. It wasn't long after till they introduced us to eachother. (Note we were all online at the time and in a chatroom together.), She was a small child at the time, at the age of around four or five. Least, that's what she preffered to rp (roleplay) as. She was adorable though. Had that small innocent smile on her face, you know the one your kids give you only moments before they do something to make you mad, gorgeous ocean blue eyes, and long black hair, and was wearing a rose red dress with a white trim. In a way I was curious of what she was proccessing about me, with the way she was staring, but I coudn't get over how adorable she looked. Anyway, It wasn't long before that she asked me to sit with her and started asking me questions. I thought "Okay, you're curious. I'll enlighten you on somethings about me." but, then we actually got to talking. This kid, this wonderful and amazing kid, had me facinated by her thoughts. I'm like "Oh my god, this has to be the most intiguing and astounding little girl I have ever met." She seen the world for everything that it was and then some, every bit as much as I do and that's where our bond began. I won't lie she did ask me a couple personal questions, however, I won't get into that. We sat there for a few hours having this deep and interesting conversation..then something happened. She stopped and she looked up at me, and she goes "there's something you should really know about me..". Of course I was puzzled by this, I asked "what is it that I should know?". Now, by this time my hearts racing from my anxiety, because it's that difficult for me to recieve new of any sort from someone because in my mind, im processing hundreds of different answers that that little girl could have given me and that's when she said it. "I don't have much time left in this life", my heart imidiately dropped to the point where it felt like it was just wrapped around my foot and I was dragging it along side me. She said "I don't know how much time I have exactly, but before I go I want to know what it's like..to know the love of not only a mother but a father as well. Most importantly I would like you to be that father." Without hesitation I said yes. I did everything that I possibly could to be the best father this girl had. We went on outings, we played games, took pictures together, all the things a parent would do with their child (all rp'd ofc) and we grew incredibly close. Six months later, I found out she had been lying about the fact that she was dying. I believed every word she had said about it with no question,because of the fact that I seen pics from what was happening from what she had showed me of her condition that served as proof. I supported her throughout it all. While I was upset with the fact that she had been lying about something that major, it never effected how I seen her, nor how I felt towards her as her father. She however, no longer ranged as my daughter after that had occured..I didn't want that to happen, I tried my best to hold on to having her as such but, it wasnt enough to change Janet's, (her mother at the time, of whomst I had been dating), mind about her choice of letting Lu go as our kid. However, a few months went by and it was arranged that Lu would be my sister instead due to the inseprable bond that she and I shared. Till this day, we remain as such with and even stonger and inseprable bonf than we had before. She's made a huge impact on my life, as I have for her in every way and I wouldn't give that up for the world. -J.Sinclair
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Added on June 29, 2018 Last Updated on June 29, 2018 Author