![]() AsherA Chapter by curvedbean![]() Sometimes, those we think are the enemy, are just as tortured as ourselves.![]() The long boat glided through the still water. Asher could see no more than a few feet on all sides of the boat. The further inland they traveled, the thicker the fog grew. With no wind this far upstream, everything was deathly quiet. Only the slapping of the oars in and out of the water could be heard, occasionally interrupted by orders barked by the captain. Asher hated being on the water, hated the motion of being rocked back and forth. If he'd had any food in his stomach, it surely would have been all over the deck right now. Fortunately, from under the darkness of his hood, the queasy look was not noticeable. A deckhand ran by, his arms trying to contain various coils of rope. "You there!" Asher called as the man ran by. "How much further till we are docked? We should have arrived hours ago. Why are we using this damn rowboat? You're not being paid to sightsee." "Begging your pardon, sir," the deckhand stammered, "but the captain didn't want to risk the ship taking damage from the shallows." Asher took a step forward, placed his gloved hand on the young man's shoulder and the other dropped to the weapon at his side. "His ship is of no concern to me." Asher spoke in a measured tone. "I have a schedule to keep and this little detour has put me behind." The deckhand could feel a strange chill coming off of this man. But it wasn't the type of chill that you would get from staying in the damp fog for too long. This felt un-natural, as if he wasn't even alive. It sent a chill down his spine. The young man swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat. "Apologies, sir. I'll let the captain know that his passenger is concerned." Asher smiled to himself as he watched the young man scurry off looking for his captain. It was amusing when he had the opportunity to make others feel uncomfortable, something he had developed a taste for in years gone by. Turning away from the boat railing, he made his way to the chest strapped in the center of the boat. Placing his hand atop the lid, he closed his eyes and murmured a few words to ensure that the enchantments placed on the chest were still intact. He could not risk the opposing magic from its contents to overcome his own protective words. The last thing he needed was to lose this treasure, especially after all he'd already dealt with to get it. "Be at ease, Asher. The spells placed on the chest are unbreakable." A recognizable shiver crawled down his spine. The same shiver that accompanied the voice whenever he heard it, still making him uncomfortable after so many years. He knew no one else could hear it, this voice was meant for him alone. Though it made his skin crawl when he heard it, the voice was now so familiar that he began to wonder if maybe it was actually his own. "Hoy, Asher! You keep scarin' off them sea rats, eventually they gonna tell you ta get off dis dinghy. Not fer nothin, it is a bit a fun watchin em scurry off like that." Asher rolled his eyes. This was one voice he was not in the mood to hear. It grated on his nerves, mostly because he knew that this individual didn't believe the importance of this trip. And so, as usual, Asher chose not to respond. "Hallo? Ash? Ah, yer talking to yer box again, I see. So when ya gonna open it up? I'm dyin ta see wha all the fuss is about." Again, Asher gave no response. But he felt his temper rising from this man's annoying presence. Attempting to ignore his voice, Asher began to recite one of the many spells he know, when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. "Listen up, Ash. I don't like being ignored..." The man was cut off mid-sentence as Asher, in a whirl, stood up, spoke a short phrase and placed a hand on the handle of the mace hanging at his side."If you ever touch me again, Simon, you will not live to regret it." Simon struggled to breath as ha floated just above the bottom of the boat in front of Asher. "Let me make things perfectly clear," he continued "we are not equals. You would never be my equal at any time. I only contacted you out of a need for discretion. Do not make me regret keeping you around.: Turning his gaze from Simon, Asher removed his hand from the mace and walked away. Simon fell to the boat, gasping for breath. "Whoa, whoa. I know what yer capable of, Ash." he coughed. "I just wanted ta know what was in tha chest." "That is none of your concern, You're not being paid to know, you're being paid to escort the chest. Nothing more, nothing less. And you will call me Asher." After a brief pause to ensure that his point was taken, Asher continued walking. Climbing to his feet, Simon glared after him. "Do not underestimate me, magic-user." he whispered to himself. "We both know who's really calling the shots." Noticing the stares coming from the crew, he straightened up and attempted to exude an air of toughness. He placed his hand on his sword hilt, and cleared his throat. "See that, we just want to show ya what happens when ya git to nosy in our affairs. Let that be a lesson to the lot of ya." © 2019 curvedbean |
Added on December 12, 2019 Last Updated on December 12, 2019 |