I am from kindness, hugs, gentleness and love.
Pecan trees, stinging bees, no TV and magnolia trees.
Encouraging words, an absent father, a sickly brother, a Godly mother.
Poverty mixed with abundance, peach pie, analyzing clouds in a clear spring
Clean clothes hanging on the clothesline, watermelon in the summer time.
Helping neighbors, space heaters, homemade bread, and prayers before bed.
I am from red Georgia clay that once on your clothes was there to stay.
Grass-less lawns and sweet honeysuckle. Hot and lazy summer days.
I am from walking to school, washing dishes in a sink,
a claw foot tub and hardwood
floors, hand-me-down clothes,
pinto beans and costume jewelry from my Grand-Mother.
I am from mopping the design off of floral linoleum rugs that were
paper thin and blindingly bright.
I am from one amazing winter spent in Macon with my Great Aunt and Uncle.
I am from special gifts from my Mother and her brothers, a hope chest, a
Goldilocks watch,
a change purse, $100 at my high
school graduation.
I am from brothers who called me "sister". I am from
I'm from Ask and it will be given, If the good Lord is willing, and two wrongs
don't make a right.
Say your prayers, forgive others, mind your manners, watch your brothers.
I am from country living in a big city, redheaded woodpeckers and my
Grandfathers’ hybrid roses.
I am from compassion and honesty, yes ma'am and no sir, falling asleep to a
symphony of crickets and waking to my Mothers’ singing.
I am from lots of praying and trusting in God.
I am from Do as I say and Do as I do, Do unto others, Do for yourself, You can
Do this, Do it right the first time. Do you know how much I love you?
I am from the school of hard knocks and the invisible privilege of a home
filled with joy and unconditional love--
and for this amazing and priceless gift, I am forever grateful.