Sounds like a diet. When genetics have so much to do with body shape, size and metabolism, I am rather annoyed that science's only answer for us is: "ok, fatso, you're on a diet." What a myopic and punitive discipline for folks who are already suffering from low self-esteem, skewed body image thoughts, crippling social anxiety and the concrete feeling that it is indeed because they are BAD people. I can gain weight on 900 calories a day -- with exercise. I had gastric bypass and experienced two years of bliss as a "normal" person. But then catastrophic events caused me to turn mindlessly to my drug of choice, food. No excuses -- it is my fault. Egad, didn't mean to holler from my soapbox so much! You see, it's a GOOD poem that can get me all riled up.
I do not like to assume but, it does not sound like it is food that our protagonist is craving. He's thinking about how long it will be before the next time 'he eats' or takes his next dose of whatever it is that tends to make him happy. His last line says it all! I guess this is how I feel about the world and food I've missed.
Since I had my gall bladder surgery years ago, I was put on a medication called, "Colestipol." It is ONE mega-appetite suppressant let me tell ya. For anyone who is not having Fibromyalgia or anything, I highly recommend it. I'm taking 1000mg daily now.
I only think about food when I'm hungry now, which is not very often.