Sounds like a diet. When genetics have so much to do with body shape, size and metabolism, I am rather annoyed that science's only answer for us is: "ok, fatso, you're on a diet." What a myopic and punitive discipline for folks who are already suffering from low self-esteem, skewed body image thoughts, crippling social anxiety and the concrete feeling that it is indeed because they are BAD people. I can gain weight on 900 calories a day -- with exercise. I had gastric bypass and experienced two years of bliss as a "normal" person. But then catastrophic events caused me to turn mindlessly to my drug of choice, food. No excuses -- it is my fault. Egad, didn't mean to holler from my soapbox so much! You see, it's a GOOD poem that can get me all riled up.
Hi Jazz...I am trying to maintain a balanced diet....but your great words inflicted the temptation to eat Pizzaaaaaaaa............... I wanna eat it....In fact, this is what literature meant for...It must make non-living things alive to those who read. A wonderful write...Thanks for sharing it.
Good expression of a person who has begun dieting! Though, fortunately, I haven' t gone through that phase, given that I have never put on much weight, but from the experiences of my acquanitances, i can say how miserable it feels! Well written :)
Ah, such insatiable contempt I find myself thinking of the foods you mention in this piece unless it's the other food that is mention of which our thought seem to may not be in the same corner then! Haha. Though hey, food is one that is never for the thought as if our thoughts of pizza and cake mean little to the worldly desire that is our thought. So much food for it yet we never feed ourselves from it or even under feed ourselves from it! For is it the worldly food of which we must be nourished with healthily? Or is the food that requires our thoughts to process that we took a "break"? Or is the food of lust that made its way around our inner desires that make us hunger for more of it! Hmm...beautiful piece for sure! :)
Sounds like someone who is on a diet of many sorts and the dreams are trying to show you that you have longing in your life. I like the idea of this poem. So close yet so far away.