I Bind My Hands To You

I Bind My Hands To You

A Poem by Dave C.

An erotic poem to share with your lover.

I bind my hands to you

We knot our fingers together
As our hearts convulse in synch
We secrete our lust on one another
As my tongue salivates with greed



Our shadows melt in candle light
My breath kneads your spine
Shivers vertebrae by vertebrae
Our moans oscillate
Our veins verberate
Lungs hesitate
Knees segregate
Lips separate

Your pupils disappear
With a solitary tear
And so do mine
Ignore continuum of spacetime
Where do I end, and you begin?
This is erotic quantum entanglement
Your legs fold and bend



Lightly lick and nibble your popliteal
If this is ecstasy, macroscopically
How must our atoms feel?

While I massage and caress your iliac crest
Softly running my fingertips over your chest
With my coriaceous hands palming your knees
I slide my mouth up your thighs
Kissing skin with ease

The windows sweat
I swiftly pull a handful of your hair
I crave your silhouette
I need you like lungs need air

The anticipation in mine rises
The friction tightens
The fluids thicken
Let me drown blissfully in your oxygen

© 2015 Dave C.

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I really enjoyed this! I'm a huge fan of erotica and like to see how others express this genre. Nice poem!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dave C.

9 Years Ago

Thank you for that nice comment. I have others like it on here. Some are romantic, without the eleme.. read more

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1 Review
Added on April 15, 2015
Last Updated on April 15, 2015
Tags: Erotic, erotica, romance, love, date, sex, passion, lust, longing, desire, crave


Dave C.
Dave C.

Dallas, TX

I am and artist, musician, and writer. The lyrics to my song are very poetic. Therefore I'm posting them here to see how the stand alone without the music. Thank you in advance for reading them. more..
