![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by Danielle BreithauptI got off the plane a little tired since I did slept for most of the whole thing and then got up to walk after sitting down for many hours. Last I heard my sister Bella was coming to pick me up, but as soon as I came out of the tunnel she was nowhere to be seen. She was usually late because she was a model and they never let her go on time. I stood by the conveyer belt with all the other people that were on the plane with me, and I waited for my stuff. After a few minutes, my duffle bag was the first of my things to show up and I grabbed that as soon as it was in my reach. Next was my guitar case. I panicked after awhile when I realized it hasn't showed up. I walked around to the front where the little box in the wall spits out everyone's belongings and I stood there so I could make sure nobody was interested in stealing a guitar. I ruffled the back of my head, because that's what I did when I was nervous or unsure of something. And believe me when I say this, but I was freaking out. Luckily I stopped thinking the horrible when I recognized the guitar come out. I was so relieved and I pulled it off the belt quickly, picked up my bag and headed outside to wait for Bella. Honestly, I don't ever remember being to California. Possibly when I was little but I wouldn't remember. There was always this little thing inside of me that made me want to move, and I couldn't be happier that I did. Soon enough Bella pulled in front of me and rolled down her window. She leaned a bit over the passenger seat so she could get a better look at me. "Hurry and get in! I'm in a no parking zone!" She yelled and then she rolled up her window. I opened the back door and threw my stuff in the back, and then took a seat next to her. "Fashionably late I assume?" I said sarcastically looking out of the window at the tall palm trees. California really was beautiful and I have only been here for about 10 minutes! "Yeah yeah, shut up." She said pushing my head but not taking her eyes off of the road. I laughed and then rubbed my head. I loved my sister. She was 4 years older than me and she was the closest thing I have ever had to a mom. Mine passed away when I was very young and so I grew up with Bella being my main girl. "So where are we headed?" I asked curiously rolling down my window to catch a breeze. It was so warm here, I loved it. We stopped at a red light and she leaned back in her seat like it was the first time today she got to relax. But before she knew it, the red light turned green and she was off driving again. "San Diego is where I live. You'll like it. I have a little house over looking the ocean in a sense." I smiled at how relaxing living here was going to be. There was no view like that in New York. On our way to my "new home" I spotted a girl that was in front a big building, and she was standing on the steps as people passed by. At first I didn't know what she was doing, so I rolled down my window to reveal the perfect pitch of a beautiful girl's voice. What she was doing was pointless. I tried that back in the city, making money by singing/playing music. Never really worked, so good luck to her. *** We pulled into the driveway a few minutes later and my mouth dropped at how pretty the house was on the outside. How did she even afford all of this? "Come on I'll show you your new room." Bella said and made her way toward the house without even waiting up for me. Did she forget that I was new to this? I gathered my things from the back of the car and walked toward the front door. I opened it and it was also beautiful inside. "In here!" I heard her voice call out and I followed it. She was in what I was assuming was going to be my room. It looked like a guys room. "Is this mine?" I questioned putting my bags down and then looking around the place. It had dark blue walls with hardwood floors and a giant dark blue rug in the middle. The room was my type and I actually fell in love with it. "I can also order pizza for later. I really hope you like it here." She said and smiled shyly. I walked over and sat on the bed beside her. "I love it, thanks sis." I said and gave her a warm smile to show I really did love it. She returned the smile and then put her arm around my shoulder. I thought it was just a welcoming gesture until she tightened her grip and took her other hand and rubbed it on my head for a knuckle sandwich. I may be 19, but what we will always have is acting like children all the time. "Stop stop!" I demanded but she kept it up. I loosened her grip, as I was stronger than her, and that made her stop. "Sorry, its just you're such a loser." Bella told me and my mouth dropped like I couldn't believe she just said that. I knew she was kidding of course, so I punched her in her arm and she placed her hand over it like it would stop the pain. "I may be a loser, but you'll always be a baby." I smirked and she punched me back. "Well are you going to order this pizza or what slacker?" I said laying back on my bed and crossing my feet with my arms behind my head for rest. She rolled her eyes and got up to leave the room but I stopped her before she actually left the room. "Hey Bella," I said, "Thanks, a lot. For all this." She nodded her head with a small smile and then she was gone from my room. It totally blew past me that I was now 3 hours behind New York and I was so jet lagged. I would so be feeling this later at like 9 in California time. *** "Pizzas here!" Bella yelled and I got up off my bed to grab it. She didn't sound close to the door since my room was right by the front room. I grabbed the money off the counter and opened the door. Grabbing the pizza from the kid, I handed him the money and closed the door. After dropping the box on the counter, I grabbed two slices and made my way back to my room where I could isolate myself and eat my pizza alone. While eating, I flipped through my channels a few times to memorize the channel numbers. Ever since I got here, I feel like its just been vacation for me. But in reality, I get to live here now! A few hours later of doing absolutely nothing, I passed out. The switching time zone thing really caught me off guard. Bella was in her room all day doing who knows what so we didn't hangout that much. I would say that my first day here went fairly well. What to do next? I was unsure of, but it's Cali! Full of many opportunities here. © 2014 Danielle Breithaupt |
Added on November 11, 2014 Last Updated on November 11, 2014 Author