![]() Chapter 5A Chapter by Danielle BreithauptAt the last minute I opened my guitar case, laid it out in front of me and took out my guitar. I hesitated for a moment but then started playing a song. I rested on playing "Call me maybe." It wasn't my favorite song, but it had good parts in it and I'm sure everyone recognized it. I started playing the beginning chords followed by my singing very loud to get peoples' attention. Ariana stopped and looked up at me. I could see she had a confused expression on and then it turned into a big bright smile. She rested her hat back onto the ground and stood beside me. I knew I could sing, but I usually never did in front of people. Before I knew it, the chorus came up and Ariana started singing with me, but in a higher octave. I watched as she added little dance moves into it but not so much, she didn't look like the dancing type. People slowly and in small groups approached the area where we were in to listen. I strummed louder and sang broader. For a minute there, I thought I was actually enjoying the fact that I was doing exactly what I thought was stupid. When the song was over, everyone applauded and rushed over to drop money into my case. The most we got in one bill was five dollars but it was more than I originally thought we would get. I was out of breath and she was too. She looked at me as the crowd dispersed and ran over to me and gave me the biggest hug. "Are you like my angel or something? You come out of nowhere and look what you just did! You can really sing!" She praised me and I couldn't help but have a smile on my face. "Here, the money is all yours." I said dumping it into her little hat. "No I couldn't! You did most of it! I think what the people want is a duet." I refused to take the money back and she gave me another hug. Then I stopped in my tracks, a duet? She meant us doing this together? Ohhh no! That wasn't happening. Just because we get one lucky day doesn't mean this is going to happen all the time. "A duet?" I repeated wishing she didn't say it. She nodded her head frantically and waited for me to respond. "I- I can't. Today was just a lucky day. You don't really think you can get anywhere with this do you?" Her face dropped and she wasn't so cheery anymore. "It's not all about the money. Yes, it's nice making some doing this but I want to do it for the people. I want to be the one to make their day and smile and look forward to hearing me sing on their way to work." She looked down like she thought what she said was stupid. Now I felt bad. She was doing it from the kindness of her heart. "I'll think about it." I said. She tried to smile but it didn't come up all the way. "Well I hope you do, we could be a good dynamic duo. Also it wouldn't hurt if we got a record deal doing this, that's a bonus." A record deal? She really thought we could get one? Now this girl is definitely living in a fantasy world. "Um, yeah sure. Well I'll see you tomorrow in school. Take care." I waved and walked toward my house. I was looking forward to school tomorrow. I did make two friends and I made peoples' day. I better go home and call dad to catch him up on things. *** "Hey want to come with me today?" Ariana asked turning around in her seat. Boys tried to talk to her but she simply ignored them to talk to me. "Well, I had something else in mind. We can sing after." I suggested and looked down at my notebook. "Okay, sounds good," She said with a reasurring smile. "Are you kidding? You're talking to the most beautiful girl and you aren't even showing interest!" Tyler said looking at me surprised. Like I was messed up or something. I shook my head at the fact that it was obvious he liked her and thought I was crazy. "Okay class we're going to do an assignment. You all have to create a music video. Three or more people can be in it." Ariana turned around and whispered, "Would you like to be in it together?" She waited patiently as I gave my answer. "Yeah sounds good, can Tyler be in it too?" I asked hoping she would say yes. He looked at me with astonishment that he could have the privilege to be by her. Then he looked at her with pleading eyes. She nodded her head, "Of course he can!" She looked at him and smiled and then class was later dismissed. "So where are we going?" She asked holding her books and notebooks to her chest. Her whole look and personality was so innocent. I think I find it attractive. "Well did you know that San Diego has like the best ice cream ever?" I said laughing. She giggled, "Yeah I live here silly." She smiled and looked down when she walked. "Well then lets go get some ice cream!" I stated and we were on our way. We went to the nearest ice cream shop and I ordered a chocolate ice cream. I didn't like many of the flavors or didn't care for them. Ariana got strawberry. "Hey what's that on your ice cream?" She asked looking curiously. I held up my ice cream in front of my face looking for the thing she was talking about. And before I knew it, she pushed the ice cream right into my face. I heard as she laughed so hard she started almost crying. It was pretty funny, and cute. I wiped the ice cream off of my face and licked some off. Ariana was still laughing so I let her laugh, for now. "You're so easy!" She said after she was almost done laughing. "Oh my god is that Justin Bieber?" I asked pointing behind her. Obviously she looked and when she went to face me because there was no Justin Bieber, she received a face full of chocolate ice cream. Her mouth formed an 'O' shape and she closed her eyes like she couldn't believe I just did that. "Chocolate is good right?" I asked smugly, taking a few licks and admiring the fact that she was easy as well. Ariana walked over and grabbed a few napkins and stood in front of me wiping her face. Now I was the one laughing hysterically. She did giggle too, "I like you, Hunter Bowens. You're a good friend." I smiled and finished my ice cream as she did too. © 2014 Danielle Breithaupt |
Added on November 11, 2014 Last Updated on November 11, 2014 Author