Is there light at the other end of the tunnel x ?

Is there light at the other end of the tunnel x ?

A Story by daffy


Have you ever wished you were someone else, when you went through hush and difficult times? Well this story is about a girl that wished every night of her life, that she wasn't weird, as she got bullied because of her height, and dealt in situations that could scar you forever, as it was terrifying and embarrassing. This is a true story of a girl called Sarah Parker , fighting for her life to become perfect, but realized she was perfect all along even if she didn't see it at first.



I stood at the dark broken window, of my house, waiting for my mother to return home from work. I had excitement flowing through my body as I could not wait to get a hug from my mother when she returns home from work. Now my mother's hugs always made me happy as all my fears and nightmares would go away. It seemed more than a hug, as it was special and unique. But an hour went by and my mother didn't turn up, I began to get cold waiting at the window for so long, so I thought I would go and sit in front of the gas fire with hot chocolate, while watching the movie Finding Nemo when I wait.


Ring. Ring! The phone rang as loud as an tramped, making me jump out of my seat on to the floor, while trying to dodge the hot chocolate which went flying into the air, I tried to move before it pours down on me, but sadly I was too slow and it tipped down onto my head, while my skull burnt and stung like a bee, I screamed as I was in pain and didn't know what to do, as I was only seven years of age. I stopped screaming when I heard my sister talking to my mother.


The Phone Call

"Mum when you coming home, its crazy here, as dad and saffron are attempting to clean my jumper in the dishwasher!" pleaded Chelsea

"I'm coming tomorrow hopefully, if the doctors say it’s okay "said my mother a quiet tone

"Doctor's? But dad said you're working overtime, to be honest I was hoping you were working at MacDonnell's then you can bring some food home for us" said my older sister Chelsea with a cheeky, little smile"


While I sat on the wet floor, i  realized something strange was happening with my mother and father, something that a seven year old shouldn't know about, and wanted to confront her father to find out what it was.


The Next Day


I skidded across the floor in the snow while wearing only a night suit and dollies as it was all I could find in my messy bedroom. Looking back now I am ashamed that my bedroom actually got that messy, you could say it was mission impossible getting a wardrobe open as there were clothes, toys and food on the floor, and there was no excuse for it being a pig sty, it was just plain laziness.


The snow was freezing, and I made star angles on the floor, while looking into the sky at the clouds imagining them as a clown, as my sister Chelsea is terrified of them and seeing her face expressions when she sees them, lights up my day. As I lay on the cold snow, my sister was smiling with bliss as she thought it was fantastic as nothing could get better than throwing snowballs at my father, when he just woke up. But it wasn't so fantastic for me, I missed my mother far too much for you to imagine.


But an hour went past and it was time for me and Chelsea to go to school in the cold.


At School (Afternoon)


Nothing could be worse than sitting on a hard, broken chair, while listening to a boring teacher go on about politics and his love life. It was like Mr Andrews Monday routine, he would always tell the class about the Political facts happening around the World, while bragging on about his girlfriend's mother being bossy. If that wasn't enough to make your Monday awful, I got a massive lecture from Mr Andrews for falling as-sleep in his lesson, 'it wasn't my fault, if he weren't boring I would not of drifted off to sleep' I simply thought to myself, while looking up at him hopelessly and innocently, my innocent look was my ultimate best face expression, as it always got what I wanted whenever I required it.


After ten long minutes of getting lectured it was time to go home, a place where you can do what you want, whenever you please. Bing! The bell went off as loud as a gunshot speeding through air, letting sixty hyper students know it's time to go home, they rushed outside while being very pleased and happy that they are going home from a place some students called prison, as they think it's a waste of time. While the students rushed out in a hurry, they also pushed and shoved their way through the crowd, which made me fall and fly cashing to the floor, with great speed and strength.


If that wasn't enough I couldn't get up, as every time I attempted I failed horribly by falling down again, I was not strong enough, as I had to much on my plate, looking back now I can’t remember what was worse, my head stinging from the boiling hot chocolate, or wondering if something happened to my mother, as I had a funny feeling that she was dreadfully hurt, since she told me she was in hospital. When I was little, my funny feelings were always right, so it made me very frightened.


After seven long, stressful, worrying minutes of being thrown to the ground I finally got up and walked steadily to the door way. While I walk feeling very dizzy, little did I know what was going to happen when I see my dad standing outside to pick me up from school again!


Saffron! Yelled Mr Andrews calling me name to dismiss me by the gate.


Mr Andrews: Your dad is here to collect you; I hope you had a good day today, oh and almost forget, do your maths homework!

Saffron: what he's here again! I said while feeling very suspicious what was going on, as it was the second time he had ever picked me up from school.


I walked to my father in a hurry, as he brought sweets, which made me feel slightly better, as he always got the sweets I liked, which was a long snake that was very scary, I remember I use hide it and wait until a person finds it, they use to scream as they thought it was real, of course I use to love seeing their face expression and had a little smirk on my face, while they shout for help.


While I  munched it down my sister Chelsea gave me the evils, as she didn't get any for being naughty , looking back now she always was as cheeky monkey, and to tell the truth I found it very amusing, and I always new what she was going to do.


Seeing Mother


“Dad can my name be Barbie”? asked she loved Barbie dolls and the Barbie song, the one that went ‘ I’m a Barbie girl in a Barbie world , I’m made from plastic , I’m fantastic , you can brush my hair and take me everywhere’


“Oh no Chelsea it cannot be your name, what a daft thing to say! “ my father said in a sharp tone , sounding very strict as he thought it a ridicules  question , my father was a very intelligent man, and silly remarks like that really got on his nerves .


“Ha, ha, ha! Barbie as your name, that is very funny joke Chelsea, imagines me saying Barbie want to play with my Barbie! “I said in a rude but cute way, as I liked to tease her ,  but it never got on her nervous even how rude or offensive it was, she always thought we were joking, (majority of time we were being serious) and that’s what I loved about her, she  was a fun ,easy going , sociable little girl!


Like every Monday afternoon after getting picked up from school Chelsea and I would race to the door when we were 2 minutes away, she always thought she was the fastest and I knew I was , she just cheated far too much, looking back now I remember the little pranks she use to try to do when I use to race her, like her pointing  to an object, which made me stop and look at it , while she kept on running to the door and eventually win , and if that didn’t make her win she would get a stick and poke me with It.


So there Chelsea and I was , speeding, blazing , stomping to the white door that was chipped and muddy , which belonged to an old house I always thought was haunted, as I use to hear strange noises at night and here the stairs creek when no one was on them, but I loved that house , it’s the house I grew up in and the house I will never forget , even how spooky it was, it was my home and my paradise.


I could almost see the door , thrill and excitement flowed thought my veins as I was ahead of my older sister, for once in my life I was going to win her ‘just a little bit closer you can do it saffron don’t let her win!’ I thought to myself while pushing my legs forward like a pro, I looked just an athlete , as  I speeded to the gate while jumping over my cat that was blocking my entrance,  I didn’t need anything to get in my way and all I could think of was ‘Just a little closer’ I repeated to myself over again, which made me win the race , I touched the door and screamed out “I am the champion , no time for losers  , because I  am the champion of the world“


Suddenly my mouth widened and I stood in silence, staring at what I missed for two days, it was my mother , and she looked terrible, she was In a white top and old, ragged track suit bottom, which smelled like dirty washing. My mother always had a smile on her face wherever she was she dressed up smart!  she would wear a fitted colourful top , with black smart trousers, , and if I remember clearly she wore a light red lipstick with lip liner, which was the cherry on top , it wasn’t everything but it was my mother’s dress code, which was absolutely stunning.


“Hello sweaty I missed you dearly!” my mother said , with a great big smile on her face! but  instead of paying attention to her smiling , I yelled "mum how could you go and leave me , you didn't even say good bye and its made me scared, I'm never going to forgive you!" I ran to my room, slamming the door behind me.


My mother just stood there with tears pouring down her face, if I remember clearly she told me her tears was hot, as hot as boiled water, she told me it stung her face like acid was dripping down her face, but she took no notice of the stinging, she had more series things on her mind, and I was one of them! She didn’t want me to behave the way I was, over little pity things, but wasn’t pity one bit to me.


When my father approached the door he was delighted and slighting hopping up and down like a rabbit while laughing away at my mother’s face, and said “you deserve it, and everything you get! “ while rising one eyebrow that was pitch black and thick, when his eyes glared at her,  She tried not to look at him, but all of a sudden her eyes slipped and she burst into tears,  as she felt bad about not being there when  I needed her , but she shouldn’t have felt that way  , as it wasn’t her fault for not being there for me, it was my fathers.


My farther Mike lazy man that gambled since he was as young as 21, my father was a alcoholic that drank as young as 18 and smoked as young as 15. My mum knew about it when she married him, but it wasn’t that bad, he was controlled and was able to keep himself calm and stable, it was like he didn’t do all that terrible things, he was a perfect role model for a parent and loving husband, but not anymore a week before all this disaster happened he came home drunk as well as going in debt.


My mother had enough and he was not happy, “you dumb b*****d “he would say to my mother while beating her with a wooden cricket bat, she had scars in her face as deep as 5 inches. Blood spilled and scattered across her body when he keeps repeating whacking her head, with great strength and fury. My mother weeps was loud and painful to here. Thankfully one of my neighbours herd her screams!!


Bang!  Went my front door that took ten hard kicks to fall crashing to the ground, ‘stop hitting me you crazy man’ my mum would plead for her safety, while her organs get smashed in little bits , she hoped someone would hear her, but no one did and she lost hope in anyone ever coming! Even if my neighbour herd what horror  she was going through, he came too late , as my mother was  hopelessly on the floors surrounded in a thick source of red liquid, the whole room was full in her blood in minutes, what about her? She was rushed to the hospital by the neighbour

© 2012 daffy

My Review

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Practice helps. You really need to focus and thereafter follow your characters more closely. THe dialogue needs to be more real and smoothly flowing. If you have an outline to follow it may help you keep events in sequence.

Posted 12 Years Ago

The way you have this formatted is a little odd, Your dialogue seems to be a little unnatural or forced. Elaborate on the ideas that you have. This was a wonderful start but however It needs some work personally speaking. I did enjoy the read though :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

Maybe expand on your writing and dialog techniques. I like it overall, but the majority of it seems kind of forced.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 25, 2012
Last Updated on July 2, 2012
Tags: a true story =]



london , United Kingdom

Hey guys , im not sure what to write in here , so don't blame me if it sounds bad! hey guys, okay so I'm new to here , so sorry if i havnt got much up yet . okay let me begin to say I'm 16 , b.. more..
