Pros: It was a good little poem with good rhetorical questions scattered throughout. I like the flow and story and progression of the poem; it was nice and didn't stagnate in one spot with un-needed description. You got straight to the point.
Cons: My only suggestion would be to find a different word to replace "ditch" Sure, it fits, but it doesn't seem.....poetic enough for this poem, doesn't fit enough with the other words. But that's just my opinion.
Aside from slight grammatical errors, this poem expresses the thoughts of a hurt girl. Young and probably in her teenage years, she expresses her confusion through words. Impressive and quite blunt.
the first stanza of this really strikes me, i like its word play and progression
the rest of the poem was difficult read because it was broken english, and trying to figure out what was meant to be said, destroyed flow of the rest of the piece. . .
nice poem here, a very good piece of yours. i suppose you have edited this one since some reviews mention the word "ditch" and I don't see it. those feelings of betrayal are very strong in this one. nice work here and keep it up!
Sorry everyone, but I didn't go on this site regularly, I also turn off my read request, but will be up as soon as I find this site... worth spending time on
Hello! My name is Cynthia, I'm from Ho.. more..