The circle of life is such an interesting aspect to how something revolves around its life cycle. Great metaphor, great language, great meaning, great everything!
I enjoyed reading this. Keep the ink flowing. :)
there's a residual feeling that is harbored in this expression.. it flirts with notions and whispers with feelings.. I love the brevity in-twinned with a clear directional purpose.. great job.. the imagery was quite effective..
Wonderful write, i like the metaphor and the structure for this write. Really thought thinking and interesting... different, i think. Good write indeed, wonderful.
This is definitely well-written and lyrical. "Timeline" also leaves the reader with a sense that he's just experienced something quite profound.
Do not believe, however, I'll ever know what the author had in mind when he wrote this poem. Ben guards his poetic secrets with the zeal of a world-class magician.
Over time, shattered men, civilizations and, even, worlds have been acted upon by elements of change; eventually emerging as different forms of themselves.
(Just an obvious, generalized stab-in-the-dark.)
Would like to ask just one question, though: "A single drop" of what!
OK, Ben, you got the best of me. By ostracizing me with obscurity and hiding meaning under an aura of ambiguity, you've left this old dinosaur mired-down back at the asteroid shower. And, of course, in the process, you have, in all likelihood, managed to create a superb example of high-quality modern poetry.