![]() Chapter 6A Chapter by Danielle Breithaupt"Hey I want to show you something." I said and we walked toward her car. "Where to?" She asked putting the keys into the ignition and starting the car to make a roaring sound. "My house." She looked at me confused but drove off into the direction of my house after I told her my address that took me so long to remember. "How come we're going there? I thought you would come and sing with me today?" She asked not taking her eyes off the road. "Well I was going to, but I think I have something better in mind. We can go sing another day. And by the way, I live with just my sister and her name is Bella." Ariana nodded her head and we stopped at a red light. "Why did you move here?" We waited for the light to turn green. I laid back in my seat and gave her an answer, "I wanted to come to college here and this is my favorite state. Also, my sister was already living here so I had an advantage and I took it. Now I go to college here and I met you!" I saw as a smile crept onto her face at the sound of that, and then we drove off after the light turned back to the bright green. My windows were rolled down because it was a nice day and not too hot. I also loved the breeze in my face and the smells out in the world. "Here." Ariana said pulling into my driveway. That was sooner than I thought. By the looks of it Bella wasn't home just yet so I could avoid questions about Ariana that I knew would come sooner rather than later. "Follow me." I directed her walking past my room and in the doorway of that empty one. She looked around and by her facial expression she loved the place. I must have interrupted her thoughts when I told her to come look at this room. "Its empty." She said stated obviously while looking into it. "I know it is. But how about we fill it. It could be a good project and Tyler could help too!" I said getting a little excited about what I had in store for this room. And it's a win win, I get to spend more time with her, and I get to fill the room with what I've always wanted. "What do you want to put in here?" Ariana asked looking at me. "You know how we have to do a music video? So I was thinking maybe we could make this a recording studio. I like music, and my only two friends like music as well. So we can make this room into that, and then make our music video for the class and get an A+." Giggling, she nodded her head in agreement and we left the doorway to go to the living room. We sat down and she pulled out her phone. "What are you doing?" I asked watching her type something. "I'm going to make a list of what we should have in the room." "Alright, well I am going to call Tyler and tell him about the idea. You can help yourself to anything here, I'll be right back." I hope she really is into the project as much as I am. I called Tyler and he said it was going to be a good idea and he was looking forward to it. Moving here turned out a lot better than I thought it was going to be. Walking back into the room, Ariana didn't move an inch since I left. "Would you like to go shopping now for some things?" I asked. She finally looked up at me, "Yeah, that would be great." Right before we were about to leave Bella walked through the door. "Hey Hunter I'm-" She started but stopped once she noticed Ariana and I standing there. A smirk was instantly placed on her lips as she eyes the two of us. It was awkward at first and Ariana looked down at the ground. "Oh hey Bella. This is Ariana." I said casually, gesturing my hand in her direction. She looked up and waved. "Well we're going out, we'll be back later." I hesitated to say and left before Bella had any questions about us. *** "First thing on our list, recording mics." Ariana said looking down the aisles and I nodded looking up at the signs to tell which aisle to look in. I thought the only places to get these things were online but I was wrong. We found a few after looking for awhile and we ended up grabbing four. Then we went and grabbed a sound board and a few other instruments we would need. wEe took a look at the best quality recording camera also and bought a laptop. "Wow now to get this all set up at my house." I said as we were checking out. Placing a of the items in the car, the two of us headed back to my house at the same time the sun was setting. Bella helped us unload all of our things when we got back and we dumped them in the front room to be put in the music room. Thankfully she didn't ask any questions about Ariana and I because I knew she was dying to know all the unnecessary details. But before we did that I noticed the sun was about to set, so I wanted to show off the amazing view to Ariana. "Look, come out here with me for a second." I said and she followed. I leaned over the railing gazing out into the distance. This time of the day was my favorite no doubt, it was just stunning. There were a few clouds and the sky had a color impression on them. Ariana came out right after and stood by the railing with both her hands on it. The light reflected off of her pretty well. "You're so lucky to live here. Look at this outstanding view." She sighed and we watched as the sun slowly slide down to where we couldn't see it any longer. Ariana looked at her phone when it buzzed and then looked at me. "I'm sorry but my dad wants me home. I can tell him I have to stay later to help a friend?" I shook my head, "No that's fine I can do it by myself. Thanks for all your help today. See you tomorrow maybe." It was Saturday and there wasn't any school for us so I had the whole day to do the room or whatever I wanted. She grabbed her bag and headed for the door. "Bye." Bella said coming out just in time as she left. I shut the sliding doors to the outside and right as I looked up Bella was there. "So... tell me everything!" Bella demanded and pushed me down to sit on the couch. I sighed knowing I wasn't going to get out of this one. "Her name is Ariana, and she's in my classes. We're doing a school project together." I explained to her shrugging my shoulders but she didn't look satisfied. "We aren't dating." I added. "Well why not?" She asked wanting an answer sooner rather than later. "Because she's too good for me. She can do better, and she made it obviously clear that we're just friends." I finished hoping that was enough for the night because I was tired. I got up off the couch and headed to my room when Bella said nothing more. My phone vibrated and I checked it to see who it was. Surprisingly, it was a text message from Ariana. Ariana: I had fun tonight! We should hangout again soon :) Me: Thanks for all your help, and we definitely will! Closing my phone, I placed it on my night stand. I undressed until I was only in my boxers, then I slipped into bed after turning on the tv. That night I stayed up late thinking about how this project was going to be fun and how much time I get to spend with what Tyler says, "The most beautiful girl ever." Believe me, he was not lying. Knowing I had a busy day ahead of me tomorrow, I wasted no time in falling asleep and racking up ideas about how the room was going to look in my dreams. © 2014 Danielle Breithaupt |
Added on November 11, 2014 Last Updated on November 11, 2014 Author