Her Sister

Her Sister

A Chapter by Cynthia

:D Please do read it.


The old fairy tales are very, very violent, and these days I think we could do with a little less of it.
Julie Andrews

Fidelia looked around her, it was midnight. as she was walking slowly in the Fairy Central Park, she glanced around ,there was no one to be found. Fidelia sighed “ Another lonely night.”

A Freezing wind blew, Fidelia shivered slightly “ It is so cool.” She mumbled to herself. Fidelia's curly silver hair glittered under the moonlight, her deep blue eyes were so deep that it could be see miles away even its midnight.

Fidelia sighed again as she dashed away swiftly without any challenges, she said under her breathe “ Its so not fun to do all these sneaking just to see my sis.” She snorted “ That is not fair to me.”

Just as Fidelia finished her sentence, someone caught her arm softly “ neither do I.” A cheerful sound said.

Fidelia nearly jump, but she cried out “ Oh God Sis! You scared me!”

Sergiane smiled under the moonlight, her cheeks flushing to pink with happiness “ Did I? I thought you said you have overcome your fear of speed.” she chuckled lowly.

Fidelia pursed her lips “ Not just overcome, I have advanced it.”

Sergiane laughed again “ So unreliable.” she teased “ Any prove?”

Fidelia shrugged “ Do I need any?”
Sergiane shrugged “ Want to race with me?”

Fidelia looked at Sergiane “ I thought there is a reason why you risk the danger of me being find of your what you call queen to find me. Don't you know its hard to sneak here? I nearly get caught at the font gate!””

Sergiane nodded seriously “ Yes, I do. I know its hard for you to sneak here, it didn't use to be so hard before but now cause of Basileia had added guards around the capital city, de hadas, which means here, its guarding level had increased . And oh sis, I thought you know me, you know I need to protect you out of her sight, if not, she will use your special talent! Your eyesight is way better than normal fairies and-”

Fidelia said, cutting her out “ Stop that sis, I knew it centuries ago, just tell me what is happening in fairy which is that important you need to call me here.”

Sergiane nodded “ I do have a reason, or should I say, there is something big going on in fairy.” She paused for a second “ Basileia want to destroy the human race!”

Fidelia gasped “ What are you talking about? Destroy the human race? Do she knows how much lives she had destroyed already in the past 90 years?”

Sergiane nodded “ Yes, that is why I am calling you out, and the main point is, she had found the girl you hid one month ago.”

Fidelia shook “ No, that is impossible! I have hid her back to the mortal world already!”

Sergiane said “ You know Basileia doesn't just mean to kill her! It is an excuse to change her to a fairy and so, she can unlock the hidden power of the fairy!”

Fidelia opened her eyes wide “ oh my fairy! What is she trying to do? She will just kill the human baby! And, who knows if she really found the right one? Its just a guess! We need to do something!”

Sergiane said, shaking her head a bit “ No one in fairy, besides me and you,dares to disobey her, we are all bound to her, remember? No one wants to risk the danger. Or so, we will either be out of fairy or kill”

Fidelia said under her breathe “ All these useless crowd, ” She snorted “ That is it for fairy, all the human dies, and we are half over.”

Sergiane shrugged slightly “ But to Basileia, it is just the win of her bet.” Fidelia asked “ What bet?” Sergiane shrugged sadly “ Remember old Vasylyna? Basileia had tried to kill her, remember?” Fidelia nodded.

Sergiane continued “ Well, the last time Basileia and old Vasylyna and Basileia battled, Vasylyna told Basileia something like ' I bet you can't defeat me without rebounding your power.' Cause everytime they battled? Vasyylyna always win, and Basileia will be grumpy and mad that day, she just too wanna to defeat Vasylyna! and I guess Basileia think its a bet cause Basileia hates to think things over, and she had planed for this for a long time, I can feel it.”

Fidelia shook “ That is way too complicated then  I think, so now, rebounding the power and turning the baby to a fairy is just a excuse of...” She counted with her figures “ Well, two main reasons? One, to win old Vasylyna, who is now living oversea near the edge of fairy. Second, is to destroy the human race, right?”

Sergiane nodded “ Yes, this main two reasons, but more weird thing is that the baby. The baby, Gasira is so important for Basileia that she had ordered to jail her into the black house......”

Fidelia waved her hand “ Wait, wait... let me organize the whole thing. Basileia had captured Gasira again, right?” Sergiane nodded, “Yes.” Fidelia said “ Then she captured her or jailed her to the black house. Still right, sis?” Sergiane nodded again. Fidelia continued” And actually, Basileia just mean to change the baby, Gasira to a fairy, so she could rebound the power of fairy, and to win her bet, to kill old Vasylyna. Right?”
Sergiane nodded in approval “ Right, you have got it right. You just missed a information, the baby is planed to be change one week later.”

Fidelia said “ Whatever, its still the same to me. So overall, we will need to stop Basileia or we all die right? OK, not die, but half die to us. Since we just so love them,” Fidelia said with a half smile. Sergiane nodded then shook “ We are all powerless in front of Basileai, to her, we are just servant and tools, no one in fairy can defeat her. We are sort of um..... hopeless.”

Fidelia said “ no,” she shook “ we aren't hopeless, we can call in some help.” Sergiane looked at Fidelia “ who?” she asked “ I don't know anyone who is strong enough to defeat her.”

Fidelia smiled slightly “ you are wrong, I think old Vasylyna can defeat her.” Basileia looked at Fidelia “are you serious? Old Vasylyna? OK, she might not be as old as we say she is,but that is kinda.. insane.”
Fidelia shook “ who say its insane? We gotta do something.” Fidelia shrugged “ If she is willing to help us,then things will be much better.”

Sergiane looked at her sister, who had helped her over nighty years, she bit her lips slightly “ Are you sure?” she asked “ it is our only chance.”

Fidelia nodded “yes, I am sure.”

Sergiane nodded “ Then I am in.”

© 2011 Cynthia

Author's Note

Same as the other ones, still left to be edit.
Please give me your honest opinion on this! I am trying really hard to finish it ><

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My honest opinion is that this needs to be edited before I can make sense of the story. There are too many places where the wrong word is used or words are missing, and I don't know what you are trying to say. (What does "way too complicated at I think" mean, for example?)

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


A very interesting chapter. The conversation and history made the characters stronger and more strong. It was a short chapter. But the conversation was entertaining. A very good chapter.

Posted 14 Years Ago

0 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Still going great!

Posted 14 Years Ago

0 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Very interesting indeed, I look forward to more, keep it up~

Posted 14 Years Ago

It's very intresting! I enjoyed it! keep it up!

Posted 14 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

With editing it will do really well.

Posted 14 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

my honest opinon is that once the chapter are eidited they will be exellent! (they are already good).
This is turning about really interesting and good!:)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

There were a few typos, but you did a find job of telling this story.
The drama of this situation was intense. I felt the urgency of the situation.
The scenes were very easy to imagine. The characters had nice touches
to their personalities. In all..chapter. You communicate your ideas well.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tell you what Cynthia, I'll edit this a great deal. There is no other way. Weaver is right, it's almost incomprehensible.
And for one thing use pronouns, u use their names too many times.

Posted 14 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

My honest opinion is that this needs to be edited before I can make sense of the story. There are too many places where the wrong word is used or words are missing, and I don't know what you are trying to say. (What does "way too complicated at I think" mean, for example?)

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Posted 14 Years Ago

0 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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10 Reviews
Added on January 31, 2011
Last Updated on February 1, 2011



Hong Kong

Sorry everyone, but I didn't go on this site regularly, I also turn off my read request, but will be up as soon as I find this site... worth spending time on Hello! My name is Cynthia, I'm from Ho.. more..

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