Be a bird fly for freedom fly around search for truth watch out the window you might find lots of things flying who are free imagine you are one of them to enjoy to feel what they feel too
Be a bird fly up the sky feel freedom touch the sky.
How lovely it is to be able to fly, but you say more with this write; a call to free the mind into the vast land of Imagination...Imagine! Thanks for sharing.
Sometimes I wish I could be a bird. What simple worries they have. What simple thoughts and cares. I like this, it flows well and has good descriptions. I really like it.
This poem has the feel of a haiku mixed with an ee cummings poem. The positioning of the breaks make the poem feel like a leaf on the wind swaying sideways... and then suddenly down! But then swiftly again... It captures the swooping motion of flying, or gliding, and I think that works very much in favor to the "wholeness" quality of the poem.
I love the last part if you really want to know what I think. It delivers a sense of finality and it also delivers a sense of longing to be a bird, because really we humans just need to fly up in the sky, feel the freedom there and really really touch the sky. Life long dream of all of mankind is to fly like a bird...
Great job! this was really sweet, simple and wonderfully thought out.
this poem reminded me of why I enjoy reading, it takes the reader to another
place and time and questions belief, this is vivid ponder.
written to the backdrop of a sky and soul in flight, which in subtle ways
reminds me of a celestial perspective, awsome job on this, a 100
I think that this was really cute, but it was pretty repetitive too. Maybe change some of the things to make it more substantial?
Overall though, great job. :)
Sorry everyone, but I didn't go on this site regularly, I also turn off my read request, but will be up as soon as I find this site... worth spending time on
Hello! My name is Cynthia, I'm from Ho.. more..