Wonder and Ponder by Malik Amandla
Is education the key to a happy life
Or is it the pursuit of money or a wife
How do I deal with the inevitable daily stress
Do I ask for help or fly solo and do my best
What is my purpose on this God created land
Can I focus on myself, would I still be a righteous man
Who will help me beat the odds and persevere
Should I ask my peers, would they even care
Will most people really burn for all eternity in hell
Or will they rejoice in heaven with a joyful yell
Should I ostentatiously take pride in everything I do
Or is better to remain humble and socially invisible
Why am I criticized so much for being honest and blunt
If the truth sets me free, why am I the prey during the hunt
Should I try to love everyone despite some of their ways
Do I open my arms to people who'll cut me apart like fillets
Does everyone face unfavorable odds without exceptions
How do you succeed when there are so many directions
Will I really be strengthened by the troubles I survive
Why is their chaos in my heart like a disturbed hive
If I pray and read the bible will God really speak
Where can I find the answers I tenaciously seek