![]() Nullin TerraA Story by Cylis Derrens![]() Nullin tries to save as many people as he can, during the aftermath of Return of the Jedi as the Empire begins to break apart.![]()
By Cylis Derrens Nullin Terra
Chapter 1 Nullin Terra wasn’t your typical officer. When it came to command he was not only unorthodox but also had a shadow to get out from under: Grand Admiral Thrawn. Though from the same species the two men were very different in how they commanded, and their personalities. Thrawn was the classic commander strategically brilliant, Nullin while highly intelligent was an improviser, and won by nerve and instinct. Thrawn was popular with his superiors following the rules and regulations. Nullin was popular with his subordinates and peers. For him the mission and the people were paramount not the established order of things. He would obey orders as he expected everyone who worked for him to, but his style wasn’t traditional. In the battle of Pegos III a small imperial fleet was sent to engage a pirate group that had been raiding along the outer rim. Stationed at the local shipyards that were important to the local Moff Nullin added to his existing fleet creating new ships. Using ship designs he had thought up Nullin created ten ships about the size of a Corellian Corvette but with a lot more punch. Their arsenal was explosive packed capsules fired from specialized launch tubes. The ships required little manning to run them, trading personal quarters and stations for space to store the capsules and firing systems. Setting them in the forefront he waited for the Pirate attack using his new Mobile Launchers or MLs he had them fire everything they had using the ML’s sensor package they could track their targets easily hammering them with constant fire. Shields on the main pirate ships which included Dreadnoughts and other capital vessels failed soon afterwards. Soon afterwards those same ships were heavily damaged if not quite destroyed. All this happened before the pirates had a chance to close the distance with the imperial vessels. The MLs had a superior fire range which they had used to their full advantage. Empty of all their arsenal they retreated to the rear to restock in case they were needed again. Nullin ended up not needing them again as his fleet destroyed all the pirates who did not flee immediately afterwards. All of the other imperial captains knew Nullin and trusted his leadership capabilities. It was resounding victory that left no doubt that he deserved to be promoted to the rank of admiral. It was position he wouldn’t have gotten if ever man who owed Nullin his life in the fleet hadn’t put their support behind his advancement. After the battle he received two interdictor cruisers whose gravity wells could stop a ship from jumping into hyperspace. Using them he hunted down the remainder of the pirate fleet capturing much of their ships and crews. The captured ships he refitted them and molded the ships into his rag tag fleet greatly increasing its size. While his superiors agreed to give him the rank of admiral Nullin was kept in the Outer Rim territories never returning to the Core. His victories though many in number never advanced him further as Nullin was private embarrassment of the imperial navy: A non-human who had risen to the rank of admiral. While Grand Admiral Thrawn had been accepted and promoted, it was because he had connections Nullin didn’t. Moff Sel Nevis was intent on seeing what else Nullin could build for him. When Nullin was not out fighting of the occasional criminal who stepped out of line, he was building a new type of ship for the Moff that would improve the Moff’s standing among his rivals: The Juggernaught. Half the size of a small moon it would be a prototype of a ship meant to be able to take on almost any size of fleet. Even when greatly outnumbered it would literally outgun its opponents filling space with turbolasers, ion cannons, photon torpedoes, and ion torpedoes. While the ion cannons, and torpedoes could not only allow ships to be captured, they also could knock out shields and firing systems allowing the Juggernaught’s more lethal weapons to destroy them easily. In multiple tests the huge ship had proven its worth against dummy ships and simulations. If it had one fault it was that eventually firing systems would overheat under the strain after numerous tests in a row. The massive complement of weapons was far more than any other ship ever built and was the cause of this problem. Nullin was forced to try out new firing systems including targeting scanners to help aid his gunners. When the Juggernaught went full bore it could literally create a wall of fire power lighting up space. When firing manually this did not help targeting enemy vessels. The fighters on the Virulant were three times the amount of a star destroyer, along with the other support craft other military vessels carried. The fighters could take off multiple bays while protected by the Virulant’s guns. Nullin could virtually overwhelm his enemy squadrons of tie interceptors and bombers. He had even managed to acquire a few tie advanced for long range strikes and reconnaissance, As big as the Juggernaught was it wasn’t a fast ship, but then again it didn’t need to be. If put in a planet’s orbit it could easily be maintained and protect the planet from just about anyone who came calling. Even if the odds were not in its favor it could hold its own blooding the nose of the enemy and allow the imperials to evacuate before jumping away itself. The Moff liked a second function which Nullin didn’t like to advertise: It was also a mobile space station. With it you could land invasion forces on a planet or obliterate its surface leveling everything. Nullin had built it purely for defensive purposes while the Moff saw new possibilities. Finally With his precious “Death Star” he gained the ear of the Emperor and his full support. Like waves crashing against a cliff face they would eventually withdraw weakened and demoralized. The Emperor would be well pleased as he ordered their destruction at his leisure, and would reward the Moff for his dedicated service. All his plans would soon come to fruition. When it was all over he would keep Nullin close, as his little secret. Who knows what other little ideas Terra might come up with? Nullin stood at the view port in his office looking out at the Virulant. Bristling with weapons it was truly a sight to behold in the space dock. Even now Nullin’s own private project was being made to solve manpower shortages. The trouble was troops and personnel. To create the Juggernaught quickly enough Nullin had used his design of an unmanned shipyard that was fast and efficient. Using this knowledge he had been experimenting with another form of an unmanned factory: a robotics plant. In it he was creating sentient battle droids. Dressed in stormtrooper armor they would possess superior reflexes and strength. The added benefit that they could be massed produced and could be programmed to perform any function helped to improve their usefulness. Nullin had them grouped into each job function needed on the ship. He was pleasantly surprised to note that certain individual droids showed leadership qualities. When performing battle drills and exercises the ones in question took command. Nullin was actually quite proud of that though he hid the troopers’ real identities. Falsifying reports he made it look like troop transfers. The reason for this was simple: Nullin didn’t trust the Moff. He had no illusions as to why he had suddenly found himself in the Moff’s good graces. While he didn’t know the Moff’s reasons for wanting the juggernaught he doubted Nevis was just going to hand it over without wanting to gain something from it. Nullin had learned too much at the academy to not know a power hungry man when he saw one. He had been surrounded by them there and they had only gotten worse when they graduated. Nullin’s thoughts switched back to the present as Jerem entered the room. Dressed in his stormtrooper armor one could tell the difference between him and the human ones but Nullin could. They were solid professionals at all times. Jerem alone seemed the only one who seemed to loosen up at all, but that was because Nullin had ordered him to. Jerem was Nullin’s bodyguard and never left his side. Jerem had been the first successful model ever to be created. Using him as a template Nullin had made several variations off of him. “How long until everything is ready sir?” Jerem asked. Folding his arms behind his back Nullin turned to look at Jerem. “Soon. I have gone over the latest figures earlier today. We will complete the final test tomorrow.” Nullin said. Alarms blared at that moment and red lights flashed illuminating the room. Moving quickly to his desk Nullin pressed a button on the console activating communications. “What is going on?” Nullin asked. A clear voice of one of his captains came back loud and clear saying, “We are being attacked by imperial ships. They refused to answer all attempts at communication. They greatly outnumber us and appeared out of nowhere. We are moving to engage.” “No, withdraw to the planet once the Virulant is underway we will engage the enemy, signal Moff Nevis to head to his transport.” Nullin ordered calmly. “Sir my sensors already show his Lambda class shuttle leaving orbit on the far side of the planet. What should we do Admiral?” The captain asked. “Follow your orders captain and prepare all ships to jump to hyperspace.” Nullin said calmly. Releasing the button he hurried to the turbolift that would take Jerem and him to the docking bay where his own shuttle waited. Taking their seats they let the human pilot take off heading towards the Virulant. “What is happening Admiral?” Jerem asked. “I have a few guesses. The most likely one is someone is making a power grab and That however didn’t stop him from experience anger at the thought of being betrayed. Some major political maneuvering had happened just for something like this to occur. Moffs though power hungry tended not to try to take another’s territory. It usually proved too costly, and the Emperor punished open infighting. What had changed that allowed another Moff to move in? Another question was the same one that every member of his fleet was asking: How had they been discovered. Few knew about the Juggernaught project, and anyone that did wouldn’t have talked. A second turbolift took him to the bridge. Hundreds of personnel worked diligently to get the Juggernaught underway as he watched. Nullin looked out the view port calmly taking in the approaching ships. “Is the fleet ready to jump out?” Nullin asked not turning from his view of space. “Yes sir Admiral. All are reporting in, but there is some concern that they will be engaged by the approaching vessels before they can.” Captain Jessa said. Her dark brown eyes and hair were mixed in with her figure made her quite attractive. Nullin at one time upon first meeting her had considered a relationship but thought better of it. While he often thumbed his nose at foolish regulations he had no intention of doing anything that might harm his troops. His relationships with his officers were strictly professional and he preferred to keep it that way. Mixing business with pleasure had a habit of backfiring. “I have already considered that captain. Tell all gunners to target the lead enemy ships. We will hold them off while the rest of the fleet makes the jump to light speed.” Nullin said. Hesitating for a moment Capt. Jessa relayed his orders. After she was finished he motioned over to the view port, while the rest of the crew was busy carrying out their various tasks. Here they could talk privately with little interruptions. “A problem?” Nullin said quietly. “Yes sir, this ship hasn’t had a real field test. This would be its first time in actual combat. It seems like a great risk especially given this ships worth.” Jessa said. Nullin’s red eye slits glowed as he looked Jessa in the eye. “This is a combat ship captain. If it cannot serve in that function when the cards are down then it isn’t that much use to us is there? This seems as good a time as any to see what it can do. Perhaps we have even worked some of those bugs out. That would be nice to see wouldn’t it?” Nullin said. The last two sentences had been a joke and Jessa smiled. She had to admit that the Admiral had guts if nothing else; the trouble was the enemy didn’t know that and would expect him to retreat. Now they were about to find out that they had just made a very foolish assumption. The Virulant opened its first salvo taking out three enemy capital ships and a good portion of their approaching fighters. Nullin held his own in reserve intending to leave no one behind, as they made the sudden jump joining the rest of the fleet once they were clear. There were still a lot of ships left and they had their work cutout for them. Looking through the view port Nullin stood calmly as the ship was rocked by turbolaser fire. His gunners put up a wall of fire literally destroying any capital ship that tried to cross it, and many fighters. Any ship that wanted to survive at all had to brave the gauntlet of fire power that the Virulant was dishing out. Fighters that made one run on the large defending ship had trouble getting back out to open space alive for another one. The gunners tracked them expertly and were well trained as well as organized. Targeting computers let them track their targets even if the fighters tried to stay close adjusting their vectors to automatically make the shot easier. If anything the fighters that stayed close allowed the computers to lock onto them easier so the gunner had only to squeeze the trigger once they appeared in their scopes. “Are there any interdictor class vessels out there?” Nullin asked the nearest sensors operator. “Yes sir, two are moving to intercept. They should be in range in thirty seconds.” The operator said. Nodding Nullin said, “Good you may fire when ready.” A number of the Juggernaughts gunners switched their attentions to the interdictor cruiser as they heard the Admiral’s orders. Firing at will they sent multiple shots into the two ships obliterating them within moments. Two huge explosions took out neighboring tie fighters that couldn’t get clear in time. “Shields weakening sir.” A shield operator called out as a red warning light flashed on his board and he checked shield levels. “I think we have stayed long enough make the jump to light speed.” Nullin said. He heard the Captain relay his orders as he considered the performance of the Virulant and its crew all in all it hadn’t performed too badly. The Virulant had only suffered minor damage to its hull while the enemy was missing eight of its ships out of twenty. All of that had been done without the aid of fighters.
Chapter 2 Nullin sat in his captain’s chair stationed in the middle of the command deck pondering the current situation. “Sir, communications have just decrypted a message from Coruscant. The Emperor was assassinated at Endor. Apparently the rebels destroyed a new Death Star they were building there.” Jessa said. Nullin was surprised that they had built another one after the first one had been destroyed by the rebel alliance. As he thought about it that did explain why the other Moff had attacked. Now everyone in power was fighting for the right to be called the next Emperor. Nullin and the small fleet he had under his command were now caught in the middle of a civil war as imperial forces engaged each other. Nullin was a simple soldier who had no desires for galactic domination. His goal was simple: keep his people alive and get them to safety. “What are your orders sir?” Jessa asked. The idea of duty seemed almost ludicrous right now. Technically he owed no one now. Nullin could leave and find some quiet part of the universe, and perhaps rise to some high position in a small military organization. The idea did have its appeal. Looking at his crew he found all of them looking at him expectantly. They trusted him just as all the crews did. He was Nullin Terra the man who had protected them, and risked his life as well as his career many times to help them. Facing those trusting faces he wondered how many others would be left behind in the struggle for power. “Call the captains here. We will meet in the briefing room in two hours.” Nullin replied. All the captains of each of the ships in the fleet gathered in the meeting room. Taking their seats they waited for Nullin to arrive. It took less than a minute for him to enter. Rising from their seats and standing at attention they showed their respect. Motioning for them to be seated Nullin remained standing. “As you all have no doubt heard our Emperor was killed at Endor. Right now I believe the Empire we once served is now gone, and now those in power are fighting to become the next Emperor. Moff is turning against Moff, admiral against admiral, and captain against captain and so on. I intend to gather the stragglers like us: those caught in the middle of the fighting civilian and military alike. When we have rescued all we can we will take them to someplace safe and out of the way. It will be a dangerous mission and all former oaths no longer exist. You are now free of all former obligations. Those of you who wish it may leave now. I’m giving you this one chance. After this my orders are law. There will be no changing of your minds. Return to your ships and speak to your crews. Once you all have made your decision you can return here tomorrow at 1400 hrs. Dismissed people.” Nullin said. Nullin waited a moment but none of them moved. Not one of the various captains tried to stand up or made any indication that they intended to leave. “Did you not hear me or were my words not understood?” Nullin said eyeing each of them. He watched as all turned to Capt. Jessa and nodded apparently all sharing the same thought. Rising Jessa stood at attention saying, “There is no need to ask our crews admiral. We already know what their answer will be. We might have lost the empire we once served, but we haven’t lost the admiral we have always trusted. We go where you go.” Nullin stood there shocked by this response. He had not expected something like this. He had served under many of these captains at the beginning of his career as a low ranked technician. Over the course of that career he had proven himself time and time again. Nullin might have still been a tech. if it had not been for chance. Iriv Tenosha a young captain among them could attest to that. In the battle of the Tethan Moons he had been a lieutenant on the bridge of an Imperial Class Star Destroyer. His ship had suffered major damage, and his captain and the rest of the higher rank officers had been wounded. While others panicked Nullin had taken command calling for a fighter screen, he started an organized retreat saving his ship from almost certain destruction. It had earned him the very command that Captain Tenosha now held aboard the Hydra and begun Nullin’s own career as a captain. He had fought hard for these men’s respect but had never believed that he had truly earned it. To many in the Imperial Navy he was an alien who didn’t belong. Now that they had their chance to leave his command and branch out on their own, he had expected them to take it. Not one of them however had chosen this decision. Looking into their eyes he saw that same look of trust that he had seen hours earlier on his bridge. It was a profound moment for Nullin to realize that they were here by choice not because they had to be. “Thank you all.” Was all that Nullin said in one heartfelt moment embarrassing everyone there. They all smiled at him sharing in the moment glad to be there. Regaining his composure Nullin said, “Alright people we have a lot to do. I want battle drills on the hour. Let’s see how quickly we can muster and get ready for a fight. I believe we can improve on our last encounter, and I expect nothing less than every crewmember being able to do his or hers job in their sleep. Am I understood?” Nullin’s voice raised when he asked the question booming and filled with authority. Rising immediately to their feet they stood at attention and saluted. “Yes Admiral!” They said in a clear chorus. “Dismissed!” Nullin said watching them file out. When the last of them left to carry out their orders, Nullin couldn’t help but smile. Just when he thought he had things all figured out, life threw out one of it little surprises. Heading for the door he said to himself, “I’ll take this one.”
Chapter 3 The Virulant and the launchers exited hyperspace, first firing on the unsuspecting Imperial fleet that was establishing a new power base in the Daelnen System. The people were resisting but already their defenses had been breached. Nullin ordered his ships to engage the enemy at close range using the Virulant to take the brunt of the damage. “We will hold the enemy’s attention while our troops supported by two squadrons of our fighters retrieve the populace. Send the message out Captain.” Nullin said. Walking to the communications officer station Nullin studied the screen. Pointing to one blip and the data stream coming from it Nullin made a decision. “Target the lead ship with the Virulant’s guns that is sending out commands to the rest. It will sow confusion among their ranks, and we can end this battle with fewer casualties to both sides.” Nullin said. As much as they might be his enemies he had to offer them the chance to change. He watched as the Virulant’s weapons fired upon the lead star destroyer ripping it to pieces. It had a profound psychological affect on the other ships as their command structure was obliterated in those few moments. “Send a general transmission to all enemy ships: I am Admiral Nullin Terra in command of the fleet you now face aboard the Virulant. You will cease all further hostilities or you will be destroyed ship to ship. Any one who attempts to take command of the rest will be the first to be destroyed. Send a delegation of each of your captains to discuss your unconditional surrender to my command ship.” Nullin said. Then enemy realized they were outgunned and outmatched. The holonet was full of transmissions showing the enemy captains acknowledging the terms and agreeing to meet him. Nullin’s troops had already landed on the planet, and beaten back the enemy there giving the captains little choice but to surrender. They now faced a well-organized enemy on the planet and in space. The evacuations were well underway as Nullin didn’t want to be in the system anymore than he had to. When the captains arrived Nullin managed to win many of them over discussing his plan with them. Those who did not join him were removed from command along with anyone who supported them and left on the planet. In the end few chose the latter. Quickly adding the new ships to his fleet Nullin spread the refugees among them and had his ships jump away. Della found him going over the battle reports in his quarters. Nullin had made some notes for a number of improvements he could make thanks to the gathered data, and the needed adjustments he felt they might need in the future. Della waited patiently until he acknowledged her presence, even though she knew he had registered her when she made her entrance. “What is our next move sir?” Della asked standing before his desk at attention when he glanced up. Pressing a button to shutoff the holoviewer he was looking at on the wall behind him, he turned off the image of a new fighter Nullin replied, “We will have to adjust our battle plan. Eventually our enemies will catch on, this time we were lucky.” Turning back to the holoviewer Nullin turned it back on. Della looked at the technical readout display as it appeared on the screen. It had wings like a inward curved blade thus it’s name: The Scimitar. “I have tested it in a few computer simulations with promising results. There is a nearby system with the facilities to build these new fighters. I believe they will help improve our chances.” Nullin said bringing up a star map of the system he had indicated. Looking it over Della said, “It has an independent shipbuilding facility that could be easily adapted to our uses. Unfortunately our reports show a nearby fleet that could prove a significant threat. If the Moff in that region becomes aware of us, he could easily bring its full force to bare on our fleet.” “I have considered that. The MLs and the Virulant will conduct hit and run fades. I will need you to take command of the rest of the fleet, and capture all that we need from that facility. We will take it and the people there with us. We need a mobile platform to support this new fleet we are building. Here are the technical plans you will need to achieve your mission. Take the combat tech. units we have created with you. They will prove the most ideal for the given situation.” Nullin said. “Yes sir.” Della said, “May I also ask for Jerem to lead the ground troops. You yourself have mentioned on many occasions that he is the finest trooper you have ever seen. I have heard it said among the army personnel that all them, would trust Jerem to lead them. Sir I think it is time for Jerem to take command of the army. We could use him.” Nullin was hesitant to let Jerem go. He grown accustomed to counting on his bodyguard, but this promotion was long overdue. Now that Nullin was in command he could give Jerem the job he deserved. “Alright you will command the ships and Jerem will command the troops. He will report directly to you. Give him free rein on this one captain. Let’s see what Jerem can really do.” Nullin said. Saluting Della said, “Yes sir.” Leaving the captain’s quarters Della found Jerem in the mess conversing with some of the stormtroopers. Though he didn’t need to eat he found it to be quite helpful to learn the needs of the army to report back to Nullin. The troops felt comfortable with him and knew he had Nullin’s ear speaking on their behalf. Now Jerem had the chance to prove himself as a full fledged general, and Nullin knew he couldn’t deny him that chance. “Alright you will command the ships and he will command the troops.” Nullin said. Della saluted and didn’t smile until she was outside heading away from his room. She was looking forward to seeing Jerem in action.
Chapter 4 Entering the shipyards through a docking bay Jerem and his group had encountered only light resistance so far. Carrying a heavily modified light repeating pistol along with his standard blaster rifle, and some sonic grenades of his own design, Jerem was a one man army. Following his lead his stormtroopers began taking key points before the major resistance came. Sirens started to blare as defending security forces in drab yellow and green uniforms tried to mount an offense. Jerem could hear the fire of e-web blasters as his troopers defended each point with success. Thus far everything was going to plan. Each trooper had a com unit built into their helmets that allowed them to easily communicate and update each other on their situation. The enemy didn’t have this hands free advantage. Instead they had to use comlinks that took one of their hands out of the fight because they had to hold it. This made it hard to aim with anything larger than a blaster pistol, and many of them used blaster rifles which required two hands for good aiming. “General Jerem, enemy troop transports approaching the shipyards. I have my hands full right now so I had to let them through.” Della’s voice came in over his com. “Roger. Team two do you have anyone you can spare?” Jerem said noticing his own techs were only half finished. Jerem made a point to learn as much as he could about any situation he walked into. He knew what his techs had to do and intended to buy them as much time as he could. Once the techs were finished Jerem’s troopers could concentrate on offense. © 2008 Cylis Derrens |
1 Review Added on March 19, 2008 Author