Kate's Memoir
A Book by SamBug
After her suicide, Kate's suicide is found and requested to be read to everyone at her funeral. But when the note doesn't seem to add up to her suicide, Justin Malone feels the need to investigate. 
© 2011 SamBug
Author's Note
I'm kind of just testing this out. I don't know how far its really going to go but I have the first few chapters written so I'll post them and see how it goes. Just let me know what you think and tell me if I should go any farther.
I'd read it.
It sounds interesting. :)
Posted 13 Years Ago
1 Review
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on July 4, 2011
Last Updated on July 4, 2011
SamBugGTown, AR
So these things are always hard to fill out but I suppose I'm going to try to describe me as best as possible.
My name is Sam. Some people call me Sammy poo, Sam Bug, or simply Sam Loo. I'm .. more..