Sounds like a diet. When genetics have so much to do with body shape, size and metabolism, I am rather annoyed that science's only answer for us is: "ok, fatso, you're on a diet." What a myopic and punitive discipline for folks who are already suffering from low self-esteem, skewed body image thoughts, crippling social anxiety and the concrete feeling that it is indeed because they are BAD people. I can gain weight on 900 calories a day -- with exercise. I had gastric bypass and experienced two years of bliss as a "normal" person. But then catastrophic events caused me to turn mindlessly to my drug of choice, food. No excuses -- it is my fault. Egad, didn't mean to holler from my soapbox so much! You see, it's a GOOD poem that can get me all riled up.
The image with the poem made me hungry. The speaker seems to be struggling with body-image and the societal conception of good looks and what people should look like. Meanwhile, the health nut in me is saying "just find something healthy to eat if you're hungry, and stop the second you no longer feel hungry!" I want to explain to the speaker how dieting is counterproductive because it actually puts the body in starvation mode and lowers the metabolism- when the body is deprived for food for too long it starts digesting muscle along with body fat, particularly muscle, and muscle burns far more calories than body fat.
Sounds like someone debating with themselves with food and also its so interesting!! Makes you think and keeps you on your toes. When anyone has a fear of eating too much for not eating enough (debating if this is what your poem was talking about, if not i'm sorry) This is the perfect poem with the thoughts maybe someone would go threw :) I truly loved it!!! thanks for sharing