I stood behind the stage, and watched the scene unfold!. A DESSERT that was 5 stories high was being created. The chef an artist extrodinaire was sculpting his showpiece.
A dark sinister castle rose from flour dust and water, disguised in dark blue frosting.
This skyscraper cake was growing by the minute!. His brushes and tools were flying everywhere!
I watched intently as he PAINTED viscious dragons on the moldy green COPPER towers.
Dragon breath red paint engulfed one side of the castle. A dangerous bloody moat surrounded the castle. He used PLASTIC cut-outs of evil looking witches and wicked goblins. A bubbling cauldron with half boiled toads hanging helplessly over the sculptered hard candy walls!
I got a KICK out of his enthusiasm and passion, he was a STICKLER for detail that was for sure. There wasn't a SPECK of cake that wasn't covered with chilling and creepy creatures of the underworld. A CONSUMMATE master in the baking realm! The judges vigourously DOCUMENTED his artistic endeavor. Suddenly I saw him carve out of plastic this hideous CROW, wow! that would definitely add a dramatic finish of spin-chilling gore to this frightful gourmet delight..
Suddenly the lights went out on stage, and the audience let out screams, an eerie light hung over the cake. Smoke was coming out of the cauldron. The witches were laughing hysterically, chanting incomprehensible words. The chef seemed frozen in time, his eyes glazed-over, his hand holding the icing knife in mid air. Panic-stricken I started running out of the building. I didn't stop till I reached the street corner, I looked around and to my horror the building had turned into the sinister blue castle cake!..... I kept running and running and never went back!