![]() The HolidaysA Chapter by Kadessa (Kaddy)![]() this chapters long :)![]() Chapter 23~ Next few months (The Holidays)
Thanksgiving I sit down at the full table. A long day of cooking with Hazel, Bella, and Harry has paid off. It will take us a week to eat all of this food. The boys all pile in, Jace and Niall sitting to either side of me. Jace grabs a roll and pulls of a piece, popping it in his mouth. “Jace ate before grace so he gets to say grace!” I say, poking his arm repeatedly. He rolls his eyes at our old tradition dad started because we would sneak food before and during grace as kids. “Jaaace!” I whine, “You need to say grace!” “Ok, fine.” He says, taking my hand. I take Niall's, Niall takes Hazels, Hazel takes Harry’s, Harry takes Louis, Louis takes Zayn’s, Zayn takes Liam’s, Liam takes Bella’s, and Bella takes Jace’s hand, completing the circle. We all bow our heads and Jace begins. “Dear lord, we ask that you bless this food on this night of thanks. We would like to thank you for bringing us these friends who we love like family. I would like to thank you for the joy and laughter you’ve brought us. amen.” Before you can blink we are all piling our plates with food. Kadessa’s Birthday (December 9th) I walk around the empty house. They were all here five minutes ago. I went to go change out of pajamas and poof, they are gone. I tug on the sleeves of my long sleeve shirt before pulling on my jacket, slipping on my boots, and stepping into the cool winter’s air. I stand on the back door deck, my eyes closed, and take in a cool breath, I’ve missed my Oklahoma winters. Suddenly, I am hit in the arm, cold quickly splashing the side of my face. My eyes fly open with shock and I look to where Louis stands, laughing. Snow covers the ground in small patches and drifts lazily from the sky. “First snow of the winter!” I say excitedly. I jump over the stairs on the deck. I find a pile of snow and hold out my arms, falling backwards into the snow and make a snow angel. I laugh like a child at the sight of snow. I quickly stand up and grab a handful of snow forming it into a perfect ball and throwing it, hitting Niall in the back of the head. He turns around shock written on his face and runs towards me. I take off, but because I am so unathletic, he catches me. An arm wraps around my waist, using the momentum to spin around. Niall sets me back down and I grab another handful of snow, tossing it right into his face. He gasps in shock at the sudden move and just as quickly starts laughing his adorable, contagious laugh. I pull up my hood, trying to take some shelter from the bitter cold air. “Are you cold?” Niall asks as I pull the hood up higher. “A little, but it’s nice to have a white winter again.” he reaches down, grabbing the ends of my jacket and zipping it up. I stuff my hands in my jacket, Niall does the same, and we walk back towards to house. “Where did the others go?” I ask, realizing the yard is empty. “Probably back inside, it is awful cold.” We follow the other inside and find they have put wood in the fireplace. The warmth of the fire is instantly attracting. I quickly kick off my boots, leaving them where they land. I shed my jacket, letting it drop to the floor. I step in front of the fire; I fall to my knees and sit back onto my cold feet. I put my hands up to the fire, soaking in the warmth. Cold hands find my side, slipping under the hem of my shirt, pulling me back. I look over my shoulder to see Niall. I sit on his crossed legs as his arms slide around my waist and setting his hands in my lap. He rests his head on my shoulder. “Happy birthday my love.” He says, holding up a little box. I open it up and stare in awe at the gems inside. The two silver and gold necklaces sparkle in the firelight. One is a silver chain with a chocolate gold charm hanging. The two charms are of a little heart and infinity symbol. I lift it, holding it as if it’s priceless. “Now you’ll know that no matter what, you always have my heart.” I can’t help but smile. Niall takes it from me, pulling my hair over my shoulder and slipping the cool metal around my neck. I turn to look at the other. A silver necklace with a chocolate gold heart locket. The outside is engraved with tribal designs and a smaller heart has our initles in it. I open it to see a picture of us, kissing right after Niall had proposed. And another of us smiling, staring into each other’s eyes. “Niall I love It.” that’s all I can seem to get out. I look over my shoulder at him and steal a kiss. Jace walks in, rolling his eyes. “You could at least put away your shoes and hang up your coat.” He says before putting them away. Liam comes and sits on the floor next to us and hands me a book with a soft white plain cover. I open it and see a picture of us on the beach the first day I met them. The next page is a picture of us after the concert when I saw them after those long weeks. Then pictures of us with hazel and the beach in Spain, Niall and I on the horse drawn carriage together, us through the tour, and one of us standing in front of the house all together. The rest of the pages are blank and the back sides of the rings pop open so I can add more. “Aww, Liam its perfect, but I never saw you as the scrapbooking type.” I say staring at the frilly pages and cutesy stickers. “Oh, the girls did that part.” At the mention of them the girls sit on the other side of us. “Oh, and thank Louis for the pictures.” He sits next to Liam, giving me double thumbs up. Zayn tosses a box in my lap, the back covered in 1D stuff. I flip it over to see a Zayn Barbie. “So you won’t miss me.” he says, sitting so his back is up against the stone wall of the outside of the fireplace. I roll my eyes at how full of himself Zayn can be and I throw it back at him. I notice Harry slowly slid behind Hazel. “I forgot about a present.” He says, pulling the attention to him. He gives me and im sorry smile. “It’s ok; I really wasn’t expecting
all of this.”
Christmas “Wake upppppppppp!!!!” I am jolted awake by the sudden yelling. Before I really wake, I am being crushed. Louis, Harry, Bella, and Hazel jump up and start jumping up and down on the bed. “Wake up so we can open presents” Louis whines like the child he is inside. “Okay, okay, I will get up, just calm down.” I say, curling up to the head board of the bed. “Yay!!!” Bella screams jumping of the bed and taking off down the hall. The others follow her, leaving Niall and I sitting in shock. “We should get down there before they come back up.” I drag myself out of bed and look at the alarm clock on Niall’s side of the bed. They really had to wake me up at 5:30 in the morning. I grab a jacket off of the floor and pull it on before making my way down the hall and trudging down the stairs to find them all sitting on the floor, legs criss cross, staring at me. Jace and Liam sit on the couch, messing with their phones. I roll my eyes at how weird our little ‘family’ is. New years I stand in Times Square. As a kid I always dreamed of someday making it here weather it was for performing or a well deserved vacation. I never thought it would be standing in the celebrity portion of the crowd, the other girls lost somewhere star struck. I watch the boys bounce around on stage singing up all night. I pull down the beanie I stole from Niall so it covers my freezing ears. I wear a red long sleeved dress. The hem reaches a little above my knees and it singes in at my waist. Underneath my knit leggings do little to protect me from the cold and the white fitted jacket helps but my fingers are frozen in my pockets. I shift back and forth between my feet trying to warm my frozen toes. Niall's eyes meet mine and a small smile creeps onto my face. He blows me a kiss and I know it will be all over the news tomorrow but I don’t care. I blow one back leaving a smile on Niall’s face. As the song ends the boys make their way of the stage. Niall meets me and pulls me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me close, providing some shelter from the bitter cold. We join in the countdown at the crystal ball drops. When it reaches the bottom, cheers and Happy New Years erupt from the crowd. Niall leans in, giving me a sweet loving kiss. I bring my arms up and wrap them around his neck, leaning back into the kiss and enjoying the moment because in a few hours the boys are on a plane off to start their world tour. W separate, leaving our foreheads touching and enjoying the moment. Niall takes my hand, bringing it up and kissing it passionately. We get back to our hotel and I slide off my jacket and boots and grabbing a soda out of the fridge. I sit on the counter of the hallway like kitchen and take a slow drink. The pain and heartache of being without Niall and the boys hitting hard. As I set the can next to me I feel a tear rolling down my cheek. Niall walks in the door and I quickly turn my head. He hates to see me cry, it breaks his heart when I do. “Kadessa.” When I still look away he steps closer. “Kadessa my love, are you crying.” And I can’t hold it in any longer. I let out a soft sob and Niall is instantly standing in front of me, hugging me. I wrap my arms around his neck, not able to bring my sobbing under control. He shushes in my ear, trying to calm me down. “I don’t want you to leave.” I say as I calm down. “I know my love, but I will call you whenever I can, txt you, we will Skype whenever possible.” He says, stepping back a little to look into my eyes. “I love you and nothing will ever com between us. I know you’re scared I will meet someone else during tour or I will forget about your soft hair, perfect freckles, or captivating green eyes but I won’t. I will think about you every second of every day. I nod, wiping away the tears and sniffling like a child. Come on, we have to get to the airport, the fans are growing outside. Get changed into something comfortable for your flight and we will go.” I nod and hop off of the counter. Finding my way into our room, not bothering to close the door because that would be another thing between us. I change into sweats and a loose fitting long sleeved shirt. Stuffing my dress and leggings in my suitcase. Some of the body guards come in and take our suitcases. Niall slings his arm over my shoulder and I take that hand, letting my other arm come up around his waist. Fans scream as soon as we step off of the elevator, excited to see us and the others coming from the other elevator. Hazel types away on her phone, letting Harry’s arm over her shoulder lead the way. Liam holds Bella’s hand and she leans into his arm. When we get to the airport, we are stopped inside for a quick interview. I can’t help but feel the panic and heartache rapidly increasing, my hands starting to shake. I hug Niall when the woman stops us. His arms come up and pull up the hood of his jacket. His favorite purple one that smells just like him. He wraps his arms around my neck, hiding m from the camera. That’s the last thing I need is them seeing me cry again. “Niall, are you boys ready for your stadium tour.” She asks, holding up the mike for him. The other boys and the girls trail slightly behind. “Well, I guess we are always ready, it’s just harder leaving loved ones to tour.” Liam says, glancing over at Bella. “So the girls aren’t touring with you?” she asks, sounding confused. “No, they decided it would b better to stay in the states, settle down.” Harry’s voice sounds raspy and tired. “They will be staying together so they will have each other.” “Guys, we’ve got to go.” Zayn says, ending the interview with that. We get through security and stand, waiting for them to be let onto the planes. Niall sits against a wall, stretching out his legs and I sit sideways on his lap, my head on his shoulder and my tear stained face buried in his neck. “We’ve got to go.” Louis distinctive voice says from over us. I let go of Niall to jump up to his arms. “Im gonna miss you guys.” I squeak. “We will miss you to.” Louis says, hugging me back. We pass hugs around and watch the boys walk off. When they turn the corner, I fall to my knees and sit back on my feet, not wanting to move until they are back. Suddenly yelling comes from the hall and I look up to see Niall, Harry, and Liam running from security. Niall does the rock star knee slide to me so he is sitting in front of me, passionately kissing me. When we pull away, Liam is running by, sweeping up frail Bella into one last hug and Harry nearly tackling Hazel to hug her again and steal a quick kiss. “To remember me by.” Niall says before the security guard pulls him up. The guard lifts Niall up over his shoulder and turns and walks. I run up and give Niall one last kiss as he hangs over the guards shoulder. “That’s for you to remember me by.” I say with a smile. “I love you.” he calls to me. “I love you too!” I call as they round the corner. © 2013 Kadessa (Kaddy) |
1 Review Added on August 29, 2013 Last Updated on August 29, 2013 Author![]() Kadessa (Kaddy)not telling, OKAbouti am not the most beutiful girl, i am not the smartest, and i sure aint perfect. but i am me and dont care if you want to be a hater. like any other teenage girl, i am bullied and have self conviden.. more..Writing